The interrogation

The Wu family in Northeast China, this demon descendant family, had officially appeared. It was recorded in the genealogy about 180 years ago. At that time, the Qing Dynasty had just signed the first unequal treaty in the history of China.

The start of the First Opium War indicated that this dynasty of nearly 300 years was heading toward destruction.

In times of chaos, there were already heroes, and at the same time, there were thieves.

When the Qing regime weakened, their control over the country would also fall. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were many demon descendant families, and the Wu family was not remarkable at that time.

However, most of the demon descendant families that sprung up after the rain were crushed by the rolling trend of the times. The Wu family had persisted through the chaotic times and walked towards peace. Until today, it had become one of the seven major surnames in the demon descendant community.