An ambush

The middle-aged man, who had been warned in advance, did not panic. He composed himself and tried to reply to his boss in a calm tone.

He had no choice but to fully cooperate with li Xianyu. Just now, Aoki Yui told him that because she did not commit any unforgivable crime, she promised not to kill him and to keep him alive.

He could only choose to believe. Other than that, there were no other options for him to choose from. It was like gambling with his life. If he won, he would be able to escape.

The boss on the other end of the phone didn't doubt him and asked, " "How are they?"

The middle-aged man didn't know how to answer and looked up at Aoki Yui.

Li Xianyu was prepared and raised the Chinese characters written on the white paper: Tell him that you only saw one Aoki Yui, who stayed in a nearby hotel (it's best if it's not far from the dock, not too high-end).