Planting the flag

The driver was at a loss for a moment. He was a little unhappy. He thought to himself, " is this China man so distressed about the cost of the taxi that he wants to get off halfway? "

Filled with disdain and contempt for his neighboring country, the driver passed the gate, drove away from the elevated road, and parked on the side of the road.

3000 yen, thank you. The driver looked straight ahead.

Li peiyun was stunned. He looked down at the price meter, and the number displayed there told him that he did not hear wrong.

It was only a ten-minute drive from the airport, less than ten kilometers in total, and he was charging me 3000 yen?

It's about 200 yuan, and I can travel across Shanghai with that amount.

The rental fee to Japan is so expensive ... Li peiyun complained in his heart. He took out three 1000-Yuan notes from his wallet and threw them at the driver.