
Lia gulped as she stared at the small piece of bread in her hand. It smelled the same, but they might have masked the smell so she wanted to try tasting it. Thankfully, they did not do a body search on her last night and her small medicine kit remained with her. Tamara prepared these things on the occasion that she found herself wounded or poisoned.

She took a piece of all the food brought to her. The taste she was looking for was there, although faint. She thought she would cry. Instead, a bitter laugh escaped her lips.

Furry and disappointment filled Lia with her realization. She took the tray and rushed to the door, wanting to get a word from Eldric. But when she opened it, she stumbled into a soldier holding out a tray that they almost collided with each other. She stopped before that happened and frowned at the new arrivals.

"That's dangerous!" the soldier said.

Lia ignored the soldier, her eyes glued to the man behind. Eldric was staring at the tray in her hand.

His forehead creased. "You haven't eaten your breakfast yet? And here we brought you lunch."

Lia controlled the shaking that she felt, but could not stop heaving. She was so angry she could cry. "Why? To make sure that the poison will really take its effect? Is this your answer?! You ordered the mayor to prepare these for me? And here I thought that you are a decent person but who would have thought that you would be using such tactics!"

"What are you saying?" Eldric pushed the soldier in front of him to the side so he was in front of Lia. He tried to take the tray away from Lia so she pushed the tray towards him.

"If you want to kill me, just kill me." Lia took a step closer. 'Stop disappointing me.'

Eldric set the tray down to a nearby table. "Calm down. I don't want to kill you. That's why I'm here, to take you up on your offer."

Lia pressed her lips together. She was so done with him. "Liar."

"A young man proved your claim that you know how to treat the gin. You told me that if it doesn't work, you'll help with improving it. That goes without saying that we need you. How can I honor my promise if I order to kill you?"

What he said made sense but a part of her did not want to listen to his words. But something he said caused Lia to stop. "Young man?"

Eldric turned to the soldier beside him. "Take him here."

The soldier obeyed right away and went out of the room. Lia stared at the still calm Eldric as they stared back at each other while waiting, she glared while he had that infuriating calmness on his face. Not too long, the soldier came back, and behind him was a pale Frankie.

"Why are you here?!" She dared to step outside the room and grabbed Frankie's arm. He was supposed to be far away from them at the moment. "Where are they? What happened? Were you caught?"

Frankie flinched then glanced at Eldric who was silently watching them. "Nothing happened. We," he shot a glance at the protagonist, "made it to the, er, place safely. They-- they made me go after you because they said that they might not believe in what you said."

Lia shut her eyes and groaned internally. She understood the sentiment, but she was not sure if this would help her plans or not. Perhaps, if Eldric was saying the truth this time.

"Are you sure it is safe?" Lia asked.

Frankie's eyes flew to Eldric again. "Very sure."

Lia nodded. That was enough for now. They could not reveal exactly where they were hiding, not when she was not sure she could trust Eldric anymore.

"Now that's clear. What are you saying about killing you?" Eldric asked.

The fury she felt was back in full force. She pointed at the tray. "If you are not trying to kill me, then what's with this food? You want to poison me?"

"Who gave you that?"

"The maid…" Wait wait wait. Lia stared at the tray the soldier was still holding. Eldric had been giving orders to his men since last night, never to the staff of the mayor's household. "She kept on checking up on me, and I grew suspicious so I ate a bit, and I tasted a sprinkle of poisonous mushroom and other herbs mixed together to mask the smell..."

Eldric signaled and called for Jeremiah. The physician rushed in, smelled, and tasted a bit.

He gave a grim nod to Eldric who set his jaw and bellowed. "Lock all the doors and windows. Capture the mayor and all of his staff! Let no one escape!"