Kill her

Although li Xianyu's forehead was not full of cold sweat, he also felt the anxiety of an ant on a hot pan.

There was no doubt that his plan had gone wrong. If this matter was not handled well, he and the official organization would turn against each other.

What was the problem, and how should they deal with it?

Li Xianyu's brain cells worked at high speed. At the same time, he deeply understood what great-grandma had once said: If he could do it, he would definitely not talk.

Never try to use intelligence when you can solve things with force!

There might be a huge difference in strength, but in terms of intelligence, humans were actually not much different. After losing his physical strength, li Xianyu felt that he had fallen into the quagmire of competing with intelligence. These days, the coquettish guys in the Temple of Heaven were better at playing than the other.