We are both main tanks

Hearing li Xianyu's words, Beck richadson retracted his gaze from the unparalleled war spirit and turned to look at him.

President Beck is a warmonger, and so am I. I like to challenge strong people, especially those of a higher rank.

"My great-grandma ... Great-grandma doesn't like to compare notes with you. She has lived for so many years and has long gotten rid of these low-level interests."

Li Xianyu took the opportunity to criticize Beck reedrson. Of course, he seemed to be mocking himself. After all, he said that he liked challenges too.

you're not my match, " said Beck richadson indifferently. I'm not interested in playing house with children.

This was a very impolite remark. The demon descendants of the Association of superpowered beings had never liked to be humble and low-key. If they had something to say, they would say it directly. Beck richadson was the best in the world, so he did have the right to say this.