The Soul

I first set up the traps then continued my boring useful routine. However with all the new trap I was starting to make a decent income to where I was actually able to eat food properly, rent a place at the inn, and got me some decent cloths.

Trapping was quite good here since a stay at the inn was 15 copper a night, food was about 10 copper each meal, and my new cloths only cost 15 copper. I made about 1 silver a day with the traps so I was doing quite well for myself.

I know the only reason I am making such good money at the moment is because of me being the only person in town who brings meat in so fresh. If there was more hunters here I would probably only be getting 40 copper a day. My ability to control the magic is also getting much better, but I feel like I would learn faster if I was pushing the magic out of my body. Also the size of magic I can control is getting as big as a basketball.

I feel to be progressing fast and I think it might have to do with me being a natural born magic user as well as the world change. I would stay in my room sitting on my bed while working my magic while it is out of my body. I thought maybe being in a shadow would help me regain magic faster, but I was wrong.

After another week I finally got the hang of controlling magic outside of my body with intense concentration. I could make needles with the magic now. Not that needles would do anything, but it helped me control the magic. Also I now have passed that cap that I had and my magic can turn into a ball double the size of a softball. I found that as long as I wanted it to my shadow would envelop something and stay there. It would go away after light shined on it for to long though.

For instance I placed a large shadow over the Window and it vanished quickly. While I can stretch the Shadow the thicker the shadow is the better it is at hiding light. For instance I also made a solid cube at the window and it lasted for 4 days. I called the spell "Cover" Pretty simple, but at the same time it works. Here is the best part though. The word isn't for no reason though because now with way less concentration I can say the spell and it will do it in almost an instance.

I also made something else I like to call "Masking". Its a simple cover for my face. I also bought a hoodie with some extra money. I figured that if I can't enter the school with defense then I will enter the school unknown. The masking by itself will only last 10 minutes by itself, but I can just repeatedly cast the spell making the effect better, but also at the same it takes more magic from my inner world.

I hoped to not have any contact with the healer, but I need some help with my problems. I have checked my body and I have about a bowling ball size amount of magic in my in my inner world considering the whole pond. Also it takes way to long to regenerate my mana and I'm hoping she might have a fix..

So with some regret at not doing everything myself I got my hoodie on and walked to the healers "Healing Shack". Before I went in I hid in a the shadow of a house made sure nobody saw me then cast "Masking" on me as much as I can before I ran out of magic then walked out and into the "Healing Shack" with my hood on.

Everyone knows everyone like I said so there is the one problem in this plan, but I have a plan for this. She might realize who I am which would make the shadow masking pointless. Simple really I will only learn from the stingy witch for a year then say I'm heading to the magic academy. Problems solved I hope. If not and she still suspects me I have no problem eliminating her so she wont tell anyone.

As soon as I walked in I was noticed by the witch. There was no sick patients inside just me and the stingy witch. My personality instantly changed as well as my voice I became flamboyant and young like. "Hia there mam I have been facing some slight problems at the moment. I need some help getting more magic in my inner world and it would be nice if I could learn a way to collect magic faster." I said in an annoying tone as well making way to many hand signs.

"Well then looks like your fucked. Shadow magic that really sucks kid. 5 silver upfront right now and you can look through my collection. You can only use them here though, so your only limit really is how long that spell lasts. Moving on, how good is your control and how big can you make your magic at once?" she said stone cold.

"Well seems like your straight to the point then. If I wanted you to know those things I wouldn't have come in with my mask." I said still acting. Good thing I learned how to act from plays on Earth.

She pointed to a bookcase in the back and went back to writing at her desk. While I know she's usually stingy shes not that bad right now. This world somehow was English for some unknown reason so for most people who didn't know how to read and write its common now.

I walked by her desk dropped of the silver and went into the back. There was all sorts of magic books back here I only grabbed a few that pertained to me now. I wanted to increase my power like all others, but if I learn magic a different way I might have an edge over others. The books I grabbed simply told how to expand the size of my inner world and my pond would naturally grow. I looked for faster magic regeneration, but the only thing the book told me was use consumables or be a domain of that sort. My guess of something being a shadow domain would most likely be a graveyard. I also searched through the book looking for anything on the soul and necromancy.

I didn't find anything about necromancy, but I did find something called a soul attack were an offensive person would send their molecules at someones soul and into it. Forcibly attacking their soul. It seemed it would also be used the same way when healing the soul. So it seemed like a common thing, but I plan to use mine to take over the soul. Every single element could effect the soul one way or another, but shadow magic. Either people are suppressing the information or they aren't using the magic correctly.

While shadow magic was purely light it was also darkness. Just like while healing is just light, but somehow can help others. I think that shadow magic is also death magic. I believe I will truly be a necromancer. This is truly great. I know its a weird dream, but it has always been mine.