Men die for wealth, birds die for food

"President Beck, I have a question." A young man with neatly combed slicked-back hair suddenly spoke.

Marl gattirahan's attitude could affect a large number of people, but there were still people who followed the rules and raised questions.

Beck richadson immediately looked at the young man and laughed,"Please speak, Mr. Isashi."

The young man was the heir to the gang saxophone Financial Group. His father was in poor health and had been living in seclusion for many years. The financial Group was handed over to his son to manage. He was a very talented young man.

"Controlling time, let's assume that this is real. Then I would like to ask, how do we deal with an enemy who can manipulate time?" "In the face of time, all methods are futile," said gang saxophone.

At this point, the young heir of the financial Group glanced at marl gattirahan without leaving a trace. He agreed so readily ... Hehe.