Your despairing expression brings me joy every second

When li Xianyu approached the church with two women and a cat, he heard the voice of Aoki Yui. She was having an impassioned debate with li Xianyu, who was no stranger to her. It was Sakurai yukinako.

His originally calm face turned gloomy in an instant. Under the frightened eyes of the crowd outside the church, li Xianyu, who was known as the successor of the devil, strode into the church.

The church, which was noisy a moment ago, became so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard the next moment.

The bosses of the official organizations could not see the true face of the tightly wrapped man, but who else could be protected in the middle by the unparalleled war spirit and baoze's three nothingness besides li Xianyu?

Sakurai yukinako's pupils constricted. She was keenly aware that when li Xianyu entered the church, he glanced at her. That glance was full of murderous intent.