Aslan terperangah setelah mendengar ucapan Ayah tirinya itu. "What do you say? Brain cancer?"
Kellan menghela nafas panjang sembari mengangguk pelan. "Before Leon left, I told him about the problem with my eyesight. After all the examinations and treatments that I went through, it turned out that the problem wasn't just with my eyesight. The problem is in my brain."
Kellan terdiam sejenak sebelum ia melanjutkan penjelasan tentang keadaannya. "At first the doctors thought it was a blockage in the blood flow around the optic nerve. But it turns out they found something bigger. A tumor that develops into cancer. That's what suppresses my eyesight."
"But you said that your eyesight is getting better?" Ujar Aslan.
"A bit better." Kellan mengoreksi ucapan Aslan. "I still have to go through some more medication."
"Then today? Why are you suddenly sitting on the floor? I'm sure it's not something you did on purpose."