Daniel said that because of his pride as a man, thought of a spirit, relief flooded her body like cold rain in spring, bringing new hope. "None of these things are mine. This belongs to the family "Mira stupidly thought that could convince Daniel. "I don't need this kind of object if I have your love" Mira was very much awaiting in her determination to foster Daniel's confidence.
"Well, maybe you don't need it, but I need" rebuked Daniel.
Later the Mira realized that her very naive statement caused Daniel's charming mask to collapse. The effort to save Daniel's self-esteem actually requires how futile her efforts are to maintain a relationship with Daniel. Financially she has nothing without her family.
"What's the point in marrying you if I don't get access to the wealth of the Bordeaux family?" Daniel looked at her body up and down. "You might be beautiful, but in the dark, all women's bodies are the same"
Mira was very hurt by the cynicism of Daniel who unexpectedly thought it was until she froze, both of her feet were fixed on the floor. "You will not marry me unless I come with my father's money?"
Daniel shrugged "how else do you think I can improve my standard of living? Unlike your rich family, I only have one asset - my face "Daniel pointed at his handsome face which always could make the women stop and look at him on the street. "I intend to use it as best I can. I don't want to live hard like my father for a lifetime. "
Daniel's ridicule destroys the last illusion of Daniel because Daniel's father is a man who is respected and has expertise. Daniel's family is not as rich as the soul, but they are not poor either. Kranon was able to take care of his own people, but no one could expect to get wealth without working. Daddy himself spent a lot of time "working" managing his business.
Even so, even after Daniel said those horrible things, even after the Mira saw Daniel's true nature, Mira still did not want to let go of the rest of her dreams torn apart. She did not want to admit she had made a terrible mistake. She has been too innocent and unable to recognize lies. "but…. You said you love me"
Daniel's expression turned into a condescending gaze. "Any man will like the body like your body. Of course, I'm willing to accept it if you offer it for free. Marriage is a price that is too high just to have you. "
Daniel crushed the heart of the Mira with his condescending remark. Almost unable to think, the Mira ran from Daniel's apartment, walked aimlessly along the lonely road for three hours. Just before it got dark, she returned home through the same secret route she had used to leave, and no one knew her intention to elope. They only knew that suddenly all the resistance had disappeared from Mira. In one afternoon, Daniel had managed to get what his father's father had been trying to achieve for 24 years.