Shadow Magic

In this tiny town like I said everyone knows everyone so of course I know the witch healer. I don't know what cursed fate made a healer be such a stingy witch but she is one. In this world its in increments of 100's from Copper-Silver-Gold-Platinum like Terraria. I spent way to much time playing that game.

Moving on... The healer is also a magic fanatic though. I have no doubt that she has something to test if I am magician and stuff. I also wouldn't doubt it if she had basic spell learning stuff she couldn't even use. Now while this place is essentially a plot filled Dungeon & Dragons magic is kinda awesome. As long as you had a good imagination and skill you could make any spell.

I don't know how to do anything right now though. Imagine when a being told to just start swimming without ever seeing it. But even if I did see magic being used I wouldn't be able to see the most important part. Going back to the analogy if I saw someone swim it would be like seeing someone, but I couldn't see their legs. I would know the aftermath of their actions, but I wouldn't know what they actually did. FYI its harder to learn that way.

I could also go the dangerous way. When your life is in danger though your body goes full survival mode. And that's the concept of this. Its throwing one into a situation of 100% death. If the mind knows that there are others watching that can help it wouldn't be 100% death. Then when one is nearing death there is a chance that the magic will come forth and save your life. Most likely then not though one would die.

Now I am not suicidal so of course I'm not going to do this. Hopefully I wont need to contact the healer at all and I can learn by myself through sheer willpower. I have already felt my soul, at least I think I have when I woke up in that pain. All people in this world can use magic as long as their soul produces mana or magic. There our some who can do it since birth and the ones who have to use techniques to change their soul. I think there is a decent chance that I am one of the ones who can use it since birth. I guess with all the crap luck this is a good thing.

Now as the weirdo that I am of course on earth I have tried to 'cultivate' on earth. Yeah old me was super nerdy and lonely. Right now I'm going to try and just all around 'control' my insides. My idea is to just focus on 'pulling' everything from my body to the area of my heart then push it out. I don't know if even a tiny distraction will have side effects so I have to find a quite place and try it.

So I traveled into a large corn field near town and located a small part inside enough space for me to sit. I am no optimist because I am no idiot, so I sat down prepared to be here for the whole day need be, but I need to check my trap once a day and then hopefully pay back Sam. I wonder if people will start using their Earth names. I know I will considering the fact Nixeus me forgot his name after not getting called it in years. Kinda sad but can't change it now.

First I sat down criss cross applesauce like a good little kindergartner. Then I slowly controlled my breathing into a rhythm where my breath was silent and consistent. I focused on my body eyes closed. I slowly felt like I was in an abyss with nothing around me. If it wasn't for the birds chirping nearby I might have truly felt like nothing else existed. I slowly started looking in my body from my feet to my head I felt absolute control. I felt every pore and blemish on my skin.

I went to where I felt the pain when I awoke it was directly in the middle of my heart. I stay looking there for a few minutes, but I saw nothing. I know here has something though. After a couple more minutes I try to 'be' in the middle of my heart then I appear on an island surrounded by a tiny lake. In the center of the island is a pillar of darkness. It was beautiful I could tell it was detailed, but at the same time it was like I couldn't see it.

The island was made of gravel and tar. I walked on it just fine, but everything seemed so... dark. The island was super small maybe 10 feet by 10 feet. The pillar itself was at least 3 feet by 3 feet making everything feel cramped. The 'lake' could at most be called a puddle in reality. It was super shallow and not very wide around the island and all dark and see through like a shadow. Everything was quite dreary. I know this somehow related to my magic but I didn't know how yet. It felt like a huge marble that was only 15 feet by 15 feet.

I try to control everything in my inner world. I started with the pillar because it was the most noticeable so obviously I tried it first. It didn't work though so ignoring the island I look at the shadow water and try to control it. I instantly start to see a ball of the water start rising then drop like I commanded.

I open my eyes happy as all hell and imagine the shadow water to appear in the air in front of me. There appears a shadow ball blacking out light in the middle of the day. I felt like it was the abyss and it gave off a natural dangerous vibe. Holy shit I have fucking shadow magic. I guess I really am one shady ass dude haha.