The strongest under the starry sky

Victoria thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, " I heard that something big happened in Japan. The news came from there yesterday, and the president decided to go with the group in person.

"What's the big deal?" Ryder couldn't help but sit upright.

it's confidential. Even I don't know. That's all I can get. Victoria closed the magazine and crossed her arms in front of her chest. but we can look for clues from the side. The Japanese citizens said that there was a terrorist attack on the outskirts of Tokyo. Some people saw the fire shining through the clouds from dozens of miles away and guessed that it was a missile explosion. That area is still under lockdown, and the residents nearby have been relocated elsewhere, not allowed to return home."

the demon descendants of Japan said that there was a battle at the level of Gokudo path. The official organization and the deity society fought there, and the official organization won in the end.