The Don and Demon Beast 3

The sunlight passed through the window, enlightened every sector in a row, and gave a pleasant glance to the eyes of children glowing sight.

As the car crossed the rocky road, the young boy who was playing around inside the car had accidentally lost his balance. He was fortunately salvaged by Hermes. He's almost half an inch to get hit himself to the window rest.

His twin sister scolded him thereafter, to never repeat play around again. Then, he sulked for feeling guilty and he quickly apologized for his childish act.

"It's alright. Just stay still and buckle your seatbelt again, kid," he said, smiling. "Y, yes, sir," Troy said, the little boy with the greenish curve hair and thin body structure. The first son and the second child in the Camelia household. His light brown peasant suit tightly tangled by the seatbelt after he followed his advice.

"Geez, brother. Be careful next time. Mind your manners as well," July reminded. "O, of, course. Stop reminding me, please. Mr. Aljen's reminder is enough," Troy puffed his cheeks.

July Camelia was her full name. She had short lime hair, blue eyes like her brother, and pale skin. Her blue sleeves covered her leather jacket showing her assertiveness and her conservative attitude showed how long her skirt was. The youngest among the three siblings of their family.

Hermes noticed that the sweat dropped down on their faces. He pulled out his handkerchief and used it to wipe the sweat.

He's so happy that he could finally experience once again as an older brother despite the fact that he only intended to use them as a tool for his plan. They weren't blood-related, so he's still needed to control himself from hugging these cute identical twins.

Would the legal authorities like the police department, FBI agency, and other executive branches from the former world arrest him for doing this part? No, he thanked his luck didn't depart for now.

His objective hadn't changed and he needed their power of endearing cuteness to remove his name from the blacklist of their village.

'The innocence of children will trump their hearts and convinced them to forget the past', he said.

According to the psychology book, he read earlier, the power of cuteness was when a person's personality shone through their looks. Like in the way they walked, every time you saw them you just wanted to run up and hug them. Cuteness shall prevail over the damn.

With their help, they could control the populace because they were cute after all. No one other than cold-blooded pedophiles won't be able to resist it.

But the question was, would his plan succeed?

After all, the young Don didn't know exactly what should he tell to the people thereafter. Would he risk his life to reveal himself or just play a role and become someone else to help oneself? All the plausible execution appeared in his mind such as hanging in the public, shoot by the firing squad, and et. at all.

He grimaced and held his breath. He prayed that one of his plans would work, and those negative results won't happen at all.

In this world, even there's no FBI exist, some villagers won't tolerate and become more aggressive to a stranger. They would mistakenly believe that he kidnapped and brainwashed the children.

Brainwashing was common nowadays. But there were few people who had a strong resistance to this spell. Not only that, there's no way for him to do that to these adorable children. Truth to be told, he's weak against children though.

This time, he had to overcome this event. All he had to do was to act as a merchant named Aljen.

After he's done cleaning their faces, the cuteness blinded his eyes.

"Too cute," he beamed.

Twenty-six minutes later.

The clouds covered the sun, the land's surface was lucid to be seen.

"Hey, kids. Is this truly your first time riding a car?" inquired Hermes as he closed his hands, cross-legged. "Yes, yes, yes. This is my first time, sir," Troy confirmed. "Y, y, yes, sir," July followed, fidgeting her gaze from his eyes and knees.

"Oh, please. There's no need to call me sire, okay. How about calling me elder brother?" he suggested. "Y, yes, big brother Aljen!" the twins beamed in unison, a powerful innocent sight gave the young Don a heart attack.

'Oh man, these kids…. are so cute! Calling me, big brother is the biggest achievement in my entire life. How amusing. I want siblings to adopt them,' Hermes cried inside, guts pose.

Whilst the young Don had been happily doting the two little guests, Justin, who was watching through the front mirror, felt worried. The adorableness of the children drove him insane. He's truly apprehensive about their existence.

'Damn these filthy peasants. They are trying to get his good side for their own benefits. What a cynical bastards,' Justin said inside his mind.

Hermes sensed his killing intent to the children, so he sneakily kicked his seat without getting caught.

'Hey, don't you ever think about it, Justin. Don't ruin my plan, capiche,' Hermes warned through his eyes. 'Y, yes, sir,' Justin nodded with cold sweat.

He sliced his neck on-air as a sign of warning which his servant fully understood the meaning.

Justin clicked his tongue and he engrossed it.

Through the window, July sighted the wall of their village. Hermes, Justin, and the twin brother turned their eyes at the place she pointed at.

A village protected with a vast and heavily fortified concrete wall. Outside of the area that wasn't inside the protected realm, there's the farmland of grapevines, potatoes, and other agricultural products. There's a small portion of the wall which left unfinished in the central part of the village's front gate.

Hermes believed that they didn't have enough money to expand it, so a large portion of important products was left unprotected. But he knew that once they gathered enough funds, they would resume the project.

Sad to say, the silence of joy got interrupted after a bullet hit the hood of the car. Another one pierced through the front glass, creating a small circular spot. Hermes embraced the twins without a second thought and he bravely used his body to shield them whilst his butler forcibly stepped the gas and took a left turn to the other side. He crashed it into a tiny bush of grass and parked it quickly near the huge tree.

He summoned his sword on his waist and exited the car immediately. He adjusted his gloves whilst looking around the area. He clicked his tongue when he couldn't find the culprit nearby.

Then, he checked his boss through the window. He placed a hand on his chest and heaved a sigh of relief after he found him safe and sound. But his eyes turned grumpy when his master was still covering the twins with his body.

Nevertheless, he ignored the unpleasant sight and prioritized his objective.

"Boss, are you alright?" asked Justin as he opened the door. "I'm alright. Damn, thank goodness, we're safe." Hermes said.

He then petted the children when he found them uninjured.

"What about you, kids?" inquired Hermes as he scanned their bodies. "I'm alright," Troy answered. "M, me either. July is fine, brother Aljen," she followed.

Hermes placed a hand on his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief. But still, he was infuriated within his heart to the assailant who shot them without a warning.

"Justin, what was that? Who tried to shoot us? What could be the reason?" the young Don asked, angrily. "To be honest, I don't know either, master. The shooter caught us by surprise. Forgive me, sir. The only lead I have so far is this, he could be a hitman or a bandit," Justin replied.

"Can you use your [Agenda] to find him?" Hermes questioned. "Unfortunately, I can't... yet. My skill has a long cooldown period with approximately two hours before I could use it again. I know you're mad about what happened, but please, stay calm. In this situation, you must stay strong and positive. Always remember, no matter how frustrating the situation is, a person with the right mind won't get emotional in the battle," Justin reminded, gravely.

"Do you think he knows who am I?" Hermes inquired. "I don't know yet. I have no lead, sir. The only way to find out the truth is by hunting down the assassin who tried to kill us all. But, I won't leave without your permission. It depends on your decision, sir," Justin responded.

Hermes's eyes opened wide, lips pursed.

'He's right. I need to calm myself. Being emotional won't help me to think properly,' Hermes commented.

"What is your order?" asked Justin. "So be it. Fine. Find that man if we must. If he's an enemy who knows my true identity then we have no other choice but to capture him alive to know his true purpose," Hermes shrugged his arms and sighed.

"W, what are you talking about, brother Aljen?" July asked, worrying. "Aah nothing, little July." Hermes convinced.

He slowly clapped his cheeks to awaken himself.

"Thanks, you're a big help. Cuteness truly cures depression and uneasiness," Hermes declared. "Uh, what? Okay," the twins confused as they deliberately answered together.

The young Don closed his eyes for a moment, clearing his qualm.

As an adult inside a teenager, he must remain calm.

He must act like one since he had already lived for such a long time from his past life. Calculating and strategizing the difficult situation rather than waiting for your petty soul to go to the afterlife gave courage to the young Don. He thanked the books he read earlier, making himself to become merrier.

"Find that shooter and capture him alive. Don't ever forget your objective. You can leave me alone as I can protect myself alone. I'll be alright, so don't hold back," ordered Hermes as he stood up from his position and exited the car. "As you wish, boss." Justin obeyed. He pressed a hand on his chest and nodded.

"Justin," Hermes tugged his trouser to stop him temporarily. "What is it, boss? I hope this is important, sir. We need to make haste," said Justin, calmly. But behind that face, an angry man filled with hatred and bloodlust was inside.

Looking at his terrifying face, Hermes shivered in fear as he reminded the important thing he needed to do.

"Remember the mission. Don't kill the shooter. I want him alive. Also, if ever by-chance, he has allies within this area, please treat them nicely, okay. You're allowed to hurt them a bit but bear in mind not to get overboard. Capiche?" Hermes prompted. "I will," Justin guaranteed, smiling. Then, he disappeared in a blink of an eye thereafter.

The young Don picked up the Tommy gun he used earlier against the demon beast. Then, he asked the children to shut the door and stay inside.

Suddenly, he heard a sound of a small stick of the branch from the other side. He quickly hid on the trunk of the huge tree before the assailant appeared.

With his quick reaction, the assailant began to land him with bullets. This man wore a grassy-camouflaged cloak. He's carrying an old version of broaden-wood class Garand rifle in his hands.

The twins covered their heads whilst hiding inside the backseat when they heard the gunshot outside.

Hermes noticed that the shooter began to change his magazine, so he used this chance to run away. It was the only way to keep him away from the car as far as possible. The children's safety was the most important thing he needed to do.

Thankfully, the shooter impulsively followed him without checking the inside.

The young Don returned fire against the upcoming assailant. He slid down the mud surface to take cover behind the rock. His face, coated by dust, reloaded his gun as the shooter consecutively landed him with a lot of bullets once again.

But Hermes didn't step aback and panicked. He gulped some air before he counterattacked, and he luckily grazed the shooter from its sleeve. With the shameful fact that someone of his age did this to him, the shooter got angry.

"Take this, motherfucker!" He bewailed.

Hermes' hiding spot cracked and split into two like a boiled egg got smash to open it. A large smoke sprouted from the scene and the shooter changed his magazine.

The shooter checked his target's status after the smoke disappeared, believing he won the battle.

But his smiling face turned blue when someone pressed a barrel of a submachine bun on his cheeks. He slowly raised his hand up with cold sweat. On his right, Hermes appeared without any scratch.

"Take it slowly, will ya. Drop it. Oh, oh, no, no, I said. Slow and steady. Too fast, too fast. I said, slow, okay. Good. Nice. Throw your weapon on that side. Now, if you want to live much longer~, don't do anything stupid," he advised, pointing his gun at his enemy's eyes.

The shooter threw his weapon from a distance and faced the person with shaky smile.

"Who are you? Are you the person who shot us earlier?" Hermes inquired. "I'm just a guard. I, I'm not the first one who pulled the trigger. It is not me, sire," the shooter answered.

"Oh, then why do you want to kill us?" quizzed Hermes as he pressed the barrel of his weapon at his cheeks tightly. "N, none of your business, intruder," the shooter sput, unsightly.

"Ooh," Hermes grabbed the middle part of his gun so tight, and he spanked the toughest part directly to the shooter's back to knock him down. He resumed, "Then, there's no need to ask for more. Stay there before your owner searches you and kindly kiss the ground you spit, it's making me feel sick, you prick. You're just wasting my time. If you don't mind, may I take this as my memento?" asked Hermes as he removed the magazines from his waist.

After Hermes examined the outfit and he found the symbol of the goddess of the Scily Island, Gaia. This time, he finally got a lead who were these people were. But he had to verify this to the children first.

A few minutes later, the young Don returned to the vehicle to check the children, whilst, he carried the cloak over his shoulder. Then, he jumped straight to the point without a second thought.

"Kids, do you mind if I ask you for this? Do you recognize — this?" asked Hermes as he showed the cloak at them. "B, brother, I recognize it," Troy answered in an instant. "M, me, too. July recognize it too," July followed, raising a hand slightly to get his attention.

'Crap, this is bad. I need to tell this to that stupid butler right now,' Hermes declared.

Meanwhile, Justin dashed into the plain field whilst tracking down the shooter nearby.

"Where are you, you doughebag. Where could you be hiding?" he grimaced.

The culprit found him first, and he locked his eyes at the target's head. Then, he pulled the trigger and, "Gotcha," he simpered, confidently.

However, Justin easily avoided the bullet by using his incredible agility. Thanks to the sound of the bullet, he calculated the range and the exact location of the shooter's hiding spot.

"Found you," he said, lips upturned.

He found him, and that was bad news for the shooter. He shivered in fear when he saw his terrifying smile.

He's confident that he won't be spotted because of his camouflaged, green grassy cloak. To think that he could easily trace his position within this range was undeniably unbelievable.

Thereafter, he began to shoot him with several bullets. He won't let this madman get inside the village at all cost.

'W, why he's smiling like that? S, scary,' he shuddered inside his mind.

He found him in the open field smiling in delight.

When he changed his magazine, Justin disappeared from his sight. He panicked.

He wandered his eyes looking for him. But he was unable to find him within his range. With this, he had no other choice but to call for back up. He pulled out his radio and, "Need back up in the district 1 Realm Area A. I repeat, I need back. ASAP," he called.

"Sorry, lad. No back up will come for your aide," said Justin, smiling.

"Oh, shit," the shooter shrieked.

The butler pointed his hand on his throat, ready to slice him if he made a single move.

"You lowly lifeform, trying to kill my boss on his trip to the village is a no-no. Do you have any last words, hitman?" smirked Justin, his thumb slowly pressed on his throat, a small portion of blood dripped out. But he stopped when he recalled what his master told him to follow.

The shooter gulped and shivered. He's really going to die if he didn't do something about it.

"W-who are you then? Why do you guys want to go to our village?" he asked, angrily.

"Hoo, how dare you to answer me back with a question? Please bear in mind. I'm the one who should get some answer in this position, okay. Oh well, you're wasting a lot of my time. I'm sure there's a lot of other people out there. Killing one man won't even get my master's attention though. You know why? Because you're a replaceable pawn, after all, so good die," the butler cackled as he raised his hand to cut his throat. "W-w-wait!" the shooter squeaked.

"Goodbye," smirked Justin.

However, another gunshot interrupted his fun time. The butler jumped away from his position when multiple bullets tried to hit him.

"Another prey enter the hunting ground, huh? Oh my, this is so clarifying," Justin exulted.

The shooter ran to his companion's location. The group was armed with rifles and proper support equipment like radio. In the middle, a man around forty-five years of his age was there, watching the butler through his scope. He rubbed his amber curve hair as he couldn't believe that the butler's agility was too great. He wore a brown jacket and gray pants.

His name was Zamor Camelia, the Village Chief of the Neue Fiona Village.

"Are you alright, Ubert?" he asked. "Yes, Chief Zamor. I truly believed that I would go to hell that time. Thanks for saving my ass from that monster. He looks like a humble human in the flesh, but don't get deceived, he's not easy to kill," Ubert said, rubbing his neck.

"Ooh, a monster, huh. To think you level that man to those creatures is very unexpected, Ubert. Okay, then. Men, shoot that man down!" Chief Zamor commanded, pointing his index at the butler. "Yes, sir!" everyone followed together.

On the other side, Justin was very excited. He couldn't hide his delight when he saw a lot of people on the same spot. He hadn't killed anyone yet for the past few weeks, so he's urged to massacre them all. But, he had a mission to fulfill first, so he had to endure it.

The five armed men were in a panic. They failed to stop his advance for the past few minutes.

"This guy is too fast! My bullets can't hit him!"

"I couldn't hit him. I will be out of ammo if we won't stop him at once!"

"He is coming over here. Kill him before he reaches... us!"

"Stay on sight, everyone. Stay calm. Focus your attention. He's the only one. We've outnumbered him, so believe to your comrades," Chief Zamor bellowed. "Y, yes, chief," everyone nodded.

His men tried their best to shoot him down, however, Justin kept dodging it like he was dancing the cha-cha in the party. He disappeared when all of them reloaded. Then, they began to panic this time.

"Where is he?" one of them asked, nervously. "I'm here. Hello there," Justin greeted, tapping his shoulder.

"Aaaaah!" he shrieked.

The red one knocked out by one sliced of his hand behind his neck.

"Shoot him down!" the second man ordered, aiming his gun at the butler. "Seriously, don't waste your bullet aimlessly," said Justin as he knocked him by an uppercut.

"Guwaah!" he fainted after he fell on the ground.

One by one the remaining troops got knocked down by his hands.

This situation made Chief Zamor and Ubert gulped.

"T, This is bad. If this continues, the entire village will be in grave danger. I can't believe someone like him exists in this world. Ubert, warn the council quickly. Run like hell," Chief Zamor ordered. "Y, Yes, Chief!" Ubert obeyed. He ran away from the battlefield to the village's front gate.

He got stripped when Justin hit him by a tiny rock on his leg. He rolled down on the plain ground whilst holding the part where it was hit.

"Gaaaaah, my leg! My leg. Oh God, it hurt! Oow," Ubert howled.

"Damn it," Chief Zamor fumed. He readied his rifle and aimed it at Justin.

"Ooh, last one. I believe you're the leader of these useless dogs. Nice to meet ya, sire," greeted Justin, destroying the rifle of his henchmen by one knee. "Yes, I'm the one. May I know your name, stranger?" asked Chief Zamor, seriously. "Well, you don't need to know. You're going to die anyway," Justin confirmed, gravely.

"W, What?" Chief Zamor shuddered, lips twitched. "Oh, please. Don't get too afraid. It's so common nowadays. In battle, the responsibility of his subordinate's action shall be paid by their leader's head. In short, I have no choice but to eliminate you. Forgive me if I must. You must take responsibility for what you've done to my beloved Don. Goodbye," Justin declared, lips upturned.

"Halt!"the voice of a man commanded.

This familiar voice made Justin stop. He's almost an inch to his target's throat. Chief Zamor gulped with cold sweat.

"Oh my, you're lucky," said Justin, smiling.

Hermes and the siblings rushed to their side and stopped the butler.

"Papa!" Troy cried.

"Papa, papa, papa!" July bawled.

"July, Troy, oh my God. Thank goodness you're okay," the chief sniffled, watching the kids from afar.

"Nobody move!" Justin snapped.

The twins stopped running towards their father.

"Kids, do you know this man?" asked Justin, gravely. "Y,yes, Mr. Justin. He is our father. Please spare his life, please," July begged, crying.

"Please, we beg you. He is the only one we have. Please spare him, please Mr. Justin," asked Troy, genuflected.

His twin sister copied him and genuflected on the ground.

"Justin. You hear the kids. Put down your hand. Release that man right now," Hermes commanded. "But, master. This man. This man tried to kill you. I meant he's not literally the one who shot us, but he's the leader of that dumbass stout man. Thus, he must pay for that sin," Justin retorted.

"Yes, I know. But there must be a misunderstanding here. I know why are you so mad right now. You're just doing your job as my personal butler, but please bear in mind that you're not supposed to treat your boss like anybody. Remember what I told you before? I want them alive. Don't disappoint me too much. Spare his life. Put down your hand right now. This is not a request, it's an order, Justin," Hermes scowled. "A, as you wish, master," said Justin, grieving.

Hermes placed a hand on his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Father, thank goodness you're alive," Troy said, a river of tears coming out from his eyes.

"Father…," July gushed. Her nose was covered with tears and sneeze.

"Justin, look here," Hermes called. "Yes, my Don," said Justin.

"Never killed anyone in this village without my permission. I want absolute obedience from you. Do you understand?" Hermes ordered, slightly showed half of his face at him when he removed his mask temporarily. "A, as you wish, my Don. Your orders are absolute. I won't lay my hands on those people and I won't dare to speak bluntly in front of your new subjects. This Justin here promised to devote his life and follow your command without a second thought," Justin declared as he saw his boss' iris the madness and pure evil, engrossing his peril.

"Good, keep it that way, " Hermes simpered, lips pursed. "Y, yes, my Don," Justin replied.

"Anyway, thanks for saving me, okay. That's all," said Hermes before he put his mask on his face again. "Y, you're welcome, my Don," Justin smiled.

Hermes remembered when the time a bullet bounced back from the hood, and Justin caught it before it could hit him directly. Therefore, he's grateful for his service.

In fact, Hermes wished to give him a reward, but his butler dark personality crept him, so it would be put on hold for now.

He shivered in disgust when he was glaring at him with sparkling eyes.

'What the fuck was wrong with this man?' he asked inside his mind.

Behind that creepy smile, Justin's delusional devotion increased once again. In his eyes, he perceived that his great master was dominating the world with evil and toppled their hopes with despair. This turned worse than before because Hermes expressed his gratitude. He considered it as a great reward, a compatible and comparable to a godlike blessing. Therefore, it only increased the loyalty of his servant without his notice.

Hermes shivered when he sensed a creepy aura behind him.

"My loyal dog, remember your oath. Be careful not to do anything that could ruin the name of our family," Hermes prayed.

Justin's eyes sparked in honor as he glimpsed the darkness behind his boss. The pure evil of shadows engulfed the whole body of Hermes whereupon everyone was on the verge of peril. Unbeknownst to his master, he could see the two powerful deities that served the true God, Lucifer the fallen angel and the leader of God's divine army, Michael the great angel of requiem. Both of them lowered their head to the young Don when he turned around. They disappeared when he went to the kids thereof.

'W, wonderful,' he said, crying in joy inside.

His body shivered with extreme happiness when he witnessed the holy and dark revelation from his eyes. He pressed a hand on his chest and pledged to follow his plan until his boss finally achieved his main objective.