The Don and The Priestess Rescue Quest 1

The young Don and his servant, Justin, strolled the streets for a while. From every side of the corner, Hermes could hear the gossips of the citizens, talking about the disappearance of their upcoming Priestess. He didn't like what's going on around the place right now. He felt so tired and it even became worse than before when he received his new mission. The only thing he could do was to sigh and release the stress from his mind by finishing the quest. As he kept recalling these quests, he unintentionally tangled the newspaper after he clenched his fist tightly from irritation. And afterward, he tossed it on the trash bin nearby after he realized it.

From the right, he heard the voice of an old man having a short conversation with his colleague on the balcony. His eyes opened wide as he heard the topic of their conversation. He had no intention to eavedrop them but something made him interested. So, he stopped by and listened quietly, avoiding to interrupt and catch their attention. According to their conversation, he stated that the priestess was kidnapped after she arrived at the port of District 1. When she descended to the port, around seven masked men wearing black cloaks appeared and killed her bodyguards and also the people who were hired to fetch her died too. Some witnesses called the village guards however, it was already too late because the kidnappers used getaway horses. The village guard Captain Mattia appeared in the scene and promised to find the culprits and saved the priestess.

'Bullshit, the guards must be part of it. Who will believe such a hypocrite promise like that?' Based on Hermes' calculations, the guards who arrived there must already know the plot. The potential reason for the successful kidnapping incident was, they were already paid for it. And, the story didn't stop there, his ears heard something interesting: a black bald man chased the kidnappers until they reached the exit. He said that the black man was still following their tail. No news about him had yet received from the village hall.

This only clue made Hermes questioned himself first. There's no reason for him to gather some information about that woman. But there's no way he could possibly escape the mission bestowed upon him. He still didn't care about her life but his life would eventually lead to his downfall. From the recent incident, he got punished for not taking seriously the mission he received yesterday. Some parts of his memory were partially coming back yet still gave him a lot of headaches after he woke up from the prison. Therefore, he must prioritize his safety and finished the quest before the time limit ended.

There's no way a child like him could handle this mess. Hence, he decided to comply like a villain. He would make sure to get his revenge from the self-proclaimed God, Stump G.

"Justin," said Hermes as he fixed up his mask. And, as his name had been called, his butler pressed on his chest before he replied, "Yes, my Don."

"Justin, I don't want to repeat this. I want you to listen to me very carefully. From today onwards, I want you to act as my Consigliere. We're both in deep shit so I want a proper response and advice from you. Understand?" Hermes commanded.

Justin, flinched, and responded, "As you wish, milord. I'm ready to be in service showing my respect to your accord. You're my superior and I'm your servant so inferior. I'll do everything to take an initiative action. And bring honor to your name according to your instructions."

Inside the village hall, Ilona had quietly arranged the documents and papers she received from her manager. She carefully read the contents and divided them according to their respective folders. However, her quiet but busy time had been interrupted by two men infront of her table. Her smile completely faded away as she recognized their faces. It was none other than Hermes and Justin who approached the beautiful receptionists.

The young Don had changed his clothes to black cloth and white sleeves inside. He still had his mask and a long hat on the top of his head.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Ilona. Do you remember me? It's Aljen, the merchant from the Southern Cimeria Desert. We already met each other three days ago. I just heard from the people outside of this place that the Chief was here. Listen, please. I would like to speak with him today. May I ask if he can be talking today?" asked Hermes as he showed the emblem of the Camelia household before he gave hat-off greetings. Ilona smiled but with a vein on her forehead appeared. She still a person wore her village hall uniform with a cap on the top of her head and acting secretary of the Chief. She spoke, "This is a surprising thing to be seen today. This emblem is very rare to be in possession of other states. To someone like you who appeared and earned the credit to have it. You're really in a desperate situation to use it as a bargain. Speaking so bluntly and acted like he owns the place. Mr. Aljen, what do you want from our Chief?" The most annoying response that someone like Aljen didn't expect to hear. However, he didn't want to make an argument with the lady infront of him. So, he replied, "Just a business talk, milady. Can I have time to speak with him? It is a very important business to be shared with your leader."

Ilona spoke with a mocking tone, "Oh, I don't know what do you want from the Chief. But he's very busy this morning. I think you should go back maybe later. Or next time."

"Milady, the boss wants to speak with your leader," said Justin as he stepped in because of getting annoyed at her attitude to his beloved Don. He wanted to speak and provoked the lady to obey his boss, however, he was banned by Hermes not to act rude and tried to kill anyone in this place. He resumed, "My boss has something to discuss with your leader as it is more important than your life."

"E-excuse me? How rude you are," Ilona hammered the table and she continued, "I told you that the Chief is very busy. So, please get out of here right now before I ask the guards outside to drag you out from this place."

"Milady, if he's busy today then how about tell me what time can he have his free time to come?" Hermes gently asked as he hid his hands clenching in anger. She replied with a proud face, "No idea."

'Liar' both of them thought she's lying. Since that time, Hermes had always failed to talk with the Chief after meeting this beautiful lady. Although he went to visit their house, only the twins were around and out of fear of losing their trust, he returned them with kindness by playing with the children. Blunty, she swayed them away so he got chilled that she might know their true identities. This made Hermes thought to get rid of her by assassination soon. However, the good thing so far, she wasn't aware of it. If she really did had an idea, she'll be already a lump of dead meat. But reading her face and how she reacted like nothing, he concluded she hadn't noticed yet and knew about his true identity. However, he couldn't by-pass her rude behavior towards him.

"Ms. Ilona, I want to talk with the chief right now because it is very important. Can you see that this emblem has been shown in front of you? Are you trying to say that you don't respect the household who really owns this thing? This is not a request but an order." Hermes demanded as he smashed the table that made the secretary gulped. The sound made the people inside diverted their gaze at them.

Ilona looked around and felt humiliated. She clenched her teeth and replied, "My apologies, Mr. Aljen. Forgive me for being impolite. I'll make sure this kind of scene won't happen again. But to your immediate request of having a meeting with the chief is impossible today. The chief is currently having a meeting with the district representatives. I don't know exactly what time the conference will be finished so I would like to ask for your patience." Hermes heard her silent voice that muttered aside, "Damn it, this brat is really desperate. How annoying." But he ignored it.

"Then, I will wait until the meeting is done," Hermes lowered his head and turned around. His butler followed him and the two sat down in the vacant chair next to the exit.

After a few minutes, someone arrived and entered the door, rushing towards the receptionist. He approached the girl and greeted her with a big smile.

"Good morning, Big sis Ilona. Quiet nicely to see you again. I would like to ask if I arrive early today?" said the man as he placed his hands on the table. He wore a green noble suit and a golden dove necklace around his neck. On top of his head was a white cotton cap that every Victorian-educated man could affordably wear.

"Richarde, you're late. Do you know how much time has already wasted huh? Oh my, what can I even do for you? Go now. You must climb up now and enter the conference room. The chief is going to scold you for being late for this important meeting," said Ilona as she showed pity at the man who just arrived.

Richarde mischievously laughed and said, "C'mon, you know who I am. The important figure always arrives late."

She pointed her pen at him and put her other left hand on her waist. She said, "Whatever, go now. You wouldn't know what's the situation right now if you're still trying to tease me more."

"C'mon, big sis Ilona. You do realize that I won't be even can help them. I will just sit there, watch them from my chair like a statue and I will listen to their reports nonstop," replied Richarde, smiling. "Oh, by the way, do you know those people over there?" he pointed his thumb at two visitors. "Those two must foreigners, am I right? I want to talk with them. I'm sure they are harmless humans who have something in their pocket, unlike my former clients."

Ilona tugged his sleeves.

"Richarde, don't be stupid. Don't even dare to touch them at all. I'm warning you. Don't even try to — what the hell are you doing?" she panicked after she saw him in front of the visitors.

"Hi, my name is Richarde. What's your name, kid?" he pushed his hand and waited for it to be shaken. Hermes looked at him from toe to head first, and he smiled, "My name is Aljen. Nice to meet you."

Hermes's lips curved like a crescent moon at the night. He shook his hand happily.

"Oh, what a nice name. And, you are?" Richarde extended his hand to Justin and waited for it to be shaken, as well. However, the butler was apathetic to accept his acquaintanceship. "Justin, sir. My name is Justin. The sole butler and loyal servant of my master, Aljen. It's a pleasure to meet you," he replied promptly.

"Ooh, Justin, huh. It is quite unfortunate to be rejected but I'm very eager to make an acquaintance with your master. By the way, where do you guys come from? Kid, you're wearing a fancy clothes than mine. I like your taste, boy. It's very rude to ask, but may I know what's business did you guys come here?" Hermes and Justin made eye contact and both of them nodded in agreement. The young Don stood up and replied with a smile, "Southern Cimeria Desert is the place where we come from. I'm a merchant and plan to invest my money in this beautiful village. Believe it or not, the chief and I are an acquaintance and know each other."

"Oh, really. Prove it," asked Richarde as his gaze turned sharp while scanning the young Don's appearance. Hermes smirked and showed the emblem that made the interviewer flinched. "See?" Hermes prodded when he fell silent.

Richarde made a fake cough and quizzed him, "What business do you want from the chief? I assume it is very important that both of you must discuss it privately." His question made the young Don smiled in crescent moon. He replied, "Yes, but it doesn't need to talk in private. You can also be part of it if you want to."

"Oh ho, I like it. Oh, I got an idea. C'mon, there's no time to talk here. You're quietly interesting, kid. I like your style of talking with pride and you look so smart albeit you are wearing a weird mask. It's very rare someone like you to receive the emblem of the renowned household of this place. And, the good thing I found out from you is you're more than educated than my fellow representative, Rafel," said Richarde. "You're presence will give a new light to this village. I want to see what you capable of."

Hermes giggled, "What an honor. Please lead the way."

"W-w-wait," Ilona spread her arms and blocked them to climb up to the second floor. With no idea why she was like this, Richarde asked, "What's wrong, big sis? I thought you want me to join the conference. Why're you blocking my way?" Ilona took a deep breath and replied, "It is not what you think it is. But, a stranger like Mr. Aljen must not enter the conference without the approval of our Chief. And, he's from the other states. We cannot let anyone other than the representatives learn the real situation right now. He can be a —"

"— a spy? Pff, c'mon. This kid? Look at him, he looks so thin. His body looks too weak. And his butler is very educated but won't do harm at all unless his master is in a blink of disaster. Can someone like them can be dealt with? C"mon, sis. I know you're very strict and too wary to your surroundings but we cannot afford to lose face from meeting someone who achieves the honor of being bestowed of the Camelia emblem. Fate brought them to be here and I know this kid behind me will bring something extravagant. So, if you please excuse us, get out of our way because we're about to join the conference. If we don't hurry, we'll miss the chance to speak with all of them," Richarde gently pushed her from the side and climbed up the stairs, followed by Hermes and his butler. The young Don and his butler made eye contact with Ilona and gave a smirk. She quickly turned aside and clicked her tongue.

Richarde spoke while climbing up, "Hey, please don't take it personally. She's doing her job as the secretary of the chief, the receptionist of the village hall and proud member of our village who is both taking care of the finances and management of this place. So, please forgive her if you think she's kinda rude around you guys." The young Don smiled and replied, "Don't worry, we're not mad and we don't hold a grudge. She's quite deserving and dedicated to her work so I respect her for doing her job. There's nothing we can do if she's really like that. If I get a chance to meet someone like her, I'll definitely hire her and raise her wages."

Richarde giggled, "Kid, I like you. But not in the kind of strange way, you know what I mean, right? I'm straight and want to have a date with a beautiful girl in this place. " Hermes nodded and laughed, "Sure. Sure. I'm straight as well but the way you treat us is better than hers. So, I like you too, sir."

They arrived at the door of the conference room and Richarde made a short reminder to the young Don.

He advised, "No matter what happens, don't speak anything that could cause a bad impression. Remain calm and don't move like an idiot. The people inside are not normal and will act like morons infront of you so don't mind them. Remember, don't speak without anything good to converse with them. Please think before you act. If you have any suggestions, just raise your hand and I'll lend you a hand to help you out. Got it?"

Hermes nodded.

"Good, then, let's go. And, meet the people who founded this place."Richarde knocked on the door twice and waited for a response. "Who is it?" He smirks and shouted his name, "It's Richarde, Chief Zamor. I have come to join the meeting today as per the order I received from you." The place fell silent for a short period of time and finally, the chief replied, "You may enter."

"Thank you very much," Richarde opened the double door and entered the conference room with a bright smile. "Good morning, everyone. As per the order of our beloved leader, I have come to join in as my response to his summon."

"Richarde, I told you not to be late! But I'm glad that you arrive. Right now, we're in the middle of discussing — M-M-Mr. Aljen and Sir. Justin, why you guys here?" asked Chief Zamor as he stood up after he saw the young Don and his butler entered the room.

Hermes looked around and found eight people inside, sitting on the opposite side. He compared the conference room to the meeting place of top management in a big company.

"Greetings, Chief Zamor. It is nice to meet you again. And, to the honor representatives of this place, it is a pleasure to make an acquaintance with everyone. My name is Aljen, a merchant from Southern Cimeria Desert and on my side, his name is Justin. He is my faithful servant and acts as my personal butler."

Everyone fell silent and observed the young Don whilst Richarde took a sit to his former chair next to brown-haired short hair girl. The young Don trembled and felt uneasy being watched by several people. However, he must remain calm and relax his mind while putting his act as a noble merchant from another state. If not, he would feel his head hang in the tree and his body smashed by a wooden club.

"Aah, the honor is ours, Mr. Aljen. Everyone, I know you guys are a little bit feel awkward right now. I would like you guys to meet the person I always talked with you at all. This man saved my children four days ago from the claws of the demon beast. He even saved me from being killed when somebody tried to kill me. I'm very pleased to be saved by this kind and noble kid. Please let us all welcome my savior and his companion to join us in this place. For all your information, I gave him the highest honor to receive the emblem of my family household. So, please rest assured that these lads are not dangerous men like you always encountered every day. They are friendly and not a hostile being like another mafia family."

Hermes quietly laughed inside his mind about how he introduced him to these people. The person he was referring to was Justin who almost got himself killed from that plain field. He got entertained that the village chief acted like nothing and made something new that could slightly change the truth about that incident.

"Anyways, it's very surprising to meet you in this kind of odd situation. But because you're already here and honestly got some respect from Richarde, it would be an honor to express my gratitude by introducing you to my subordinates. I would like you first to meet the district representatives of our village. On the right corner, the first in the four representatives is Mr. Rafel Uno. He is the first district representative of our village. He also holds the authority of being the sole owner of the Neue Fiona shipyard and protector of the port of his district."

"Yow, nice to meet ya," Rafel gave a wave of acquaintance and narrowed his eyebrows in a cool way like showing respect towards the young Don.

Rafel Uno, he was a third-grade fire mage that could use at least the fourth tier magic. His eyes and hair were both red like a flaming gem. He wore a red merchant cloth with a golden string connected to his left and right cover chest. In Hermes' observation and knowledge, he was one of the people who judge his death from the game.

"Next, that's Lady Ylla Ereneus. The second district representative and one of the first female founders of this group. Don't get the wrong idea to mock her height, she's really a short-tempered one."

"Chief, that's rude. Jeez, I'm not that kind of woman. Hello, Mr. Aljen. It's been an honor to meet you too," Ylla lowered her head once and gave him a smile.

Ylla Ereneus, she's a second-grade water mage and one of the dangerous people in the blacklist of Hermes Archnemesis. Compare to Rafel, she's stronger than him in terms of close combat and long-range tactics. She was also the caretaker of the orphanage and one of the support NPC in the game for the female protagonists. Her physical appearance was her disadvantage but her ability to guide players to become fonder and knowledgeable of magic was quite outstanding. She wore white-golden gothic clothes that had the same color as her hair. She has a round butt and a big chest despite her small height. Her noble fidget hair was colorful together with her eyes, had curly blond hair──which formed in the shape of drills.

"Oh, next is Lady Daliah, she has no surname so please call her by her name. She's the 3rd district representative and acts as the representative of all vendors around that place. If you want to build a business, it would be a wise decision to have a private chat with her," Chief Zamor laughed as he found her quietly surprised by his introduction.

"Chief, you're making me like a villain in this place. Don't introduce me like I'll become a hindrance to his dream. Oh," she turned her blue eyes at him. "Hi, I'm Daliah. Everyone calls me in my first name since I don't have a surname. It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir."

Hermes made a nod and quietly observed her.

"Umm, i-is their somethin' wrong?" asked Daliah as she got flustered from his gaze. This made Hermes flinched and apologized.

Daliah, she was a third-grade wind mage. Her blue eyes covered by her brown bangs made her look an emo one. She wore a white Victorian guild waitress but in a modest and decent look. Her skin had seen shiny like the small girl, Lady Ylla. She was also a dangerous person as he knew her dark nature behind her gentle smile. He would make sure not to get too close to her range and made sure to be cautious in taking with this woman.

"Oi, don't stare her too much, kid. That's my woman," Richarde made a strong statement that Hermes smiled back.

Daliah flustered and hit his head, "Since when did I become your girl?"

"Ouch, c'mon. From the day we met, you already become mine," replied Richarde as he tried to calm her down.

"Jeez, Chief, can I have permission to smack his face?" begged Daliah.

"Please, Lady Daliah, don't make a ruckus in front of our guest. Mr. Aljen, please forgive these two. They are just like that since their childhood so they are often seen as that. You won't believe it but all of these representatives are all seventeen years old. It was already five years ago since we founded this group and even they were all children during that time, they are all-powerful beings that could protect this place against any enemies."

"So, I assume Sir. Richarde is the 4th representative. Am I right?" Hermes turned his gaze at Richarde and the man smiled back. "You're right. This man is the 4th representative and protector of the important warehouse and factories of that place."

"Here we go again," Daliah sighed.

"Yeah, boys are boys. They are all the same," Ylla commented as she patted her back.

Hearing that insult, Rafel backfired, "Oi, bitch. What did you say? Then, all girls are the same, as well."

A large vein appeared from the forehead of Ylla and turned her angry face at Rafel, "Oh, is that it? Do you want to fight, huh? You want me to show who is more powerful between us right now. Bring it on."

"Why you?" Rafel readied his arms to ignite it.

"Enough," a powerful voice gave a heavy deep pressure between the two. A gentle but strong voice made them quiet. It came from the old man who wore his white Greek old clothes said, "You two, don't fight in the middle of the meeting. Have a shame. Show some manners. You're making a ruckus infront of the leader and his guests."

"Elder Wamo, don't worry. I'm not mad."

'Elder Wamo?' Hermes, surprised, had been quietly observative in this room. He observed the man who had a white long beard and his eyebrows were too vague to see his own eyes. On his left were three elders who had been wearing old greek clothes of the first A.D. There were no people like them appeared in the game and he had no information about their origin.

Who were they? was the question he had brought up to his mind.

"Oh, Mr. Aljen. The person who spoke earlier on the left is Elder Wamo. The second eldest among the three elders of Neue Fiona Village. Next to him, it's Elder Kilo, the youngest. And the last but not the least, it's Elder Damaso, the oldest among them. Please make an acquaintance with him, elders."

""" Nice to meet you, Lord Aljen.""" the three elders lowered their heads with respect in unison.

Hermes got a goosebump. For all he knows, there were no such characters like these three elders appear from the game. Also, his mind had alarmed him to be careful from the man he first met, it's none other than Richarde. He was a character that he didn't know exist in this village. He had been the director of the game as a native from other states but he was sure that he hadn't seen this man ever since then.

Although there were several new things appeared infront of him, this made the young Don had felt something genuine. A villainous smile appeared on his face without his notice. Behind him, Justin noticed his master's hands behind his waist trembled in excitement.