Meeting of all parties

High seas, an American patrol ship!

It was mid-April, and the sea breeze blew on their faces, bringing with it a cool and salty taste. The sea surface rippled, and when the wind was strong, it would make a splashing sound.

Duo erqian crossed his arms and stood by the railing of the deck, looking out at the endless ocean.

After eating until the sky turned dark, he was finally full and his strength had recovered.

The fatigue from the battle with the immortal Bird disappeared.

The captain stood behind him, maintaining a distance that was neither too far nor too close, ready to listen to the orders of this important figure at any time.

After a few hours, the sailors and soldiers on the ship were still full of fear for the engine. They all hid in the cabin and did not dare to come out, leaving the captain to take the blame.

The patrol ship was floating in the ocean, and its communication with the outside world was cut off. No one could contact the outside world.