The Don and Rise of Evil 3

The handsome butler assisted his master in correcting his posture, teaching the proper etiquette in front of the table. He tied a white cloth around his master's neck and covered his legs with a blue cloth. After that, he gave him permission to start eating his food.

Hermes placed a hand on his chest and heaved a sigh of relief. He's lucky that his servant hadn't suspected him yet.

"So, may I mind the reason for my servant's immediate leave from this place, Justin? Is their master's behavior might be one of the reasons, hmm?" asked Hermes, tying the cloth properly around his collar.

His butler chuckled and he replied, "Certainly. They couldn't sustain your ruthlessness and harsh treatment, so they decided to resign. For the record, ninety-nine percent had left the mansion last year."

Hermes' eyes opened wide, making his butler giggled from his reaction. "Just kiddin'. Forgive me. It's not the reason. "

His joke wasn't funny for him, and he wished that he considered his feelings first before he answered it.

"What about security?" Hermes placed his right arm beside his plate, while the other one reached the soup not far from it.

His butler pulled the bowl, placing some portion of the soup into his plate. Then, he pulled the glass out of his dimensional pocket, and he poured it with grape juice and placed it down next to his plate. He took three steps away thereof.

Hermes continued to eat, maintaining the right posture in order to prevent creating any kind of skepticism.

"I'm afraid to say, sir. The security forces who pledge themselves to protect you decided to left the mansion last week. In short, the only people living here are only us," said Justin, smiling.

'Why are you so happy about that bad news?' Hermes commented inside his mind with a wrinkled face, his lips pursed.

"Well, that's that, sir," he added.

Hermes rubbed his chin and commented, "Oh."

'As expected. Another bad omen,' he said inside his mind.

The young Don glared at him, his left eyebrows raised up, and he continued to squeeze him for information.

"May I know why those people resigned? Did they even ask for my permission to leave? If not, I won't tolerate their reprehensive action because it is absurd and against the law of my territory." He looked at the liquid on his glass before he took a sip, and he put it back when he was contented. "What a bunch of silly bastards. Shame on them."

'Fuck this life. Zero servants mean a high chance of level threat. My life is on the verge of danger,' he said inside his mind with cold sweat, lips retracted.

His arms picked up the fork, pierced the meat, and eat it. "Well, that might be my fault, huh," he heaved a disappointing sigh.

Justin felt guilty and shame of himself. His master's personality wasn't the reason. He plainly confessed the whole truth, but he was afraid to disappoint him again after what his master commented earlier about his failure to capture one prisoner. Therefore, it was very difficult to reveal it yet.

Hermes locked his eyes at his servant after his servant was urged to say something.

"What?" asked Hermes. "Well boss, it's nothing. Nothing. Please continue, " Justin shivered.

"Huh? If you want something to say, say it. Spill it out," Hermes removed the sauce by the cloth and picked up the glass of water to drink it.

The servant perplexed with cold sweat.

"It's about the same topic earlier, sir. There's another good reason for them to leave last year. You see, it's a new year today, and people who want to spend their time together with their families opt to choose them over their employers. So, you don't have to overthink this hard, my Don," Justin explained with shifty eyes.

Hermes' bulging eyes glared at his servant. He wasn't convinced by his explanation, however.

"Tell me the truth," he demanded, pressing's one lips firmly together.

The servant bent his upper body and apologized. "I'm sorry, my Don."

"It appears you're hiding something from me, Justin. Don't make me feel disappointed again," Hermes said, glaring.

He rested his hands holding the utensils on the table. His butler flinched when his master cracked his neck from left to right and followed by his fingers one by one.

'Ah, crap. I'm not used to this body yet. I need to exercise later,' Hermes said inside his mind.

'The boss is angry again!' Justin's face turned blue, lips turned down.

"Raise your head. Look at me, Justin," Hermes demanded.

Justin obediently followed.

"Avoiding eye contact with your boss, huh. That's a very appalling reply. Tell me, are you hiding somethin' from me? Remember this, it is the biggest crime for my servants to left me alone unprotected, and for you, concealing information is a crime for the clan. For those bastards who left me behind, don't they even realize that their boss's life will be in imminent danger, do they? Or am I that unfortunate and stupid enough for letting those people resigned without my permission? I guess, there salary and benefits from this organization failed to satisfy them at all. Now, tell me." He picked up the glass on the table and, "Did I do wrong?" Hermes asked, tweezed eyebrows.

Justin clenched his fist and finally gave in.

"Forgive me, it's not like that, boss." Justin knelt on one knee, lowering his head while a hand placed on his chest. "You did nothing wrong. Your words and actions are all stupendous than your peers. You paid all of your people fairly and treat them properly by showing your exceptional reception. All of the results of your actions are gratifying. To tell you the truth, it was all my fault. Due to my reckless action, everything went bizarre. Please don't blame yourself for all of these failures. I should be the one to take full responsibility, my Don. Please forgive me."

'Really? That's good,' the trembled hands of the young Don slowly moved properly.

"Oh," The young Don looked down at him. He placed down the glass on the table, and he menacingly questioned, "What kind of treatment did you give to them?"

'You motherfucker. I thought I was the reason, but you're the culprit for this crap. Don't you realize that my mind is going to explode for this bad news earlier? Next time, don't lie!' Hermes's veins appeared.

Justin's lips sucked in when his master looked so pissed.

"I, I, I don't know how should I put it, my Don," he said with a stumble tone.

"Pardon, I don't understand what you mean. Elaborate it." Hermes's face turned darker than before.

"Umm... you see. What I wanted to say was... uh, yes. Last November, I heard from those morons, uh, I mean, our spies that, uh, the other organizations were undergoing massive recruitment and all of the new blooded and musclehead rookies received a harsh training to surpass the level of their rivals. To my surprise, they reported that all of the graduates became an elite soldier in just one year. Because of the intel I received, even though I didn't know if it was legit or not, I made a certain and rightful move without your approval. Using our servants, I mandatorily trained them every day nonstop. Honestly, I wanted to surprise you so we kept it a secret out of goodwill. But unfortunately, they were useless pricks and weak-minded rascals so they failed to comply with the requirements. They couldn't even pass a simple test of courage every night. Not only that, there's a bunch of ants who couldn't catch up with their peers, so I made a new rule for the pitiful bastards to follow up. I created a new set of trials and created a variety of training manuals to enhance their skills in rapid growth. For only six months of harsh training, the development progressed is a hundred percent successful, in my opinion. However, when we're almost at the peak of victory and reach the desired level, those morons escaped. Forgive me, Boss. Forgive me! It's my fault. I disappoint you once again. Not once but the fourth time. You should execute me with your bare hands!" Justin pleaded, excessively grabbed his master's hand.

"Shut it, Justin. Release my hand from your filthy hands," Hermes slapped his face and the butler had finally calmed down. "I'm sorry again, my Don," he hung his head to apologize.

"I won't kill you, bastard. I ain't though. This scenario ain't acceptable, however. What will happen to me now, huh? Who will guard and protect me in this world?" he chastised, "What can we do now?" The young Don's hand covered his face and he sighed.

"Don't worry, boss." Justin clenched his fist upward with delightful eyes. "It's already settled down last year. I already disposed of those traitors, to be honest. Not only that, I'd really make sure that all of the assassins sent by our enemies were all annihilated."

'What the heck? You're too vicious!' - These were the words the young Don wished to say, however, he's afraid to say it.

Several minutes later, the atmosphere inside the dining hall had calm down. The young Don was almost done with his meal.

Then, his lunch again got disturbed by his servant once more time.

"My Don, I almost forgot. It's great timing to report this news. My apprentice maid who left this morning gave me this letter. She might already return to her home. This letter solidified only for you. Want me to read this for you?" Justin suggested.

Hermes passionately sliced the portion of Turkey's meat and glared at him, "Wait, an apprentice of yours?" he asked. "Yes, sir. Out of all servants, she's the best and the only one who finished the training," Justin confirmed.

"That surprises me. Oh, yeah. You told me before that you gave everyone training. Good grief, for real? Someone survives, huh. Then, why did she suddenly decide to leave?" His butler scratched his cheeks. "Umm, actually, she didn't want to leave, but there's something she needed to finish an important task at her home. To be honest, I planned to make her your exclusive maid. You see, she has adequate skills and great ability to be promoted to that job. This way, wherever I go for a hunt and massacre our enemies, she'll be there for you at all times as a meat shield. But nevermind. Let's skip it," Justin explained briefly.

'Meatshield. What?' The young Don's eyes opened wide in surprise.

His butler added, "But to be frank, she might use that as an excuse to escape from your hands. It might be the incident that happened last eve. I know you still remember that one. You won't adamantly deny the truth. Oh, my. How romantic you are that night, my Don. You performed a clarifying performance, and I won't dare to forget that moment. Yet, the problem occurred. My apprentice rejected your love and pushed you away. I witnessed how you easily steal an important thing for her, sir. This Justin here is really impressed. Your face couldn't cover your delightfulness and you felt the challenge by how the girl behaves, so you ran to her side just to tell her how beautiful she was, and despite the fact she reluctantly declined your love, you happily commented on her existence as a nostalgic star in the night. Unfortunately, your foot got stumble by a rock and you slipped to her hands. Two young people tuck their lips together. Oh, gosh. I can't believe that moment happen. You're a real man now, my Don."

"Tuck our lips? What do you say?" Hermes' eyes trembled.

"You stole her first kiss, sir. That might be the start of the problem incurred. She inaudibly called you a pervert and molester. You just replied with a disappointed tone, 'How boring, just leave if you don't want that.' Umm... well, that's that." Justin explained briefly.

He broke the leg part of roasted Turkey, and he put it down on his master's plate.

"What? Did I really kiss her? Seriously? Hermes doubted. "Crap, let's forget about her then. Forget what you saw that night," he demanded.

Hermes picked up the glass and gulped the water until it's empty. He pierced the meat with his fork and swallowed it.

"Change the topic, please," he commanded.

"Hmm... Men are like a beast readied to eat their prey when they see them feat to their desire, as per se. Likewise, it's absolutely part of your genes. Having the characteristics of womanizer from your father such as temptation and lust for women. You're just showing it to that girl, I think. So, it's natural for you, the 'sole survivor', to do such a thing. Then, I'll try my best to forget about that event, sir. But I cannot guarantee how long it would take before it disappears from my mind. How unfortunate, it is you and me again this year." Justin placed a hand on his forehead and shook his head, "For what I seldom pledged to you five years ago, I would always be with you until the last breath of my life. You're the best among your peers," Justin declared.

The young Don, puzzled, surprised from his revelation.

"Wait, 'top right there." He removed the small portion of the oiled meat from his mouth and asked, "I'm confused. Sole survivor? That's ridiculous... Do you mean the only surviving member of the family?" He, unacceptably, disagreed and laughed. "You're revealing to me that my relatives including my siblings died. You're a funny guy, Justin. You're so funny. Stop joking around, okay," Hermes giggled with his head shook in denial, while he gulped the grape juice from his other glass.

Justin tilted his head to the side with a confused face. He picked up the pitcher and refilled his glass.

"Fufu~, boss you're so funny too," he complimented, pouring the glass of his water.

He took two steps away from his distance.

"Of course, you'd already know the answer. You're the only one still alive in your family. Your parents, elder siblings, and other relatives here were dead. All of them died during the war between Archnemesis and Corleon five years ago," he simpered.

Hermes flinched and his whole body turned into stone. He's almost ready to puke, but he held his breath and swallowed it back before it could happen.

What his servant revealed was very different from what he knew.

His lips turned upside down with a worried face. This big news astonished him badly because it was contradicting the original plot of the game.

According to his memory, his parents and siblings were supposedly alive until the end of the story. Moreover, Hermes solely died at the upcoming event - the Second Holy Mafia War. When his body buried in the cemetery, his family exiled to the small island and lived their lives in solitude and no one had ever heard any more news about them afterward.

The young Don gulped the air before speaking, like the fish his complexion on his mind.

"Yy-you're joking right?" Hermes squeaked.

"How ironic." Justin placed his arm on his chin. "You're so happy that they died back then, but now, you're acting differently. You're so surprised and worried right now. I don't understand at all. So confusing... Hmm, I guess it was already five years ago when we buried their bodies in the cemetery, so you've already forgotten about it. Oh, I get it." He grinned and thumbed up at him. "Rest assured, my Don. They are already dead sleeping on their tomb where their fleshes might be eaten by the worms. So please, let your happiness from their death move on and live yourself in the present day. I know how you feel right now. It's already a new year, so you need to stop your hobbies of digging their tomb and make fun of their corpse, okay. There's a big opportunity for you. Change yourself for good for the organization but stay who you are for your family. And sir, if you don't mind... I know it's kinda rude to ask. There's an easiness inside my heart. Why y' look so worried?" he asked, waiting for his master to respond.

Hermes, mouth agape, was unable to say something. His silence made his servant worried about his mental health this time.

"Umm.., " he coughed twice, "there's nothing to afraid about, Justin. I was just... uh, got surprised by how good the breakfast was. Not only that, I was too exhausted last night. Don't be bothered." Hermes lied, trying to skip his question. "Oh, I see. The documentation and relevant paperwork you've signed earlier made you exhausted, huh. I guess that's one of the reasons why you look so wary," Justin chortled in joy.

Hermes gulped his saliva. This butler was really dangerous. If he made a mistake, he would meet the maker in no time. All of this bizarre situation was all because of the individual liable for his forced transmigration, it's none other than Stump G.

He clenched his teeth and his trembling hand picked up the glass of water and drank it. He gulped some air to calm himself.

"I'm done eating. I need to go back to my room," he said.

"Oh, so early, my Don. By the way, what are you planning to do today?" Justin assisted him to remove the white cloth from his neck and slowly removed the portion of scattered pieces of his food from his cheeks with his handkerchief. "I know you're scheming somethin'. Please free to spill it out to make me spout."

Hermes' head tilted to the side.

"What do you mean, Justin?" he quizzed. "Well boss, you're the new Don of the Archnemesis Family," his servant answered.

"Wait, that's not the answer that I want to hear though," Hermes corrected. "Oh, well, sir. Are you going to continue your cruel works in your village?" his servant asked. "I don't get it," the young Don placed a hand on his chest with a perplexed face.

Justin moved closer to his master and he fixed his boss's collar properly. Then, he gradually arranged his sleeves neatly.

"There, you're ready. If you want to go to the village, please let me know, okay, " he said. After that, he turned around to check and clean the table.

'Wait, a village?' Hermes contemplated the subject inside his mind.

"Oh, the village?" he exclaimed.

His butler's raised and curved brows turned at his master when he mentioned it again.

"Yes, your wrecked village under your protection. You're always terrorized your territory to gain some prestige and help them to remember who you are in charge of that place. You've even hired a mercenary group to collect the protection money from them, though.," Justin simpered, putting the plates and glasses in the tray one by one.

"What? I did that?" Hermes put his right arm under his chin while looking at the outside through the window. "Hmm, let me ask you something. Just... Just tell me straight in the face. If I go to that place, what might possibly happen to me?" asked Hermes. "You're a hundred percent going to get tortured and beaten to death if they catch you alive. There are a lot of people who loath you so much. Regardless of your wealth, there are several men who had been plotting to assassinate you if they had a chance for the last couple of years since you took the throne." Hermes crept out, legs kept trembling. He never thought his life at peril. Not only that, he had no idea how bad his records in that place, and why the villagers hated him too much.

He stood up from his chair and moved next to the wall.

"Seriously?" Hermes bit his lips and awkwardly leaned his back against it.

"Umm, yes, sir. By the way, I know it's kind of rude to ask. Why'd you become even more interested in that village and ask so many questions?" Justin offered him again a glass of grape juice.

"W, What?" Hermes took the glass and took a sip. And he asked with a slightly annoying tone, "Do I have no right to ask about them?"

Justin moved closer to give him the glass of grape juice.

"Hmmm, oh, I do. I remember that we lost our contacts to our spies in that place last week. Let me recall what should I report you right now." he put his right palm on his forehead and sighed. "My bad, let's just forget about those useless pricks. It's not worth to report yet. I already killed that spy because of his false report," he confirmed.

"Y' killed who? Nevermind. Tell it to me. I want to know more information about the villagers living in that place." Hermes insisted, loudly hammered with his right hand against the wall. He totally ignored what happened to the spy and got his attention to his village.

Justin gave in and hung his head.

"Now, proceed. How're the people living there?" he asked. "I was just teasing you earlier, but to think you're keen to accumulate more information about that place is very interesting. May I mind to know the reason why you're asking the situation of those commoners? Do you have some business to take care of with them today? No matter. I guess, my question is a little bit absurd. Let me rephrase the question. Are you planning for another round of cruelty to increase their fear and respect for your power today, my Don? If yes, I fully suggest calling your mercenaries residing on the island of Malta to raid the place anyway. Anytime soon. No ASAP. Just say the word." Justin pampered.

Justin mistakenly believed he's planning to terrorize the village.

It was completely opposite to Hermes' desire, however.

Why did he want to know about them all? Why was he so interested in the place? It was none other than the important place for the character development of every female playable protagonist. Whoever one of the twelve females visited here would gain an incredible amount of experience and attributes for their conquest.

The real Hermes didn't care about them at all, but the village was very important for every protagonist of the game according to Aljen's knowledge. Additionally, it was a death trap and future cemetery for the villains like his character, however.

There were several Ancient weapons buried within the Island of Scily, and one of the items was located beneath his territory.

The female protagonists needed it against the powerful villains that couldn't be defeated with their current strength, and these items would be the greatest asset to prevent the destruction of their world from the upcoming Demon Invasion from the Middle East.

However, the young Don had no idea which part of the story should happen first since the plot undeniably got changed when he transmigrated to this world.

And, that was really put him in a difficult spot.

The young Don was anxious. Some of the main quests and sub-quest were contained death flags. Not to mention, four of the major plot points of this were in the village.

He gulped the juice until its empty and placed down the glass on the table. And he said at ease, "You see, I just thought about this last night. I put this inside my mind as my final solution. I think it is the right time to stop messing with those morons. Playing around with them made me puke because of their disgusting scream of pain and suffering. I guess we can call it off. Period."

"What, sir?" Justin, surprised, tilted his head. "Sir, we have had the mercenaries ready to strike them down for good though."

"Then, void our contract with the employer."

Justin opened his eyes widely, covered his mouth in discontentedness.

"Boss, if you do that, how would they be able to show your cruelness on this island? Sir, what just really happened during the last eve? Are you still yourself?"

"Yep, I am still myself." He placed his arm on his chest with dignity. "Hermes Archnemesis."

The atmosphere froze after his butler became quiet.

Hermes was surprised when he saw him clenching his teeth and shivered in anger.

His butler's eyes turned red and his body was engulfed with dark aura dancing like a flame in the torch.

'What the hell is going on?' The young Don asked himself.

'W-w-what?' He trembled.

His butler stepped forward, "Did someone sneak to my radar and brainwash you, my Don?" he questioned. "Justin, you're wrong. Calm down," Hermes replied.

His butler's veins popped out, lips retracted.

"That's not what I want to hear. That's not how you suppose to answer as well," he protested.

'What the fuck is wrong with this moron?' His thoughts with a disappointing gaze.

"Justin, I command you to stop crying right now," Hermes demanded.

"I knew it," his butler cried.

'W-what now?' Hermes worried.

"That's not what my beloved Don would reply. You should be more sadistic than this. Don't worry, I'll find the culprit right now," Justin bewailed, ready to cast the spell.

'Sadistic, what?' Hermes' disappointment increased when he heard it.

The butler covered himself with his shadow and cast his magic spell [Agenda] to search the area within their place.

"Alright, enough." He slapped his butler before he did something terrible, "I told you, you moron. It's me. I'm still myself, stupid. Your boss!"

The dispirited Justin returned to normal after that hard slap. He clicked his tongue in his failure to find anyone within the place. Hermes ordered him to sit down and listened to him first thereafter.

"But boss? Are you seriously want to do it? Are you really still sane? In your tone and how you interact with me, it is too different from before. If it was not because of elixir or manipulating skill, what could be the reason for that change then?" Justin condemned. "Umm... you may think of this insane, but I doubt I can still continue to live like this. I ain't going to stick around like a fool that'll still mess those villagers until my death. That's not cool. In other words, boring. I started to think of stopping my wrongdoings too and started a new life as a teenager so true. I want a peaceful life. Isn't that good for me, right?" Hermes explained.

"But... but... I'm so confused. Last night, you told me you would conquer the whole Italia. That time, you're almost on the verge of your world. One of your main objectives was to wipe out the whole clan of Corleon family, build a harem, end feminism here and eradicate everyone in this nation who would try to stop your domination. And now, you're saying the opposite." Justin complained, infrequently blinking.

"How nuisance," The young Don muttered. His servant was saying nonsensical words so he asked him to go near him to give him a flick. "Well sometimes, people changed their ideas for good, right? You just told me to forget the past and move on. Now, you're telling me to stop? I want a normal teenage life," he sighed while eating the apple he picked up from the basket.

"Hmm, you got a point. But sir, can you specify to me your word 'teenage life'? Are you trying to say that you'll stop following the family tradition? Are you going to leave it be?" Justin asked as he was a little bit curious about what would be his response.

Hermes got an idea from the beginning of their conversation. Now the setting had been reversed from the beginning, and this world would be placed a crucial point in the future. He got an idea that he might possibly change his fate. Inside his mindset, this might be a chance to end this. "I can end my mafia life... for good," he concluded with a crescent-moon smile that appeared on his face.

Justin was astonished by his master's word, so he unintentionally dropped the tray in his hands, and he absentmindedly broke the plates and portion of beverages when he tried to pick it up by his strength.

"F-forgive me, sir." The butler tried to cover his anxiety with a smiling face. And he asked at ease, "What just I hear now? Pardon me. Y-y-you want a normal life?"

Hermes fixed his sleeve when he noticed it was untidy. He turned his face at his servant and replied, "Yeah, I want to live as an ordinary teenager. A normal citizen with pure intention where I contribute to society with goodwill. That's what I want to happen. That's what I mean as teenage life."

"In other words, you're planning to end your status as the Don of this crime family?" Justin placed his heart and readied himself to his unveiling response. But his mind blew as Hermes feel uplifted.

"But... But why? For what reason?" Justin explicitly asked.

"Let me explain it to you very simple. I give you three reasons. First, right now we don't have enough servants in this mansion. Who will clean the entire mansion then? Second, the security had decreased and we're almost in imminent danger to protect the place. If the assassins have several mages in their group who will protect me from their arms? Lastly, we might have money to hire more mercs but I want some trusted men to do the dirty work. So why should I continue the organization anyway?" Hermes explained, tapping the table with his finger.

Justin started to tremble with disbelief. He sincerely asked, "Boss, do you have a sick? Do you need some medicines to take? Your convincing words sounded like a person who wanted to disband the whole organization for good. You're kidding right?"

"Of course.... not. I'm not jokin' around. Now do it," he demanded.

Aljen Mura as Hermes Archnemesis knew his future. If he decided to disband the whole organization, he could prevent his death flag from the hands of the reverse harem captured target, Arata Kingsman. Especially, there were no people he could trust in his domain except Justin, so he concluded to change his fate by moving forward in different routes against the plot of the game story. His servant had gravely despaired inside when he saw his master stood firm to his sudden decision, so he couldn't hide his desperation to wake him up from his beliefs.

"Stop it, Justin. Enacting this order is a must. I'm doing the right decision. Remember, I'm your master, so know your place," Hermes declared, sitting in his chair again like a boss. "Leave me be."

"But.. but. I can overlook the progress of your scheme to the village by stopping your play against them. But if you resign as the Don and disband the organization, how could I possibly face your parent's grave? I promised them that I would make you; the best Boss not merely in Scily but the whole world. One of the most powerful, influential, successful, extremely ruthless, extremely dangerous and universally feared."

"Well as of today, I choose to live peacefully. It was my decision from the beginning and you don't have any right to defy my wish. Period!" said Hermes as he raised his hand to make him obey.

"Y-yes, sir." Justin wiped his tears from his eyes and knelt down, hands on the ground, in despair. "No... It can't be."

Hermes smirked as he looked above the ceiling painted by beautiful angels of death. One had a scythe in his hands and the other had a spear near to the opposed person. He had finally taken the step of living as a mob in this world without taking the route of being a villain. He had now the lead to become a normal teenager.

After a few hours, Hermes was walking in his garden. Looking around the place, the beautiful and fabulous set of white roses in the place showed the authentic display of the place. The sensation and fresh air coming from the east helped him to ease his stress.

In the middle, there was a huge fountain where a statue of the old founder positioned. He sat in the open resting area of the structure to take a rest.

"Now what?" he asked, looking at the water.

Hermes realized he won't be able to return to his original world. But he hadn't lost his hope that one day he will go back. Now he told Justin his plan of disbandment of the organization, what would he do next? He didn't expect to become the boss of an organization where his men and servants already resigned themselves. He wished to follow the same route of the game however, there might be a chance that it would trigger his death flag. He sighed and faced the clear and blue sky.

He remembered the 'village' he heard from Justin. He concluded if the villagers learned the disbandment of his organization. The people who hate him and plotted to kill him would initiate their plan once they learned he had no servants left to serve him, and they would surely do anything in their power to kill him because they knew he didn't have anyone to protect his life. Therefore, the event of his death would happen before the twelve female protagonists came on the island. It would also be changed the plot where he would be executed in front of the citizens, and worse than that, he would be hanging naked in the public.

These worst-case scenarios gave him goosebumps. His face and hands trembled with cold sweat.

He wanted to leave at once and escaped from this island for good, however, it was impossible right now. If he decided to leave the place, the mafia council would sue him, and not only that the villagers would blame him if the territory got occupied by one of the bosses here. The worst thing here was, the port of the village was one of the national routes that were connected to the capital. This place was the only location where the international cargo ships stationed.

"I should probably fix the problem with the villagers before I disband the organization for good." He muttered as he touched the water. He closed his fist tightly and made his predicament. "My bad records must perish in that place or else I won't be able to get through in their port. They will surely treat me well if I do that, maybe. But.. this Hermes I possess had already committed a lot of crime in that place. Oh man," he scratched his hair. "Why did you, Hermes, make such a thing like that?" He stomped the ground twice and folded his arms thereafter. "Well whatever, I will fix this problem you made, Hermes Archnemesis." As of today, he pledged to do anything he can to step by step stop his death in the future. His plan had been started; ending his mafia life to prevent his destiny.