Escape (2)

Frankie went out to get some news. When he came back, it was early evening, and he was deathly pale.

"Are you okay? Do you feel ill?" Tamara asked.

"We can't go tonight." Running a hand through his face, he told them what he heard and saw outside. Apparently, there were guards everywhere and checked anyone who passed by. "The mayor," he took a shaky breath, "is organizing a witch hunt, and the Vice-General is helping them."

Silence and gloom enveloped the room.

"What should we do?" Tamara said. "Should we postpone?"

"Then we'll just leave first thing tomorrow," Yolly announced.

"If we do that and they find our cottage empty, they will strengthen their defenses even more and then it'll be harder to escape," Lia said

"With the number of guards around, we won't be able to slip outside the town," Frankie said as he glanced outside the window. "Aside from them, all the townsfolk seem to have joined the hunt. It's very quiet outside."

Lia sneered. When she first read about the hunt, she thought that these people were like the grownup version of school bullies. But experiencing it first hand made them more despicable. They only knew how to point fingers and blame others.

"If we leave now, we'll get caught. Then we won't be able to leave at all." Yolly massaged her forehead. "What would they do next, search every house?"

"Possible." Tamara shook her head and sighed. "Besides, people don't know my face. At this time, the visitors to the festival have all left. If they check, they'll know that I'm someone new here."

Lia glanced outside. Like what Frankie said, the streets were deserted save for the guards standing by. All four of them with no ninja-like skills wouldn't be able to walk past these men.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault," Frankie said, "I held you back."

"Now, we don't need to blame each other," Tamara said.

"But what should we do now?" Frankie sat on his heels and buried his head under his arms. "We'll get caught."

"You and your mother won't," Tamara said as she stared at Yolly. She turned to Lia, "Even you."

"If I'm thinking what you're thinking, the answer is no. Our ancestors would be cursing us from their graves if I try to abandon you," Yolly said.

Tamara stood up and lifted her chin. "You have no connection with me so people won't suspect you. They will just think that the witch has held you hostage and threatened you."

"I won't be able to do that! If it's fighting, we can protect the two of you."

"Yolanda! We're surrounded! You and your son will do as I say. You are free people now," Tamara said defiantly.

Yolly covered her face with her hand as she sunk to her knees. "I can't abandon you, my lady!"

Lia chewed the insides of her cheek, her mind racing. No matter how much she thought, she only arrived at one possible ending.

"We should split up."

The people in the room seemed to have frozen in place. "More like, you three should escape."

"And what about you?" Tamara said quietly.

"I'll go back to the cottage and lure them there. If they realize that the witch comes back, their focus would be on me. They would need the guards so you might have enough time to—"

"Just what are you saying?!" Tamara's beautiful face was distraught, tears pooled in her eyes. "I can't leave you alone. I can't lose you. Not you too!"

"Who knows what they would do if they catch you," Frankie quipped in.

Of course, Lia knew the possible consequences of her action. But she had an ace up to her sleeve, something she could not reveal if Tamara's with her. It would be a huge gamble, but it would be worth it. Reckless, yes. Stupid, maybe. But this was the best plan at the moment.

"Lia—" Tamara started, but Lia cut her off.

She smiled, hoping to ease their worries and convince them that everything was alright. "I'll meet you in the next town up north."