Chapter 6

"Will your feelings change if we are more familiar with each other?" Regardless of all that happened, Loise continued to crave the warmth that she wanted to feel at him. But Loise had no intention of taking anything that was not voluntarily given. Even though his desire to control his body with his claws was as sharp as a knife and his body was so excited that it hurt.

The mist suddenly enveloped the golden eyes of the bright eyes. "I once loved a man" Her long lashes dropped. "And I don't think I will ever love again"

Mira's words are like arrows aimed at dream dreams that are almost not recognized by Loise, but he realized that it was very important for his existence. "Then why do you want to marry me? Why makes us both miserable? "

Mira looked up and Loise saw a glimmer of anger in the two eyes that were always changing. "My father said if you don't want to sign the agreement if I don't want to marry you. The agreement with you is very important for our people. "

Loise cursed softly. "The main agreement was signed and ratified before I asked permission to date you. The rest is just a little extra addition that doesn't mean it "Loise asked. Ask if this girl, this beautiful brown-skinned desert rose, would believe it. The story is clearly contrary to the word mira's father.

Unexpectedly, Loise felt a glimmer of faint tears in her eyes. "I thought he cared about me, even though it was only a little ... but from the beginning, my grades in his eyes were limited to my appearance" hearing the voice of a Mira full of pain pressed strong, made Loise hurt. "Now I know he doesn't love me at all because he is so have the heart to manipulate me to marry a man he hopes to become his business partner. "

Loise could not bear to see this arrogant woman being insulted in such a way. It hurts to hear his beautiful and arrogant wife sound so lost and lonely. Loise approached the bed, then sat next to the Mira. When he reached out to touch Mira's cheek, the girl immediately stiffened. "I have no intention of doing anything beyond your will, the so stops looking so scared"

The Mira's head jerked up. "Don't rebuke me like that"

This is the woman who makes falling in love with women as hot as fire, not as cold as ice. Passion flares again, deep and heavy. Unconsciously, Loise's fingers moved downward through the face of Mira and leaned on the soft neck of the Mira. Mira trembled at Loise's touch, and hope flared up in Loise. Encouraged by dreams that he never thought he would experience, Loise found herself bent to taste the Mira.

The cruel reality interrupted when Mira turned away, showed a strong rejection, and only gave Loise a view of the side of her face.

Loise dropped his hand and got out of bed. As he walked to the door, he tried to tell himself that it didn't matter if the Mira refused. "Have you ever remembered me, Mira?" The question was straightforward, but Loise needed the truth, and from the mimic Mira who was shocked and confessed to the girl's relationship with other men, Loise sure she was experienced.

Loise hated the idea of ​​brownish long limbs intertwined with the legs of other men, although Loise never considered a woman based on her sexual experience. He is not a hypocrite. Except for this woman. Tonight is too full of unwanted surprises.

With wide-eyed eyes, the newly married girl turned her gaze from the white sheet, her fingers squeezing fragile flower petals. The sweet scent of rose in the air. "All you know about me is my face and body - there will be no more that can bind us. I don't want to sleep with a man without emotional involvement "Mira's voice almost vibrated at the end of her words.

And the Mira said she would never love again. The pain in the chest Loise almost mastered it. "Do you want me not to touch you throughout our married life?" Loise wanted to ascertain the intentions of Mira, ensuring that what she sacrificed for an unexplained turbulent desire was explained to have a woman who could be briefly explained to have a woman he saw under the dim light of the crescent.

Mira continued to squeeze the petals of the flower petals with her flexible fingers. "My father always has another woman. Can't American men do the same thing? "

Loise spinning. "Is having a mistress is a common thing in Kranon?" Loise thought Kranon country upholds integrity and honor, where men can find loyal and beautiful women, women who can find beauty in the night sky and behind the faces of men who talk

"No" the answer Mira only gives a moment of relief. "It is considered a disgrace, and most of our women will not accept it. If they cannot fight for their rights to be respected like wives, their tribes will defend them, even if it means getting divorced" she looks at Loise's eyes sharply, fiery defending her country.

But when Mira smiled, her face looked like a beauty parody. "Unfortunately, it happened in my family. My mother's tribe didn't help her because my mother didn't ask. My father really controls it. My father slept long enough with her only to produce my second brother's heir. You can do the same thing "a cool tone enveloped every word.

That is a great slap for the ego Loise as a man. "You obviously are not interested in having a child" Loise tracing the body of the Mira with his eyes — the girl obviously won't like it until she loses her perfect figure because of having her child