I've long heard of you, President Beck

Coming out of conference hall No. 2, the leaders of the Association of superpowered beings left baoze under the leadership of Beck reedrson, and they were silent all the way.

Outside the baoze building, Beck richadson waved his hand. "No need to send us off, we'll go back to the hotel by ourselves."

Lightning King nodded sensibly and made a gesture of farewell.

After walking for a while, the white man with a beard that covered half of his face finally spoke. He frowned and said, " President, we could have asked for more rewards. Why did you give up the shedding so easily? "

"Does baoze dare to refuse? The unparalleled war spirit and the master of the great deities Palace are obviously not the opponent of the ancient demon."

The captains nodded slightly. This made sense.