First contact

Walls have ears. Doors have eyes'. A phrase commonly used to warn others to be careful when and where they speak, as anyone could be listening. However, how would you react if someone were to say that, walls do a lot more than listening?

And that very someone who could, had just passed out in the arms of a very handsome and confused stranger.

Having a young woman faint the very second that he had opened the door was not even the last thing the young man would have expected. The man knew that he had plenty of admirers, but none had greeted him in such a bold way. With the woman leaning on him with no intention of waking up soon he had no choice but to carry her inside by wrapping one arm around her back and bending slightly to wrap the other round the back of her thighs. 

She was light, he thought, as he re-entered his house. Too light.

It was only after kicking the door shut behind him that he had a chance to fully look at the woman who had been knocking at his door at an absurd time of night before fainting into his arms. Using the corridor lighting to his advantage he examined her, it was only then that he noticed something was terribly wrong. She was injured. He could not figure out whether this woman was young, old, beautiful or ugly as her face was indistinguishable due to both fresh and dried blood, from unknown sources, covering her small face. Her clothes looked worse for wear, dirty and slightly tattered.

The man stood frozen in place; his mind blank. He had no idea what to do due to shock. If it were not for his brother in dining room yelling again about the food being cold, he would have been in a trance for much longer.  

"Ryver, shut up. I need you and the first aid kit, in my room now!" 

The young man shouted cutting of his brother's grumbling about the food that had long gone cold. They both sprang into action as soon as that was said. They executed the process without hesitation, as if it were regular occurrence. One headed upstairs to lay the girl down, whilst the other man, known as Ryver, abruptly stood up from the dining table to retrieve the first aid kit from the kitchen before also heading up. However, the scene that met Ryver's eyes was truly shocking as he approached the door of the bedroom.

"In that short amount of time between answering the door and calling me you have already seduced and taken a girl to bed?" He commented in response to what he saw. Even adding in a look of approval and a thumbs up with his free hand.

It appeared that the young man had forgotten that he was holding the first aid kit for a reason, until he had moved closer to the bed.  As he approached, he noticed that the girl unconscious and quite simply the definition of a bloody mess.

"Hold up, hold up. You want me to tidy up your mess. What on earth did you do to the poor girl? … Gustie, I had no idea you were into that dangerous shit," he jokingly said.

As he stopped at the side of the bed, he really took his time to observe the bloodied and dishevelled appearance of the unconscious girl who his brother was currently undressing. It looked like she had been in some type of struggle before breaking free.

"Shut up Ryver, just help me take care of her wounds. The quicker she wakes up, the faster she leaves." Irritation could be heard clearly in the young man's voice as he lifted his head to look at Ryver who was standing on the other side.

Ryver shook his head gently as he watched his brother struggle to unbutton the girl's shirt with extreme care. The young lad was probably worried he would hurt the girl further, by adding pressure to possible cuts and bruising on her body that could be covered by her tattered clothing. He really had to do something about his brother's way of speech. Despite the fact he was truly worried for the girl on the bed, he would never let it show. 

"August leave it to me. Go and scout the area. This seems a lot complex than first glance. I want to make a detailed report about the wounds, incase we need to report this. I can't have someone distracting me" Ryver ordered. 

August silently agreed and started to leave to allow Ryver to do what he knew best.  Nodding as a good bye August left and Ryver watched until he disappeared from his sight. It was only when Ryver heard the front door close did he turn all of his attention back towards the girl. 

As he looked at her he took notice of the young woman's tiny feet that only had one shoe on. It was clear that she had experienced quite a chase and had run for quite some time from how swollen and haggard the bare foot looked. However, why was that the case? Ryver thought, he knew for a fact that there were plenty of houses in the neighbourhood, even along the street they lived in. In fact, their house was in the middle of the street. 

So why did she pick us? A pair of brothers who had just moved in and had yet to even spend a night in the new place they would call home.