The awakening

The young girl snapped her eyes open exactly at 5:50am. Her body would not allow her otherwise. What met her eyes though, was an unfamiliar ceiling. Instead of a smooth concrete ceiling with fluorescent lamps above, it was plain white with a single bulb in the middle of the square ceiling. She slowly turned her head to her left in fear of worsening her headache. There was nothing special, a small white bedside table, two doors which probably was the opening do the persons wardrobe, and a couple of boxes she presumed belonged to a wardrobe and some stacked boxes in the corner. 

She had no idea whether this was a good or bad situation to be in. She had tried to get up, but she was restricted. Her limbs were heavy due to the bandaging. For some unknown reason whoever fixed her up had literally bandaged her whole body, either that person was uncertain about how much bandage was necessary for her injuries; she was actually injured beyond belief; or they wanted to restrict her. She could not tell which reason was more plausible. All she knew was that she was in an ordinary room, lying on a normal bed - a double sized bed at that. Something she knew she had not experienced for a while.

She slowly then turned her head to observe the rest of the room as best as she could with her eyes. It appeared that the bed took up most of the space. However, as she laid her eyes to her left, she realised there was a man kneeling on the ground. His head buried in the bed, it appeared as if he was sleeping but despite how uncomfortable the position looked his head was grasping her bandaged hand that was peeking out of the sheets. 

But why?

Despite the lingering question, she was more elated that about the fact that it was not a dream. There really was a handsome stranger that opened the door in her time of need.  Before she could attempt to speak out to him, the door was pushed opened and another man walked in carrying a mug in one hand and a glass of water in another.

"Oh, sleeping beauty is finally awake. I was expecting you to be knocked out for longer" Ryver exclaimed once he had set his eyes on her. 

He had not realised that his appearance had gone into shock. If the guy who had opened the door was the person who had just entered who was the person holding her hand. Her question was shortly answered as August had been awoken by Ryver's commotion. 

Whilst rubbing his eyes with his free hand, August glanced to his left and saw the girl was awake. Her black eyes were so expressive that he could clearly see what she was thinking. As the girl was awake there was no need to continue to hold her hand, so he removed it instantly. 

"Who are you?"  He asked abruptly, his voice still laced with sleep. 

"Gustie! That is not how we treat visitors in this house. Where on earth are your manners? Look honey, here is some water. Sip it slowly." Ryver scolded as he moved to the other side of the bed slowly not to startle the girl. 

August let out a snort of disbelief in response as he rolled his eyes, why on Earth was he acting like a caring mother; voice and all. He wanted to stand and leave to let Ryver deal with her, but his legs were stiff from kneeling awkwardly as he slept. Therefore, he opted for slowly moving onto his butt and straighten his legs to help blood circulation. 

Throughout their interaction, the girl was unresponsive to them. Instead she was still in shock. Were they twins? The chances of bumping into two dark and mysterious men after captivity. It must be fates way of rewarding her. Or was she in heaven? Being serviced by two good looking men. 

As she observed them longer, she was able to conclude that the one that had walked in was slightly older than the one who had been grasping her hand. She had already figured out earlier that her 'saviour' was the blue-eyed beauty when he had opened his eyes. She could vividly remember the clearness of his eyes which added to his appeal. While the other man sported warm chocolate eyes. 

Noticing her lack of response to him, Ryver believed it was fear. Fear of who they were, and he could not blame her for this.

"Oh, silly me. I forgot to introduce us. I am Ryver, the older and wiser of the Lee brothers. May I ask what your name is?" Ryver continued his act of a caring mother by using a soft voice as he spoke to the young woman. Why? The other two had no idea. All they did know was that he was getting to into it. 

"That is just August. The younger Lee sibling." Ryver added as if August was nothing special in comparison to himself. Actually, he only really introduced his brother because he had noticed that since August had opened his eyes, he had her full attention.

So, his name is August not Gustie. The girl thought with slight interest. To both the brothers it appeared as if the young lass was a teenage girl who had been struck by her first love. However, they could not be more wrong. After what she had been through, she was very wary of both of them but as the younger brother had basically saved her when he opened the door, she had some admiration for him. Yet, she also made use of this to also admire his good looks. Who could fault her when such a masterpiece was sitting before her? Although, August did not take to kindly to her staring and glared at her as he finally stood up to properly shake his legs. 

This was enough to snap the girl out of her rude staring, she vaguely remembered that she was asked who she was at the start and after Ryver had introduced them. Despite her staring, she had been debating on whether she should give out her real name or not.

"Flick Jones." 

Her name was just the beginning for the protagonist and the two brothers as they would soon find out over time.