658 USD and JPY

They arrived at Shanghai Pudong Airport at 19:30 P. M.

Li Xianyu and his harem had just landed when they received a call from Thunderbolt battle lady. After telling her that he had landed, he hung up the phone.

When he arrived at the landing floor, he saw his girlfriend, who he had not seen for a long time, in the crowd.

She was wearing a pair of light white tight-fitting jeans that outlined the rare curves of her long legs vividly. She was wearing a white undershirt, a pink knitted sweater, and a light-colored jacket.

It was like a scene in the crowd, causing people to cast sidelong glances.

Battle lady's facial features might not be the most outstanding in the harem, but the style of a mixed-blood beauty, as well as her tall figure and long legs, was enough to make her stand in front of cuihua's great-grandma San Wu.