Chapter 7 : The Memories of Past Spiritual Energy Redefined.

As Ramos heard the words coming from the elderly figure in the centre he became excited and asked "What is this Spiritual Energy?"

The sage calmly said with a smile on his face."Let me show you"

A small portion the size of a marble, on the sage's forehead started to glow and became very bright and his full face was clearly visible which was still unclear in the dim light of their auras.

Suddenly Ramos' head started to get heavier as if something or someone was forcing it's way in his mind. He sat on the ground with his legs crossed and closed his eyes, similar toop the other sages. A marble sized light started glowing on his forehead too and a ray of light from the sage's forehead shot in the direction of Ramos head as if it were establishing a link in the form of light. Soon some visuals started appearing in the Ramos' mind.

*******Spiritual Awakening********

At first there was nothingness, a blank space. Then there appeared a small orb of light, which swelled up and grew bigger every second it grew huge as huge as the earth and kept growing larger after a few moments there appeared cracks on its surface and the orb started spinning rapidly.


With a loud bang the orb shattered in uncountable number of smaller orbs and then some shattered further into many tiny orbs and the chain reaction kept repeatedly and looked like a new universe being formed. From a further view it looked like an outline of a small baby fetus forming with all the explosions as the explosions keep increasing the humanly figure grew bigger in the shape of a new born baby and further developed in a toddler moving on to a 5yr old advancing to a teenager and finally a fully grown adult before the growth slowed down but the blasts kept going on. He could see the light seeping out of the body as it was growing further. The figure now sat with his legs crossed and arms straight forward, in the yoga posture.

The seeping of light started reducing as a spiral started forming near the "Yoni*" (Gender differential gland) and another slowly forming in the abdomen area and soon there were 7 of them in total going up from Yoni(sexual glands), Kshudha (stomach/hunger), Hridaya (Heart/blood and energy flow), Swash(lungs/Respiratory system), Trishna(Thirst/neck area/Adams apple), Buddhi(Brain/forehead) Aatmaa (Soul/Transcendence).

The sound of the sage rang in his subconscious mind telling about the "Chakshu*"(spirals) that can be formed by cultivating one's spiritual force. He explained that the burst of orbs were the spiritual energy that is present in every living being be it human, animals birds pests or even trees. This energy is limited and fades slowly as the being progresses it's growth and ages with time. This energy seeps out of the body uncontrollably from every living body, they rely on other living beings by devouring them to replenish this energy. He now asked Ramos to guess his age. "85-95" guessed Ramos in his mind, but then was dumbstruck at the answer of the sage, "249 years". Sensing the questions welling in Ramos mind the sage started to explain the phenomenon. Now 2 shadows were setting in front, one the familiar one with the activated chakshus and the new spirit of a common man. He said to observe the two and see the differences between them. Ramos focused on the common man and saw the energy flowing out endlessly but the cultivating spirit had the flow of the energy not just in control but also gathered the energy from his surroundings, the common soul started growing older and finally faded away with the energy pool going dry. A sage cultivates his body and soul forming a universe of endless energy, by not just controlling the seepages of the energy but by becoming one with the nature and like a tree absorb the energy from the nature. The sage started explaining that every chakshu activated controls specific functionality of the body and that helps in controlling the flow of the spiritual energy.

This helps in controlling the sexual cravings, hunger, thirst, absorption of energy from nature directly, longevity and finally transcend above the mortal human being.