Stinky Daoist priest is not interested in women

This was ... A half-step Gokudo path?

At this time, the mysterious aura on dan chenzi's body had dissipated. His essence, Qi, and spirit were restrained, and there was no abnormality. However, as a master of the same realm, it was not difficult for li peiyun to see that dan chenzi had stepped into the half-step Gokudo realm.

"The essence, Qi, and spirit aren't perfectly coordinated. Among them, the spirit is the strongest, followed by the Qi movement, and the body is the weakest. However, he had great potential because his spiritual power was too strong, which raised his Foundation. But correspondingly, the difficulty of stepping into Gokudo path will increase, just like that bitch." Li peiyun observed dan chenzi and made a judgment in his heart.