The plan works (end of volume)


Li Xianyu, who was about to turn his head to look at the battlefield, suddenly heard a clear cry. He saw the two masters rolling and trembling in the lava like mad Bulls in the Colosseum, each tearing off one of each other's arms.

Hegemon poisontail staggered backwards, while the ice shards, wreathed in flames, transformed back into their original forms and held hegemon poisontail in their arms as they shot into the sky.

Everyone's eyes lit up. Once again, their eyeballs were burned. As the scorching wind gushed toward them, their clothes and hair were immediately charred, emitting the stench of burning protein.

Flapping its wings, the flame bird, with a wingspan of a hundred meters, broke through the clouds and disappeared from everyone's sight. A huge hole appeared in the purple clouds, like a sky leak.

The person beside him was still covering his eyes. This scene was captured and added with a line of words: My dog eyes are blind.