Desperate situation

Li Xianyu opened his eyes and saw Beck richadson waving his Kusanagi sword, aggressively attacking Thunderlord and the others.

What made his scalp numb was that dan chenzi and Li peiyun did not retreat, and baoze's top S-Class members did not retreat either. The lesson of the great demons 'Alliance was right in front of them, but they followed the same path without hesitation and faced the enemy's butcher knife ...

"Come back and get into formation!" Li Xianyu roared and shot out like lightning, blasting a cloud of soil and splashing it all on Qin ze. He was unaware of it and was still asleep.

Thunderlord and the others heard his voice and showed joy. They saw li Xianyu's figure from the corner of their eyes and immediately gave up the idea of dying. The top S-Class members retreated and threw themselves into the law phenomenon created by the ape God to form a joint attack.