Time is life

What a pity ... He had almost killed the referee.

Li Xianyu couldn't hide his disappointment. The sword of Qi was a Qi weapon, not a physical weapon. Qi weapons were especially concentrated by the heart. As long as he wanted, li Xianyu could even split it into silver needles and give the other party a pearflower storm needle.

Of course, the more it was divided, the weaker the sword of Qi would be.

After he stepped into half-step Gokudo path, he deepened his use of the sword of Qi and was able to use it separately.

with such a heavy injury, even if your self-healing ability is on par with mine, you won't be able to recover quickly. Moreover, I've added something extra to your injury. Hegemon poisontail stretched out a bloody palm.

Bright red blood and light purple blood flowed on the palm. The former was li Xianyu's, and the latter was from the spine.