A trap


The bullet pierced through Chairman Zhang's heart. Li Xianyu, who had his eyes on his sister, immediately turned his head. The next moment, he saw the thugs attacking their companions who were unaware of it.

Li Xianyu and great-grandma raised their hands and pressed down almost at the same time.

In an instant, the air seemed to be given weight, like a mountain pressing on everyone's shoulders, forcing them to kneel on the ground. Their bodies trembled, and they were unable to move a finger.

The young Chairman Xu supported the dying Chairman Zhang, his face full of shock, anger, and confusion.

In his risk assessment, he had considered the possibility of the master of the great deities Palace turning against him, so he had brought so many bodyguards. He had never expected that the bodyguards he had entrusted his life to were actually the Renegades who had tried to kill him.