The Ultimate Session: Part One

I go home to update Toya on the shenanigans and to put on the sexiest get-up I had in the closet. What I had on before was semi-satisfying. Besides, I was unsure if Cash was the type that likes to rip off clothes to ensure me that he might currently be in control. Ladies you understand the type I'm discussing here right? Usually those types are the same men that gets a kick out of secretly stealing the brand new, lacy boy shorts, you might have purchased for the sole purpose of your first encounter.

While I'm throwing clothes all over my bedroom to get into the deep of my closet Toya sits on the bed. She smiles at me and says, " So, how was it? Did you fuck the shit out of him? I see him texting your phone right now girl, you just left his ass!" As she picks up my phone, she excitedly continues, "Why you not texting him back? What did I miss? Girl, you should see what he just said!"

As I keep digging for my things I smile and explain, "Toya, I did exactly what I planned. I drove him crazy. It didn't last long but I didn't expect for him to. You know what though?" I pause and look at her, "I noticed,for him to be a little older than us, he should have been able to handle most of it. I mean like what type of females you been having sex with? You been living that basic sex life huh?" I chuckled, "Just makes you wonder a little u know? And I'm not going to text him back. I've noticed over the years how men will get together the next morning and brag about the night they had with some type of sexual wonderwoman.This is all while ignoring texts from the same girl they were secretly praising. Why not do the same? It seems to be working for them. All these years I've been playing nice just to conform to normality like that was my life's purpose. Where did it get me? No it's time I have as much fun and meaningless sex as they do. No love, no affection, no empathy, not even a kiss. Too fucking personal. I'm just ready to enjoy this new transition. I'm single bitch! And I intend to live as such." We both let out a villianess laugh and continue talking shit to each other. We chopped it up for another half hour as I pulled myself together. We had along night ahead of us.

Knuckle shows up to see if I'm ready. As I walk out of the room, he eyes me from the bottom up. A pleased smirk grows across his face. My polished toes are strapped in black and gold heels. I had to make certain the heel wasn't too absurd and end up the bane of my existence at the end of the night, all because I wanted extra dramatics. I definitely intended on taking my snakebites all night. Lick, Liquor, Lime was the moto I lived by now. Tequila was my first wife. And trust me, snakebites and six inch heels never work adequately together. Especially, when you are as clumsy as me, and have the innate ability to trip over air. All Knuckles notices, is the all black I'm dressed in. My pants are skin tight to accent some of my curvy features. I wore a gold and broze belt around my waist. My boy shorts underneath was as black as the sky. That good push-up bra to match had my breasts up to my chin. My shirt was cut low enough to partially expose them. I wore a tan colored half jean jacket over my arms with gold jewelry to compliment everything. My wave-crimped red hair is hanging down to the opening of my shirt and pushed to one side. You could see your reflection off of the lip gloss I had on. I couldn't forget the dark-tinted, gold framed shades I wore, to top it all off. Not to mention, the smell goods orbiting my body, was a little red bottle known as Gucci Rush. I know to some of you, I should have been showing alot of skin. Maybe I should've worn a dress right? Incorrect, people! I was the type that like to keep it simple with the wardrobe. There was no need to show everything when I knew my mind and mouthpiece was a much greater seducing tool than anything I could have shown. I didn't like eyes on me unless it was intentional. Besides, I was all about dramatics then. I loved letting people draw their own biased conclusions and then, surprising their elementary perceptions with truths later. After all, tonight was not about me. It was about the new clan finally being initiated and welcomed into the new found family. I was on a mission. We will call this point in my life, Operation: Ultimate Session.

Everyone arrives in the parking lot of The Pier on time. This nightclub had at least five different smaller clubs within the establishment. Each one had a different genre of music, and sometimes even a different theme. It was something here for everyone. And they catered every type of poison that could fit your fancy. I mean for us to be located in the Midwest, I'm sure we were in the top hundred in one of the country's best nightclubs. You could find most of the city in attendance on a typical Friday. This was the place you lowered your inhibitions, knocked back a few shots, and danced until you liquor incurred body, sweats out the five "backyard fucks" you may have ingested within the hour. And the lights, can't forget those. Once you have gotten pass security using the side entrance, walked through the blackened hallway, and right into the action, the lights welcome you as if you were the star of the show. My favorite part besides the bar, the dancefloor, and VIP, was ofcourse, the cages. The cages were suspended above the crowd. If you were sober enough to climb the red painted bars without incident, you were blessed with the best view. Not only did it oversee all the shenanigans, it was the best place to dance your ass off. I used to be the most claustrophobic person I know. The only way I could tolerate the fact that it took 20 minutes to get to the bar from the dance floor, is if a drink was in my hand and a cigarette in the other. That cage saved so many people from getting an elbow to the eye, accidently on purpose, that it was unreal. I could breathe freely up there, dance without being hassled, and feel on top of the world all at one time.

As I'm in the cage dancing and singing along with my girl, Amethyst, she leans forward and yells over the music, "hey I know there's a after-party at your house and I want in. I see you watching me Chi, you know, whenever I leave the house. I watch you too. I know you're friends with my sister. Don't let that be the reason you never say anything. Right now, I don't expect you to say much, just answer one question for me." I yell back, "OK, what's that? "

She smile at me and says, "can you sit on my face tonight?" Don't get it misunderstood, I wasn't shy. When I think about it, watchin my neighbor leave everyday, does make me appear to be a creepy weirdo. I just like watching her leave. I would watch her walk pass my livingroom window and fantasize as I did watching commercials. This was just much more raw, live, and direct. I'm sure I made it way too obvious. I never approached her because her sister was my friend. My morals were still a bit intact. But, morals had nothing on my impulses. I look at her and said, "whatever you want bookie!" Inside I was geeked!

That was the motivation I needed to start getting shit set up. I notice Knuckles on the dance floor dancing closely with a girl that seemed strangely familiar to me. I get down from the cage and walk over to them. "Hey babe, Amethyst is coming with us tonight." He looks at me surprised and asks, "for real?" I reply, "hell yeah!" Then, I pause to get another glimpse of this sexy tall caramel complected beauty standing before me. "And what do we have here? Is that Mya? Mya from Ryder High?" Oh my goodness I haven't seen u since we graduated!" Mya immediately invents some space between her and Knuckles. She seems puzzled as to why I am unbothered by her meer attempts at seducing Knuckles. Knuckles notices her uncomfortability and chuckles. He looks at me for silent approval. I smirk at him and give one slow nod up and down, granting him permission to proceed. She is fully unaware that she is the target. "So babe," he explains, "Mya here said she wanna leave with me and she always wanted to fuck me when we were teenagers but never got the chance." I raise an eyebrow and smirk again, "hmm, is that right?"

"Wait, are you guys together?" she asks, "I didn't mean..... I mean.... I didn't know.... I..." She was so adorable to me, trying to explain and all. Knuckles and I laugh. I interrupt her, "No need to explain love." I turn to look at Knuckles. "She so cute isn't she?" Knuckles nods his head. Instead, Of making her more uncomfortable,I begin to explain, "Listen Mya, we are just two people trying to enjoy ourselves tonight. We would really love if you would enjoy the rest of our night with us. But you see...." I step closer to her. I grab the jawline of her face and I slowly lick her cheek. "Mmmmm,she tastes good too." I smile again and continue, "You see Mya, tonight is about living out everything you have ever daydreamed growing up. If what you want is Knuckles here, you will have to have both of us. Infact, lemme give you the itinerary of tonight's events." Look over by the VIP. You see that stud over with the braids? Do you see that sexy one in the cage up there? Do you notice those four over there by the mirror? you well notice we came together tonight. We are all going home together as well. We are the after party...although we have our hands full, we don't mind making more room for you. So you see there's no pressure sweetheart, unless you solely request for me to apply some. This is a packaged deal tonight. You can take it or leave it. No love lost here. This I can promise you Mya, you will never forget this. So the choice is completely up to you. Let me know what you decide by the end of the night okay?"

Whatever she might have been afraid of at first, it had completely diminished. She was surely considering now. I threw the bait, and there was no need to stand there anymore. I was certain she would bite. I just wanted to see how much influence I could have. This was the first test.

I grab her by the back of her head and kissed her. Then, I kissed Knuckles. Then we all kissed each other. The clan watches in amazement from different sections of the club. I'm teaching them, all while delivering exactly what I had promised. You see that kiss wasn't necessary but it does give off a little trailer to the movie doesn't it? Let's you know if it's worth watching. My rules for women were a bit different than they were for men. My thirst for them was stronger. So my actions would always contradict those of the ones I had for men. At this time, I knew women required communication, attention, passion, and most of all understanding. I understood enough to play on every aspect. If the kiss sealed the deal like a handshake, then, damn it, we were in business!

I looked at the both of them as I wiped her lipstick from my lips and said, you two continue," I began to walk away. I paused and turn around to yell out, "Oh and Mya, I love to watch. I will be in VIP... make sure I get a good show and view from here! " She smiles and nods.

I watch them as promised as they dance dirty and grind on each other. He gets her in this trance like state, only I, up until that moment, could pull off. When you are completely subdued like that, you don't see or hear anyone else in the room. Your only focus is that electric feeling rushing to your clitoris. The chills downs your arm, as that orgasmic experience approaches. You get that quiver in your right leg once it hits like an unexpected wave against the shoreline. He had her in his grasp. I was turned on, pulling the strings. Knuckles pushes her against the wall and slides up her dress. He puts his fingers inside her. He plays her like a guitar string until her hand grabs his face and her head tilts back. Her mouth drops open and she slides her tongue across her lips to catch the fact she was salivating. He made sure he put on a good show for me. This was so beautiful to watch under these lights that I was soaking through my panties as much as I'm sure she was. As I watched across the room, I lean back in my chair and cross my legs tight. I attempt to cut off some of this arousal I was gaining from watching this sexy ass shit. But clinching my legs in that manner did not sever the sensation, but made it worse. I began to fiddle with the large custom ring I had on my ring finger. While subconsciously running the tip of the wine glass across my lips. Imagining the things that could occur while this one thing already was. I was double excited. This feeling became familiar as well. That was the same excitement I got from impulsive decisions. I was a junkie for it now I could feel it. I didn't care. I wanted more of it.Til this day I could never quite figure out if it was the impulse of it or the control that had me by the balls.

My minion, Jake comes to sit next to me. Although we haven't mention Jake yet, we will address his part in all of this, at another time. To sum it up for now, he did whatever I asked of him, as long as he was involved. I let him sit next to me and watch as well, as he gets caught up on the recruitments for the night. I want him to be able to update everyone else. As my daddy always said, "communication is key to understanding."

It was almost last call. So I made my last rounds. The music is coming to its last spins and the waitresses are collecting everyone's glass. The DJ plays, Usher's Lovers and Friends, as one last song. I walk up to the girls to make sure the deal is sealed. I nod at the rest of the clan in every angle of the floor, signaling them to finish up as well. They do and then they all gather near me for one last dance. When I mean the sexiest shit ever. Everyone grinding on each other. They were slowly pulling and tugging each others clothes. They were all caressing one another inviting each member to engage with the other. The men happily obliged these ladies. Come on I know what you are thinking! And what did you do Chi? What the fuck do you think I did? What any normal sane person would do. I jumped in that shit like double deutch. This was making everyone familiar with each other before we even got home. This cuts have of my time in trying to make everyone in-tuned with one another. This shit was genius. Now that Amethyst and Mya were my two picks for the night, they were now properly introduced to the others. Now it's time to head home and see how crazy shit is really about to get.