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Li Qianyu!

These three words to li peiyun were like the Golden circlet to Sun Wukong.

Li peiyun was stunned at first, then he was filled with anger and shame. He wanted to beat his chest and stomp his feet, dig a hole in the ground and bury himself. His face slowly turned into the color of a pig's liver, and he was so angry that he shivered.

how did you know? how did you know ... Li peiyun glared at dan chenzi fiercely.

of course, it was li Xianyu who told me,'li peiyun, that idiot, was fascinated by me in Europe.' He was very proud when he said this. Dan chenzi did not hesitate to sell li Xianyu out, and even laughed and mocked li peiyun.

Li peiyun held his breath and his face was hot.

He had long guessed that this would be the case. He had long guessed that li Xianyu would show off to his friends at the same level. How could he not know li Xianyu's temper?