The Don and The Hidden Boss of Dark Scily Forest 2

Before the assault of the rooters, the chief and his subordinate discussed the mission at that time.

"Why do you call me this morning, chief?" Richard asked, the fourth district representative of the Neue Fiona Village and he's the only one among his peers that were ordinary with no special abilities.

He wore a green noble suit and a golden dove necklace around his neck. On top of his head was a white cotton cap that every Victorian-educated man could affordably wear.

"I want you to go to the Seerside of the Dark Scily forest. I want you to chase after the group of Aljen the merchant. He's with the priestess and my children. Here's the map. Bring your men to this location. ASAP," Chief Zamor directed, pointing to the exact location of the place.

"Wait, for real? I, I'm sure there's someone better than me in this job, and," Richarde hesitated and sighed, "Chief, come on. I don't remember I signed up for this kind of duty. I ain't a babysitter. And also, when did I become your chaperone or school service?" Richarde asked, snooping. "Yes, and that's why I'm sending you right now," Chief Zamor confirmed, smiling.

"Hey, should we call Lady Ylla for this?" Richarde suggested. "Nope, she's very busy in the church," Chief Zamor shook his head.

"How about Lady Dahlia? She and the children ain't stranger to each other. She's more compatible for the job," said Richarde with cold sweat. "She's busy in the restaurant and since her district experienced a bad omen for the past few days, her presence is needed there. We can't risk calling her for this mission," Chief Zamor explained briefly.

"Eeh? I don't understand. Why me?" inquired Richarde, pointing his index at his face. "Because you're the only one among them who is available and don't run some errand in this village," Chief Zamor declared, smiling.

"C, Chief, I know you love to make this man toil, but isn't this outside of my jurisdiction as the district representative, hmm?" Richarde fretted as he pointed his point. "What are you complaining about? This is exactly part of your duty and responsibility. One of the duties of a district representative is to implement the law. To serve and protect the people of the village. He and she must obey the task that the village chief bestows to them," Chief Zamor simpered.

"C, chief~, don't look at me like that. You're making me frightened," Richarde hesitated at first and continued, "Come on, I have a lot of things to do in my office," he pointed out.

"Like what? Walking around for fun and pay a visit to her restaurant in the morning. Flirt with your Dahlia in her office during the afternoon and you will go to the factories to check only the progress of the production, and not the people's condition. Tell me, what are you doing for the past few years as the district representative? Five years, five years, you refused a lot of important tasks by me. This is the only time I called you here personally. This is why you have no reason to decline. Accept this job and that's final," Chief Zamor encouraged with a terrifying smile and sharp gaze.

"B, b, but, my job is...," Richarde shut his mouth when his eyes turned sharper than before. "No, buts. Shut your mouth or I will clip it with this stapler. Now, take these files and make a strategy after this. No more questions to ask, you may take your leave," Chief Zamor turned around and placed his hands behind his waist.

Richarde sighed and saluted before he left.

His facial expression terrified him.

"Chief, this is not what I signed for," Richarde sighed, recalling the past conversation.


"Sir, the enemy is no longer shooting at us," one of the guards reported. "Good, that's good news. Man, I need to visit my Dahlia after this mission. I need to recharge," Richarde commented.

Richarde watched the butler who initiated a long jump up to the air. He whistled in awe.

"A butler who can fly like that ain't an ordinary servant working for a merchant. And that assassin or bandit, he ain't shooting at us but him only. To think the day I'm going to get mixed up with this complicated task. Man, I'm so unfortunate. I can't believe that the bandits will attack us and tries to kidnap the priestess and the chief's kids," he muttered aside that only he could hear.

'I ain't prepared for surprise attacks. I should bring more potions next time,' Richarde said inside his mind.

He deactivated the barrier and he pulled out a small bottle of potion, a blue liquid for mana and it had a logo of the Camelia clan. Then, he drank it.

'Just who the hell is Aljen?' he asked.

"Phew, that's tastes so good. Chief and the others are acting so strange, and big sis Ilona is always hostile to that kid. Man, something is going to happen," he chuckled and the people around him tilted their heads with a confused face.

"Sir, where should we head to, gate 1 or gate 2?" the coachman asked. "Gate 2, I want to pay a visit to my lady. She's the only one I can ask for assistance," he answered.

"Affirmative, sir," the coachman nodded.

Behind the large trunk of the tree, there was a man who was watching the battle through his binocular.

His gray suit which made of nylon was covered with brushes of grass. The emblem of the clan he belonged to was unable to identify because of the cover. He's lying down in the good spot where no one could see him from that place.

His ash-blonde bedhead hair showed his decisiveness and calmness. His masculine looks considered one of the handsome models of their era.

"Damn, I want to smoke. To think there are some people killing each other near to our borders. This must be reported to the guild immediately," he murmured as he slowly crawled back on the safe spot before he stood up and ran away.

He pulled out his communicator, a green small phone with a symbol of a butcher.

"HQ, come in. This is patrol over. HQ, this is patrol over. Does anyone hear me?" he asked. "This is HQ. What's your status?" the person on the phone answered. "We've got visitors from the village. Two powerful mages were fighting in the sky, some wagons hailed to their nest and a masked man ran for the forest. Requesting immediate support," he said, gravely.

"Negative. The boss denied it. Please report what you saw earlier to the boss, he said," the person on the phone stated.

"Fine, I'm going back to the second base then, ciao," he hung up and returned the communicator to his pocket.

The unknown man headed to the location he mentioned.

In the fourth district of the Neue Fiona Village, there was a medium-size temple on the fourth block called "Neue Fiona Temple". The wall was made of concrete, the stones which came from the north served as the glasses of the mirror, and the floor full of ancient roman tiles preserved the uniqueness and functionality of the scene.

An old man wore a longpao was walking in the hallway in a hurry. He's holding a small tangled paper in his hand.

He slammed the door open and entered the room of the Temple Grand Master.

Elder Damaso, an old man with wrinkled eyes, eyes closed with sharp eyebrows, and his long beard tied with a gemstone clip among the elders. His longpao decorated with golden leaves around his neck. A red leather hat showed his rank as the superior of their group. His dress was very bright, beautiful silk shoes having leather inside.

"Brother Damaso, the grand lord new order is here," he panted. "The time has finally come to us, brother. The lord is with us and he sends us a new prophecy for the cult," rejoiced Elder Wamo, one of the three great Templer Master and the second elder among the three elders.

Elder Damaso flinched for a second and he rubbed his beard as he asked the paper to hand it over. Then, Elder Wamo gave it to him with honor.

The old grandmaster opened the paper and read the content. His eyes trembled and his body shivered in happiness.

"W, wonderful! Good grief, finally. The Grandlord answers our prayers. Finally, our time has come. To think the opportunity is near to us. I can't believe this is happening," Elder Damaso covered his mouth in joy.

Another man slammed the door open and entered in a panic.

His name was Elder Kilo. He's a man of his words and the youngest elder among them. He had short white hair and a shorter beard than Elder Wamo.

He wore green longpao the same as Elder Wamo, showing his rank as the Temple Master.

"Is it true that the Grandlord bestow us a new mission, brothers?" Elder Kilo panted. "Phew, finally. It's been five years since we received his prophecy," he added.

"Brother kilo, stand down. This is not the time to celebrate," Elder Damaso croaked with a terrifying gaze.

Elder Kilo flinched. He placed a hand on his chest and lowered his head to apologize.

"Yes, brother. I'm sorry for my behavior," he said, calmly.

Elder Damaso patted his shoulder and he reminded him.

"Mind your manners next time. Don't forget that you're a master of this Temple. Keep your emotion in check, okay."

"Thank you, brother," Elder Kilo bowed.

Elder Wamo checked the outside before he closed the door.

"Brother, what is the message of the Grandlord?" he asked, gravely. "Hmm, Lord Seraph and our little brother have failed to subdue and kill their target," Elder Damaso commented.

'Arak did what?' Elder Wamo was surprised.

"W, wait for a second, why is Arak mentioned in the letter?" inquired Elder Kilo. "I don't know but to think our little brother would lie to me. To me, the eldest among us. What a disgrace to our family," Elder Damaso placed a hand on his forehead and heaved a disappointing sigh.

"So, Arak is straying away from us now, huh. Nevermind, that man has a mental disorder a thousand years ago. It's no longer surprising that he's been working behind the scene," Elder Wamo whinged.

"If the Grandlord gave him a mission, it should already be written on the future then. Maybe, it's already part of the plan of our great lord. We shouldn't insult our little brother for this matter. Yes, he lied to you brother, but please understand his situation too. He's been isolated in the forest for too long and it's been a long time since he got a mission from the supreme being," Elder Kilo reminded as he defended Arak from their insulting remarks.

"Get to the point, brother Kilo," said Elder Damaso.

"My point is, we should be proud that Arak has finally received a new prophecy from our leader. Despite the fact he failed his mission, shouldn't we show some support and comfort him, right? We're family after all," Elder Kilo appealed.

Elder Damaso and Elder Wamo exchanged glances and nodded in agreement.

"He's right. I guess, sometimes we fail and we fall in the hole because of the mishap, but that failure will make us stronger and wiser than before," Elder Damaso quoted.

"I agree," Elder Wamo seconded.

"Who is the target this time?" asked Elder Wamo. "It's the lord of this western island, Hermes Archnemesis," Elder Damaso flipped the photo and showed them his face.

'Wait, isn't that―' Elder Wamo's eyes opened wide.

'What the fuck, is that―' Elder Kilo's shoulder twitched in surprise, lips pursed.

""Aljen the merchant?"" they blurted. "Surprise? Me too. To think this man is lurking in the street freely, taking advantage of the instability and lack of investment here in this place. What a stupid man he is," Elder Damaso huffed.

"That man, huh," Elder Kilo rubbed his beard as he looked at the picture.

"This is a big revelation. To think that we're working with him all this time. His conceitedness will be the reason for his downfall," said Elder Wamo, mockingly.

"Calm down, everyone. I know deep inside your heart. This is nothing but an interesting feast for all of us. But let me remind you, the plan is no a simple task, and we must act according to our Lord's wishes and not our free will. I want you all to properly cooperate in this mission. Gather everything related to his crime and bring them all to me. ASAP. The Grandlord will be pleased to hear the good news. We shall not fail like the others, brothers," Elder Damaso instructed.

"Copy, brother. May the Grandlord of the Ratican Empire guide us with grace and prosperity. May the spirit of the root of Evil God be with us," Elder Wamo lowered his head and exited.

"Affirmative, brother. May the Grandlord of the Ratican Empire guide us. May the spirit of the root of Evil God be with us," Elder Kilo placed a hand on his chest and exited.

In the next district where the village hall located, the receptionist exited from the back and leaned her back on the wall. Her name was Ilona.

She's one of the trusted person of the village chief.

Someone appeared in the shadow and leaned his back on the wall without looking at her. He wore black clothes and his whole face was covered with a mask, which only his eyes were visible.

"What is the password?" the man asked. "Viva el Verdugo," she croaked.

The man transformed into the letter and floated in her position. Then, she caught the letter and read it.

A soundproof barrier engulfed the area she's stepping in when she opened it.

"Ilona, you've got a mission," the letter spoke.

"What is it?" asked Ilona. "The long-term plan is gradually getting closer to commence. And the whole place will burn and renew with new management. However, there is one obstacle that we need to destroy and wipe out from this place. The boss wants you to eliminate the threat, a small fry but dangerous to left alone. His name is Hermes Archnemesis.

Failure is not an option, you must succeed to remove him at all cost. Dead or alive.

Ps: This message will disappear in ten seconds," it declared.

'I knew it. To think that man escaped my men. Rag and the others are disappointing men. I wonder what happened to those rascals,' Ilona said inside her mind.

"To think my cover will end this month. I'm no longer surprised because the place is getting a lot of attention, and the people are starting to like him. This is why, we must strike first before it's already too late for us, huh. Hmmm, I get it, informant," Ilona stated.

Her face turned dark with a terrifying smile.

"By the way, before you disappear, please answer me, informant. Will the plan succeed this time?" asked Ilona. "Yes, the boss' plan is guaranteed," the letter answered.

"It's been five years since I went to this area for espionage. Thankfully, it will now stop," Ilona simpered. "Ilona, please remember that everything has already planned ahead of time. This time, all you need to do is remove the parasite out of this place," it reminded.

Ilona closed her eyes and tossed away the letter.

"Hermes Archnemesis is no a threat, but his servant is. The Consigliere is with him, and if we want to remove the tree from its position, we must cut its root," Ilona suggested.

"I see. I'm going to return now to my master. Don't disappoint the underboss. You're allowed to use any methods and act on your own, if necessary. Farewell," the letter assured as it disappeared like a piece of melted ice.

Ilona nodded and returned to her job as the receptionist.

Returning to the forest, Hermes Archnemesis rushed to the riverside. He's running nonstop from the enemy who was aiming for his life earlier. It's Arak the Great Tamer.

He met him again when both of them crossed each other. After the humiliating defeat, Arak cast a powerful spell at the young Don without remorse. Thankfully, Hermes luckily dodged the attack and ran away from the madman.

"Stay where you are, Hermes. [Fiere!]" Arak ranted.

"No fuckin' way!" Hermes argued.