Desperate situation?

The coastal waters of new city!

The patrol ship cruised aimlessly in the night wind. Dorchin stood on the deck with his hands behind his back, and a six-meter-tall egg was beside him.

It was hard to tell if his expressionless face was serious or indifferent, but his eyes were staring straight in one direction.

This distance was very good. If there were any changes in the battlefield ahead, he could arrive in time to provide assistance, but he would not let himself be far away from the sea.

Ten minutes later, the captain ran out of the bridge and said loudly, " "Sir, the radar has detected high-energy life forms."

High-energy life forms were used to describe Gokudo Masters.

A few minutes later, Dolf saw a motorboat coming over, braving the wind and waves.

The pilot was a girl who looked like a high school student. The sea breeze ruffled her hair, and her beautiful white face had an unparalleled charm under the refraction of the shimmering light.