I feel something is wrong

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room turned their eyes to dan chenzi.

Dan chenzi was silent for a moment. Then he said, " at first, I accidentally found Qing Huizi's abnormality. She screamed in master's courtyard. It startled me.

"I immediately went to check. When I arrived at the courtyard, I found that the master and disciple pair were very calm. When he asked me what happened, he didn't answer and sent me away instead. My sharp senses detected their abnormality ..."

after dinner, I went to look for Qing Huizi alone at about eight.. clock in the evening. She was indeed very different from usual ...

Li Xianyu listened in silence and wanted to laugh.

There's no need for you to report in such detail. The big boss just wants to use you to start the conversation. The Shangqing sect was annihilated by the ancient demon.

This was it.

'And your way of reporting is like an elementary school student telling a story ...'