The forgotten ruler

"Where is the master of the great deities Palace?" Qin ze looked at the door and frowned immediately when he did not see ice shards.

"She needs to prepare some things." Li Xianyu explained simply and led Li peiyun and the others to their seats.

The nine directors had already projected their holographic projections and were waiting in the office. Their faces were quite solemn. This was inevitable. Buddha head was dead, Kyo Kusanagi was lost, and Beck richadson had become an enemy.

The situation was so grim that even with their shrewdness, it was difficult for them to maintain a calm attitude.

"Let's talk about the good news first. The bad news always has to be left for last." Qin ze cleared his throat. the bloodline Alliance has been completely annihilated. Without the direct intervention of the ruler, the price we have paid is much smaller than what we originally estimated.