Tian Ji's horse racing

As Thunder's foot landed, it covered the sky as if the sky had collapsed.

Duo erjing sneered. fancy tricks.

He grabbed the braid and swung it hard. The braid wrapped around his neck. Although it was easy to regenerate hair, he still could not treasure it.

In his eyes, braids were a symbol of his status, a strong characteristic of the times.

After the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, the order to shave hair became a political symbol. From Nurhachi to Huang Taiji, they all went against this policy. However, none of them succeeded. It was not until that kid, Fu Lin, succeeded the throne that duoerjie re-implemented this policy in the second year of Shunzhi.

He killed until heads rolled on the ground, and finally, the entire country was filled with money.

That year, the little emperor was just an ignorant child.

Braids were extraordinary and important in duo erqu's eyes.

It was just a habit of his to wear a vest.