The Don and The Second Root 4

The young Don and his servant excused themselves after the long briefing of their meeting. He went to a seclusive place to discuss the mission. His butler used his unknown magic to secure the place, preventing anyone to eavesdrop their conversation.

Hermes sat down on a single-seat chair, crossed his legs, and folded his arms across his chest. Chin-up.

"Justin, what do you think? The situation is too complicated to contemplate it. I'm still a rookie in this kind of event, to be honest. You're my advisor and my Consigliere, so I hope you give me some answers to this problem," he asked, calmly.

His servant rubbed his jaw and he replied, "I do agree with your sentiment, my Don. Even I was watching from behind, I was not too sure to myself if we should go with it or not."

"More like, we're just being used as a pawn for their own beliefs. We don't know yet who are we dealing with. Anyways, do you have any idea about that group they've mention?" said Hermes, pressing his index on his forehead.

His servant raised his eyebrows in curiosity, "Group? You mean the 'second root', my Don?" The young Don sighed, "Yep, the second root. To be honest, I don't know who are they and what is the function and purpose of their group. So, now that you mention them, do you have any idea about those rascals?" His question made his servant contemplated it, and he nonchalantly shook his head that made the young Don heaved a disappointing sigh.

"I can't believe they exist. This ain't part of the story so far," Hermes muttered that only he could hear.

His servant tilted his head and politely asked, "Excuse me?"

"It's nothin'. Nevermind that." he waved his hand, preventing him to tackle what he muttered earlier. "Anyhow, what should we do about that?"

That question made his servant contemplated it briefly inside his mind. The situation they were in right now was a little bit complex, or more like, it was putting his master, the boss of the Archnemesis clan, in difficult terrain. There's a possibility that his advice would put his master's life into danger, and that was what he wanted to prevent no less.

Right now, his master asked his full support and collaborated to plan whether they grab the mission or not. He needed to play his part to be useful in his accord.

"My Don, the situation is not yet profoundly explained properly when you think about it. To be fair, the Priestess' request was a genuine approach, but the way of speaking and how the Chief's reaction when you decided to take a break was a little bit suspicious," he pressed his index on his left cheeks and tilted his head with a worried face.

The young Don's eyes turned sharp when he heard it.

"How exactly he was suspicious from your sight?" he asked.

His servant raised one finger and he replied, "Well, first of all, I don't intend to destroy the trust between you and that man, so I don't think it is a wise idea to ask me for it. It might be a hunch, but let's skip it out, for now, my Don."

The young Don sighed.

It turned out his servant really hated the chief from the very start. He didn't understand why Justin was so suspicious and hostile against him, but looking at how cynical this man was, he would note to watch his back from the chief, too.

Justin added, raising another finger, "Well, we're not going to do it without getting a good benefit in return, so I fully advise to reevaluate first the mission before we decide to accept it, sir."

"In short, we review that file first? Is that what you want to suggest?" said Hermes, glaring.

His servant nodded and he replied, "Exactly. We review the file first and then, we will call for another meeting after that. To sum up it all, you're the one who'll decide whether we do the mission or not. As your advisor, I suggest to put your life first in the safety precaution and never let others force you to take 'any' responsibility. We are just their employee and they are our clients. Even I like her to become your wife, I mean in the future, don't let her beauty distracts you, sir. Always remember, this is business."

"You don't need to remind that. I know my thing. And, who do you think I am? I'm not going to lick her shoes to accept me or more like, I won't even dare to flirt with someone like that. Gosh, we're wasting our time on nonsensical topics, so far. Anyhow," he paused for a second and he hesitated to continue. His servant tilted his head when he showed a worried face. The young Don heaved a sigh before he resumed, "Anyhow, we will do what you suggest then. It will be in no time before someone gets in here, so we better go back now before they think we abandon them."

"Okay, my Don. As you wish." His servant hung his head.

Before the young Don stood up from his chair, someone knocked thrice behind the door.

"Who was it?" Justin slowly moved behind the wall and he waited for the person to respond.

"Mr. Aljen, this is Mambo. May I come in?" he asked, respectfully.

"Mambo?" Hermes tilted his head.

His servant slowly opened the door after he recognized him. A man wore a white suit with a black bow tie neatly fixed on his collar entered. His entrance made his butler easily recognized his appearance.

The two tall men exchanged a smile with one another. Both of them shook hands before they moved closer to the young Don.

"Master, let me introduce you once again to Mambo. Remember the black guy we helped four days ago? This muscle-brain man was that person. Oh, I don't mean any disrespect, sir. But that's how exactly I know you before," Justin explained, sarcastically.

Even it was insulting remarks from this person, Mambo remained himself composed and he lowered his head before the young Don. He simply smiled in respect.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Aljen and Mr. Justin. It is my deepest pleasure to meet you two once again," and he laughed slightly. "Mr. Justin is always like this, right? I just learn somethin' new about him. I'm honor to be recognized, at least. To be honest, I thought you guys had already forgotten about me. It's so nice that two saviors of milady and mine are still healthy and well. Especially, you, sir. I'm so glad that we finally meet once again. It's been four days when I saw you back then."

Mambo was a black servant and the personal attendant of Priestess Venus Aphrodite until now. The sole surviving bodyguard who got saved by Hermes during the captivity of his master.

He's a good man according to his profile, and he had no bad records according to his background. The only thing Hermes knew about him was his allegiance with the Priestess and the Pope.

According to what he read from his biography, the Priestess saved him from the alleged theft. He got accused of stealing a barrel of cotton from a white guy, but it turned out the white guy was the culprit, after all. He was ferociously tortured by the authorities and almost got killed when the judge condemned him of execution before he got released. The judge condemned him not guilty of all charges against him after the Priestess intervened during his trial. That time, he devoted himself to watch the lady until his last breath. She's his savior and he wouldn't hesitate to give his life to protect his light.

Mambo raised his hand, waiting for the young Don to shake it.

Hermes hesitated at first, but his friendly demeanor made him gave in.

"Oh, it's nice to see you again without any bruises on your body. How's your life?" Hermes simpered with a fake facade. He released his hand after he shook it.

"Oh, Mr. Aljen, you're also saying jokes like him, huh. I'm okay and happy to be alive right now. The Priestess was too energetic for the past few days since the time you saved her from those bastards. I feel so great because my one and only master keep her purity until today. It is all thanks to you," he answered, happily.

"Tell me in full details," Justin pulled out his notepad from his chest pocket.

"The Priestess was so glad to receive a picture of Mr. Aljen. The photos were all preserved in her room. I'm so glad that Mr. Aljen accepted her request to send her some of your finest looks. It was a very accomodating and excellent gift according to milady." said Mambo.

"My photo? Wait, a gift?" Hermes, confused, asked it.

"Oh, mamma mia. I forgot to send another batch of his album. Next week, I'll make sure to send it again." Justin interjected.

Mambo clapped his hand once, happily.

"Oh, I'm glad. Milady will be pleased to hear that good news. I'll make sure to tell my master about it."

"Wait, what's going on?" Hermes's face turned pale.

"Oh, Mambo. Don't worry. Just make sure to tell your master that we need compensation for all of his gifts." his butler reminded.

Mambo nodded, "Of course, the goods will be sent right away as an advance payment."

'I don't know what's going on here, but my guts tell me to stop this madness.' Hermes thought.

He quickly stepped between the two men who were making a deal with their transaction.

"Oh, it's good to hear that. Oh, well. It's nice meeting you here, but we have to go." Hermes stood up from his seat and he excused themselves from his presence.

Mambo blinked his eyes several times, cluelessly.

He just returned him a smile, and he replied, "Thank you, sir."

"Hey, Mambo, next time. Let's have a coffee after the meeting," suggested Justin.

"Okay, sir." He raised his hand to say his regards before the butler closed the door.

On their way to the room, Hermes was in a bad mood.

"Justin, please don't do that again," he demanding, angrily.

His servant tilted his head, "Do what?"

The young Don halt, pointing four times the place where they left, "That... That... That - that."

"Aah, don't worry, boss. It is just a simple transaction for a bright future," he thumbed up.

Hermes grabbed his collar, "Are you selling your boss to that woman?" His servant dumbfoundedly replied, "Eh? Don't worry, boss. As your butler, I have to make sure that you have a bright future. I mean the Archnemesis clan should always take an initiative and advance preparation. Who knows, she might give you a male heir if you choose her."

"Ay yahay yahay," Hermes released him and covered his eyes in disappointment.

"My Don, you need to remember that you're still the boss of our organization. I don't know how long would it take for you to realize the possibility of being alone in this world. Being a loner is never an answer. You're still a young and healthy young lad, so you've got to enjoy your youth to the fullest. You need to take measures and also, you need to prepare for your own future. A future where you will stand firm with your family, friends, and subjects." His butler explained, briefly.

"I don't need a lover and I don't need friends in this place. Who are you to say that to me, huh?" He pressed his index at his butler's chest three times.

Justin stood firm and gravely replied, "I'm your butler, attendant, and ―"

"― And, what?" Hermes insisted.

His butler declared, firmly.

"The Consigliere of Archnemesis Clan. It is my responsibility to make sure you won't fall on the wrong path. Some unfortunate beings who fail to receive a good blessing from God are all living in hell, and they have to work so hard to survive in this world. To be specific, living alone won't make you happy. I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone. That's why I want to make sure you won't end up like your father and elder siblings."

Hermes bit his lower lips after he got reminded by his position. His servant spoke a good explanation based on his past experience.

He clicked his tongue and turned around.

"Nevermind. I don't know what you're planning, but believe me or not, I don't like that girl. Let me remind you again. Never ever do somethin' behind my back. Or else, I'll whack you out, personally. Capiche?" he commanded.

"Yes, my Don." he lowered his head in respect.

Hermes clicked his tongue.

"Let's go. The clients are waiting. This place ain't safe for talking about more shits about our organization," said Hermes.

Two hours later, the meeting was over. Hermes and his servant excused themselves and went home. The Priestess invited him for dinner with Ylla, however, he reluctantly refused her because he had some business to take care of. This made her sad a little bit, but she fully understood his position for a while, so she let him go. But the truth behind his refusal was, Hermes didn't want to increase her affection rate any further.

Before Hermes walked away from the Church, Chief Zamor called his name. And, he invited him to talk to him, privately.

The young Don accepted it, and he gave a signal to his servant to stand by for a little bit.

"Sir. Aljen, I know it's a little bit too late to ask you for this, but please hear me out," he asked, anxiously.

"Okay. Tell me what you want to say." Hermes folded his arm across his chest.

Chief Zamor coughed once before he spoke, "I want to apologize in advance for this one big 'favor' of mine. I know you're a busy person, and you've got some business other than this. I know it fully well because you always go outside of our village for quite some time."

"No, you don't need to apologize, chief. You're a good client of mine, so it's not a big deal at all. What you do expect me to do now?" he asked, smiling.

The old man rubbed his neck and pulled out a cigar from his chest pocket. He ignited it and blew a smoke after he gulped it.

"Sir. Aljen, I know this will be a difficult task, but I'll make sure to pay you 'double' for this."

Hermes' ears twitched after he heard the word, double.

"Oh, good, we're now talking somethin' nice to hear." he rubbed his hand happily. "Spill it out, chief. I'm excited to hear it."

"Umm, here it is. On Monday, my twins would go to the Dark Scily Forest to gather some herbs. Our stocks are minimal and it is not enough to support our market to supply our clients in other provinces." he hesitated to continue.

Hermes recalled the time when he saved the twins from the demon beast five days ago. He understood that the chief wanted to make sure his kids were safe to return home, however, there's somethin' he wanted to hear from him.

"So, what's this all about then? You want us to act as the bodyguards for your kids?" Hermes asked.

"Exactly. That's why I want you to do me a favor, Sir Aljen," the chief scratched his cheeks.

"Oh, wait. How about your men working in the village hall? There's gotta be some tough guys who would volunteer for that job."

Chief Zamor shook his head and he corrected, "Sir. Aljen, I know that, alright. But I don't want to risk my kids' life and put them under someone's protection. Remember, there are some village guards who hated me so much. And, I don't have anybody besides my friend Ubert."

"Oh, yeah. The fat and the smelly old man? The one that almost got cut off by my butler? Oh, I remember him fully well. I hope he's still okay."

"Umm, I don't know I should tolerate that or what. But yeah, he's the fat and smelly old man you know about. But, he's a difficult man, and he's my old friend who recommended me to hire Mattia, in the first place. Oh, may he rest in peace." he signed in the crux. "Y'know, I don't want to entrust my kids to this man after I learn about his friend's true personality."

"Ah, I get it. But why me? You got those representatives on your back, and some jackass village guards to keep them safe. So, what's gotten you to entrust your kid's life to this small-time and young lad the merchant like me?" Hermes quizzed.

"I don't know too." Chief Zamor closed his eyes before he continued, "To be honest, I don't fully trust you."

"Oh, thanks. That's too sweet to hear. I'll call you later. I gotta go now then." he snorted.

Chief Zamor opened his eyes wide and stopped him before he could turn around.

"W-w-wait, that's not what I meant. Please, please, I'm beggin' you. Hear me out. I don't mean to disrespect you, Sir. Aljen."

"Okay. So, answer my question properly or else." Hermes folded his arms across his chest, menacingly.

Chief Zamor heaved a sigh.

"I admit I don't trust you, yet, because you and I are strangers. We've just met for less than a week. Both sides have their own business to take care of. But the difference between us is huge. I'm a single parent of three kids. The eldest is working abroad to someplace for God's knows I don't know. While she's out of town, my twins are following our family tradition to keep it alive. To be honest, my children are the only reason for me to keep living in this village. They are my strength and also, my weakness."

Hermes kept his mind focus on his explanation.

"Sir. Aljen, you're still young. Your very talented man who's trying to act like an adult, but you cannot hide the fact that you're still a teenager. Y'know, you're in the same age just like my eldest, so for some unknown reason, I'm very attached to your presence. That's totally the fact why I'm very fond of you, to be honest. You're the opposite version of my child."

The young Don's body shivered from the cold breeze, but for some reason, he felt warm or somethin' genuine to his words.

The chief blew some smoke before he tossed away the stick of his cigar.

"I hope you accept my favor. Please, guard my kids on Monday. You're the only one who I could trust. So, please. Help me."

"What time?" he asked.

"Time? Don't tell me. Oh, my goodness. I'm very grateful, sir." he hung his head in front of him.

"Don't do that. We're outside. Someone will misunderstand this. Lift up your head before someone sees us." Hermes insisted.

"Around 7 in the morning."

"Copy, I'll meet you up before 6:30 a.m. Tell the kids to prepare themselves. I'll keep in touch." Hermes noted.