King Kong's furious gaze

Marl gattilahan immediately stared at Jie SE's finger, which was glowing with Fire and Gold. He raised his eyebrows. half-step Gokudo path?!

What the hell, are you done?

Another half-step Gokudo path?

Is there any special way for the China demon descendants to train half-step Gokudo path?

If Qin ze was an accident, then since last year, the F4 of the demon descendants community had stepped into half-step Gokudo path one after another, which made people feel very unreasonable.

It felt like a great era was coming.

Throughout history, it was only during times of chaos that outstanding figures would emerge.

"Is it a hidden benefit brought about by the revival of the ancient demons?" A light flickered in marl gattilahan's eyes. He stopped in mid-air, clenched his fist, accumulated power, and threw a punch.

His fingers, which seemed to be cast from gold, collided with the huge fist of the huge marl gattilahan.