The Don and Unfortunate Gang 4

Meanwhile, Justin had been running nonstop while he kept searching for the box' whereabouts. He recalled the same thing had been used against him when he got separated from his master. However, there was a powerful presence inside the shadow that was really different from what he experienced three days ago.

After several minutes of searching, he sensed a powerful aura in the fourth district exit gate. He quickly jumped down on the rooftop and he tried to avoid being seen by the authorities.

"Oh, my. I didn't know you are here," said Justin as he fixed his hair after he landed on the surface. "What are you doing here, Seraph of the Visigoth Cult?"

"Hoho, what do we have here? The most notable killer of the history of the demonkin has found me here. How unfortunate. Should I still call you to your old name or should I stick with your new identification as Mr. Justin with no surname? I don't know how did you manage to know my true identity despite the fact, I'm wearing a mask. Oh, well. Good to see you again, old friend." said Seraph as he removed his hood without turning his head.

The butler pointed his index and he asked, seriously, "Old friend, my ass. When that mission came to end his life, I already removed you from my friendslist, Seraph. Are you perhaps involve in this situation, Seraph?" With that kind of question, Seraph smiled with teeth. He replied, "C'mon, man. You do realize that we are always there to do what should be done in the first place."

"In other words, you're part of this scheme. That powerful item absorbed my master. Don't you know the consequences of your stupidity? That's my master!"

"C'mon, that shouldn't be the reason for you to get mad at us. And, me." Seraph giggled and placed his hands on his waist. "Don't you know that it was the right decision to follow the prophecy? We are doing the right thing."

"That 'man'. That bastard is repeating the same mistake a hundred years ago! No, a thousand years ago before the Empire fell!" Justin clenched his fist and he readied himself to attack.

Seraph became weary after he sensed his aura. And, he said, "There's nothing wrong with that. It is part of destiny. The Grandlord has the ability to foresee the future. That man we killed was not the person you should pledged your loyalty, old friend. You should follow the creed of our cult! You should be loyal to our master! Real master!"

"I have found my real master! He's already there. I have the ability to see his soul. I'm a hundred percent sure, that kid ― no the young Don is the reincarnation of our Supremo! You are very wrong, Seraph." Justin argued as he defiantly crossed his arms across his chest. "It took me a hundred years to finally found his trace that's why I won't let you do what you please. Fuck that destiny, fate or whatever shit was that. I don't care. As long as I'm alive, I won't let you do what you ―"

"He's dead," Seraph interjected.

"― want to do from him. What?" Justin's eyes opened wide in shock.

"The assassin hired from the Mafia Rights council has lent us their hand to kill that man. Like I told you before, it was the wish of the grand lord. That kid is already destined to be killed. Believe it or not, I saw his head separated from its body from that dimensional place."

After hearing it, the butler became angry. He reluctantly proclaimed, "I don't believe you, stupid. My master won't be killed that easily. He's weak, pathetic, and sometimes clumsy. But I'm hundred percent sure, he's alive. Now, let's get to the point, Seraph. How exactly can we get inside that box? Who's the owner right now? I want you to tell me."

"Seriously?" Seraph heaved a disappointing sigh. "You're still the same. Fight me if you want to know."

"So, be it." Justin grabbed his weapon.

His body covered with a black cloak flipped up after he turned around. He quickly used a spell before the butler could do something, but it was deflected by his barrier. The butler cast his dark magic, [Dark Cumonoe] to prevent him to escape and he confronted him in close-quarter combat. Man to man confrontation had initiated by both sides. The sound of punches emerged near the gate and none of them used magic that could get the attention of the authorities.

As the monster dropped down on the floor, Hermes heaved a sigh of relief. His survival rate would drastically decrease if the monster smashed his head. He was lucky in the first trial when he used his finger as a shield however, it was just temporary. He could feel that his finger would almost separate from his body that's the reason he kept dodging the attacks.

He thought he was an OP character but he had a doubt that he would be killed if he didn't use the item's power.

"Splendidly done. Good job, slime," he praised the item. "Don't be shy. You have an authority to speak."

"Thank you, master. But I don't like to be called a slime. Give me a name," the slime demanded.

Hermes clicked his tongue, "You're requesting some awful demand. Why should I even give you a name? Just accept the fact that you're slime. You're an item to help me out in a time of crisis."

"How awful you are, master. Just like the old times," the slime sighed.

"I don't know what are you talking about but your service is done. Anyways, the question is how can we manage to get out of this dimension. Any idea?" he asked, wondering.

"Master, this dimension is created by the Demon Box. It's an item created by an Alchemist a few thousand years ago. It has also a secondary name known as Alchemy Cube which is often used by the dark mages to trap their specific targets and it is used to confront them by their desire. Only the bureaucrat owner has direct control of this item. An individual who is bestowed with authority is the only person granted to enter and exit whether with or without the consent of the owner."

"Bureaucrat, huh? Like Wikia positions in the fandom community? I wonder who is responsible for this? Anyways, can we find the owner of this item to beat him up?" he quizzed. He wandered his eyes to look for the owner.

The slime commented, "Master, I scanned the place. Unfortunately, the owner has been kicked out and the right to control the dimension has been forcibly removed for unknown reason from the owner."

The young Don quickly asked, "Wait, does that mean we cannot escape from this place now?" The slime replied, "Fortunately, we can. There are two options. The first one is to kill yourself and let your body be absorbed by the dimension. The Demon box doesn't tolerate any non-living things and corpses within its boundary. It will be removed automatically like flushing your feces from the toilet bowl."

"O, okay, forget about the first option. I don't want to be killed again. A'ight, what's the last option?" he asked. The slime simply answered, "Kill the last person with you. Only one person has the right to adopt this item."

Hermes tilted his head, "Wait, I already killed the monster though. Wait, don't tell me — Shit, that thing is still alive."

The sound of an exhausting monster breath had given a bad omen to the young Don. The holes where the bullets hit had slowly healed like nothing had been penetrated to its chest. The monster slowly stood up from the dimensional floor and it picked up its weapon with a cold stare.

"H-H-H-Her.... mes..." he repeatedly called his name while its blank eyes were concentrated at his face. The young Don heaved an exhausting sigh when he realized that the monster kept pestering his life again.

"So, slime. The only way to fully adopt the dimensional box is to win against this monster, right?" he asked, glaring.

The slime remained quiet for a few seconds before it answered its master, "We can tell it is the same thing as killing the candidate in this battle royale."

"So, it's the same thing. That monster is calling my name like he already knows me from the beginning." He sighed again. "This is too tiring. I want Justin to do his job to kill this thing but he's not around in this situation. Well, whatever."

"Master, we don't have enough materials to convert it. You have only one magazine left. Please use it wisely." the slime reminded his master.

"Seriously? Now, that's really bad news for me. Now, how can we even beat this monster and escape from this place if I only have one magazine left? This is really not good. Not good." Hermes reloaded his weapon and he formed a firing stance. He added, "Now, they always say shoot the monster in the head."

"You took..... 'verythin' ... from... me!" said the Ogre as it rushed towards the young Don.

"Oh, come on. Just stay dead and rip in pieces, moron. I don't know who you are but I have no plan to die in this place. Now, let me hit you from the head — What?" his eyes opened wide when the Ogre jumped so high, 100 meters from the ground. It cast a spell from its mouth and a fire orb appeared. It released its power towards the young Don like a fire cannon.

"Wha— the heck is that? That's against the rules of the monsters. I' never heard an Ogre could cast a spell. That's cheating!" Hermes complained.

"Master, are you talking about yourself?" the slime said, laughing.

"Shut it, I'm not a cheater like that monster." Hermes kept running away from the cannonballs that kept shooting at his position.

"Stop..... right.... there!" the ogre jumped again and confronted the young Don with its sword. Hermes luckily dodged the edge of the sword when he bent his body backward. He ducked his head and rolled down between its legs to escape. The monster turned around and followed him.

"You've been followin' me around. Are you in love with me?" the young Don ducked again his head and jumped next to his right. "Sorry, I don't want to get involved with you. Y'know what, I don't mind having a relationship with the opposite sex. But, there's bad news for you. I don't take a deep shit with same-sex relationships. It's disgusting to have someone like you."


The left knee of the monster got hit by the bullet. However, it wasn't enough to stop the monster. The wound quickly healed after the bullet had been removed.


The right knee had been hit and the ogre lost its balance, so the young Don rushed at it and he jumped over directly to its face. With the assistance of the slime armor, the young Don automatically landed on the dimensional ground. He quickly aimed his gun and shoot the forehead of the monster three times after it turned its head over its right shoulder.

The right eye of the monster got hit and the monster cried with brittle sound. It raised its sword and tried to hit the young Don.

"What the heck? You're still alive." He ducked his head and jumped away from the monster after it started to feel tired. It released a breathy sound and its legs started to tremble.

"Unbelievable. It looks like somebody is started to feel sleepy. Do you want me to read you a short story and sing you a lullaby, sloppy?" The young Don challenged him to follow him. "C'mon, c'mon. You don't need to be so angry about it. You're the one who keeps chasing me without thinking about the consequence."

The ogre became angrier and it suddenly moved its feet. with its weapon in its hands. It started to swish its sword nonstop. However, none of its assault made a scratch against the young Don.

"C'mon, is that all you got?" the young Don said, nonchalantly.

"Fuck..... You!" The Ogre grabbed its sword in both hands to slice the young Don into two. However, Hermes jumped down between its legs and, "Forbidden technique. Shooting balls." he shot its balls.

"Oowwwgg.... my.... balls...." The weapon had been released from its hands as the Ogre quickly placed its hands on its balls to cover it. It knelt down on the dimensional ground with a crying face.

"Ooowwh,, ooww... owww... owwn." the monster kept crying and waited for it to heal.

The young Don felt disgusted as he approached it, he placed the barrel on its forehead and he shot it without remorse.

"Asta la vista, baby." said the young Don before the last bullet shot to finish him off.



"Congratulations, master. You are now recognized by the Demon Box as its new master." the slime praised his master.

"Whatever, now how can I even exit from this place?" he asked, seriously.

"Master, you must use the Latin word of the exit. Exitus is the right word." replied the slime.

"A'right. Demon Box. I command thee. Exitus!"

After he opened his eyes, a large explosion had blown in front of his eyes. He noticed that there were two people fighting to the death. He recognized the butler on the right side and he quickly called his name.

"Hey~" he waved his hands, "Justin, what the hell are you doing out there?" he asked.

Without a second thought, the butler appeared in front of his master after he gave a heavy punch at his opponent. He knelt down with his hands pressed on his chest.

He raised his head and he greeted his master, happily.

"Don Hermes, I'm glad that you're alive. I knew you're not dead. Welcome back, master!"

Seraph who was standing up from the trash bin tried to find his enemy. But his eyes opened wide after he saw the young Don still alive. He muttered aside, "How? How's that possible? I saw it with my two eyes that he died from that dimension. Son of a bitch, this is not the grand lord had foreseen."

He didn't know exactly what happened. But he was sure that he would be killed if he didn't finish the job tonight.

Hermes noticed Seraph and he quickly asked his servant about him.

"Who's that fucker? He's fuckin' you?" He wanted to ask about him in a polite way however, he couldn't still control his mouth as usual. Instead of this word, "Who's that man? He must giving you a hard time, right?" but his characters badmouth prevail over his politeness.

"Don Hermes, that man isn't worth your time. You must escape from here. I'll handle this man. You should escape before anyone see you here." Justin said.

"Hermes Archnemesis, it is a pleasure to meet you here. I know that you just see me in person today. But I already have known you since the beginning. I don't know how did you manage to escape that brutal end and I don't know exactly how did you manage to escape either. Allow me to end you this time. Right here and right now!"

"Oh, man. He's creeping me out. First that crazy woman. Second, that perverted girl. Now, this? A stalking gay? C'mon. Give me a break." the young Don muttered aside.

"Did you say something, my Don?" asked Justin, sincerely.

"Nothing. Do what you have to do. I'm going to the extraction point right now. Just make sure that the authorities won't see you." Hermes begun to run.

"I won't let you escape! [Saqueel]" Seraph used his dark magic. It was a large laser beam that appeared at his index. However, it was deflected by the butler's barrier.

"Damn it. Stop getting in my way, Justin!" Seraph dashed towards him.

"I won't let you do what you want, Seraph!" Justin blocked his fist with his crossed arms.

"Then, die! [Serom!]" A large explosion ignited at each other.