Two brothers, this little brother will be back soon

There were Wars everywhere in the great deities Palace. The demon descendants of baoze, the great demons 'Alliance, and the demon descendants of various Southeast Asian countries were fighting on the dark brown Plains. There were one-on-one battles, small-scale battles in groups of a few people, and chaotic battles of dozens of people.

There were casualties on both sides. In the level of senior employees and below, baoze's employees were not much stronger than the southeast Asian demon descendants and the Association of superpowered beings.

The key players were the firepower output and the top S-Class.

Like half-step Gokudo path, the top S-Class was very strong and very weak. Baoze's ten gods had long been at the top of the top S-Class. After taking the meat of evolution, people like the God of ape, Thunderlord, and God of food, who were good at fighting, had touched the threshold of half-step Gokudo path, just like San Wu a few months ago.