Drama meeting 1/2

Derek was lying on a hospital bed, while Azazel and Miyuki were analyzing with different machines and magic what the hell is Derek, in the first analysis they were giving more questions than answers, this is because the itself is a Bug in the system its existence can not be defined, or explained but by this status is that their madness can not be controlled, if they reached the conclusion that it is necessary that Derek "dies" to find a solution.

Miyuki asked Mina to help her know how Derek could "Die" without dying and to find some clue as to where or how this happened, Mina had a meeting with Azazel, Miyuki, Lucifer and Michael, where it was decided to build a large field of force on it to avoid or at least mitigate the damage of what happens, as to how to die without dying Ddraig was important.

Derek following the directions of Miyuki asked Ddraig to replace all internal organs with Draconian organs, of course this would cause Derek to die without dying alone would give him much pain and therefore did not refuse to be a masochist pain = pleasure.

The process was quite simple, in just a few seconds the pain flooded Derek even in his interdimensional trips had not suffered so much, this pain led him to reach nirvana and in that moment something was activated and lost consciousness.

He was in a white room where there was nothing, in that moment he woke up in a Derek bed, the problem is that he did with his old mercenary body very young, "Everything that happened was a fucking fuck" took his cell phone from the hospital table and I look at the date was a September 13, 2017, He looked for a moment at the cell phone screen "This can not be me I died on August 20, 2042, if I'm not wrong this was the second time I went to give to a hospital when a grenade exploded near me, "Derek took the phone and watched the news by google" Jihadist attack on the city of Al-kaim, leaves more than 300 dead among civilians and members of the coalition and 600 wounded. "

Without hesitation Derek left the hospital bed where he was resting, changed clothes to his military uniform, took his favorite weapon an AA-12 shotgun, armed himself with some grenades, pistols and military ammunition, he also took a surprise, makes many years he wanted revenge for the disappearance of Hana and his daughter, the guilty had been part of a disgusting jihadist mosque that gave shelter to members of the Islamic state, but had existed to start Hana and his daughter would be alive but that does not matter, even if he does not know why I travel to the past he only has one goal now Killing, killing and killing.

I walk towards the street where the Mosque was, the terrorists fear 2 things the CIA to the mercenaries because none gives reasons about their motives and now they could see a fucking guy dressed in a green uniform and with a black beret, for the beret They realized that he belonged to the mercenary organization "Templarios del dinero", a group of madmen who share two pleasures to kill jihadists and earn money.

A group of child soldiers peeked out the windows with the intention of shooting Emmanuel (Name of the MC before waking up as derek), before they could shoot Emmanuel took his shotgun and opened fire on one of the windows, this triggered the shooting , the rain of bullets fell on Emmanuel but this took cover in one of the houses, and from that place shotgun shells were fired on the Jihadists some died others were wounded, there are no midpoints.

He went through the houses until he reached the mosque where he entered leaving behind a trace of his blood, he has already died countless times dying once again is nothing to him, active the device of the C4, pulled out a cigarette and shouted "Viva Cristo Rey "(a cry made by the Cristeros, some extremist Catholics in Mexico who defended the Catholic religion of anti-religion policies).

The explosion completely destroyed the mosque and its surroundings.

Derek woke up again but this time it was a closed room where he could see the frontier vampire (Alucard) and Seras victory, "Go go but it seems that fate wants to kill me" said Derek as he settled into a wall.

Alucard just looked at him curiously "I'm surprised you're still alive after the curse he used on you," Derek laughed "fucking vampire rapist other than cheat you also turned out to be a mother-in-law, but I'm a tough nut to kill like you", Alucard just he frowned "well now being clear because you have my same blood essence", Derek thought for a while "I think it's because of her" pointing to Mina who appeared out of nowhere.

I was wondering why it took you so long, Mina said with her red eyes to Alucard "You know, you're a pain from ovaries as much as he is and tell me alucard you're still Hellsing's dog?"

Alucard smiled "Better to be the dog than a Nazi slave does not Mine" ...