The Don and Conspiracy of High Elves 2

Hermes found the tunnel, a size of ten meters wide. The blocks were made of old concrete rocks, and the metal used for the bars was bronze with the symbol of the old empire.

The tunnel was a secret passageway to the village, but since the young Don was still unfamiliar with this place, he had to rely on the ability of his companion, the nameless slime.

'Damn it, it's so wet everywhere. I hate this kind of place,' Hermes grimaced.

He stepped on the watershed and it immediately soaked his shoes and socks.

'Goddamn it, Stump G!'

His veins on his forehead appeared. His body trembled in irritation.

"Master, you don't look good today. Your face is scaring me too much. Do you need my help this time?" asked the slime with genuine concern. "I, I don't need your help. I'm not really mad, so shut your fuckin' mouth," he said, angrily.

"Master, you suck at lying. Next time, improve your dialogue, okay," the slime heaved a disappointing sigh.

'Shut the fuck up!'

Suddenly, a stomach-churning smell crossed his nose. Hermes's face turned pale and immediately covered it.

"What the heck is that smell?" inquired Hermes, trying to find the source of the bad odor. "It is a smell of the corpse, master. I will track it down," the slime answered.

Hermes gasped upon hearing the word, corpse.

"Tell me. Where is it now?" he demanded. "It is only seven meters away from us. It will appear once we enter its location," the slime responded.

'Should I take a look? But it's sickening!'

The young Don pulled out a cloth on his chest pocket. Then, he covered his mouth and nose thereafter.

"Wait for a second, the tunnel has only a single path," Hermes placed a hand on his forehead after he realized it.

"Of course, master," the slime simpered.

"Why are you happy now?" Hermes asked with an infuriated face. "Because we can walk into the lumps of dead people. With this free package of meat, I can gather more resources for our upcoming battle," the slime explained happily.

Hermes's face turned sullen.

'T, this slime is motherfuckin' sadist,' he commented.

"I, is there something wrong, master?" the slime worried. "Naah, I'm fine," he answered with a subtle tone.

"Master, master, we're almost there," the slime jumped in joy on his hand.

'I almost forgot that this creature is a slime. It is a monster in a flesh,' he sighed.

"Master, halt. This is the exact place of the unappetizing odor," the slime gladly pointed out.

Hermes stopped moving and looked around.

The path in front of him was blocked by a large pack of burned coal.

"Wait, are you sure this is the source? I thought you're jokin' about the corpse. You make me worried for nothing," Hermes sighed. "Eeeh, but that is the corpse I've been talking about, master," the slime eagerly pointed at.

Hermes gasped for a second, and his body flinched when a skeleton arm fell down next to his shoes.

'H, human b, b, body? T, t, this real!' He screamed inside his mind.

"Master put me back to your face," the slime requested. "Umm, master? I said, wear me again."

Hermes flinched once again and he quickly followed his request out of his control.

"Master, I'm gonna eat their souls," the slime sincerely declared.

'Damn it, this monster is really a monster!'

The mountain of corpses lay down scattered on their path. Their bodies decayed inside the tunnel, like a slice of burning meat inside the grill.

'W, what the hell happened to these people?'

"Slime sequence: Soul eater mode activated," the slime cast a spell around his body.

The surface underneath them began to quake, and the pressure slowly created a circle around his position. The water disappeared because of the heat released by the mass of its mana.

The whole place enlightened by its glamorous light.

Hermes's pocket vibrated and he quickly pulled the source of the vibration.

'The newspaper again,' said Hermes, worryingly.

He opened the newspaper and read the content.

[Breaking News: Slime Armor Innocence activated. The user is advised to endure the pain.]

'What the fuck is it talking ―? Aaaaagh,' Hermes knelt down from the pressure.

His body got electrified after the souls of the corpse entered his body. His eyes started to shed with blood, like a dead man.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" he screamed out loud.

"Master endure this one. This is our first time to gather these million sinners in this tunnel," the slime reminded.

'M, million? This is fuckin' nuts!'

"Master, this is our chance to level up from the second tier to the third tier. With this, we can unlock another type of powerful magical item, a weapon of destruction. These sinners will be the key for our world domination," the slime laughed like an evil maniac.

'T, this slime is an evil monster!'

[Virus Achievement: Butcher level achieved. A million innocent lives have been perished and transformed into mana materials. The user is now tyrannically considered a butcher of death.]

'W, what?'

[Virus Achievement: Slime Armor Level reached the third tier. The familiar sacrificed innocent lives for the sake of growth development.]

[Weapon 3: Unlocked]

[Weapons Mastery Level: Gold Tier. The accuracy level reached its fifty percent capabilities.]

[Ammunation has been replenished.]

[Virus Achievement: Slime Tyrannical Armor upgraded. The user achieved a powerful material that is immune to physical attacks and nullifies any powerful magics with one hand. But poison is still harmful to the body, so it is advisable to avoid a powerful witch who specialized in poison magic..]

[Insanity Level: Maniac.]

[Transmigrator Punisher weapons are ready.]

[Virus Achievements: High Elf Murderer. The user has now achieved an imperial seal of command to slaughter the race of remaining elves within the island.]

"H, holy shit, what the hell are these achievements?" Hermes's hands trembled with a cold sweat.

"Finally, we reach a third-tier level. We can finally deal with demon creatures, master. Man, I was right to eat the soul of Arak the Tamer," the slime simpered.

"Y, you ate his soul too? We're out of his range, though. U, unbelievable," Hermes shuddered.

"Oh, my gosh, master. You're a Maniac level. But still, you're still weaker than the high elves. It is my seven thousand and eighty-two times to eat one of them. Holy mother of crispy chicken, I wanna eat another one. I love their souls too much," the slime chortled.

"W, what do you mean?" asked Hermes. "Arak is a member of a powerful high elf. I wonder why they still exist in this world. Hermes Archnemesis, you're really my true master. Not only you used your brain in the battle, but you literally pulled an incredible performance to deal with those son of a bitches. But still, the souls of the sinners which pack of their crimes are delicious," the slime explained.

'H, high elf? That is not part of the main story,' Hermes contemplated it.

"Wait for a second here, slime. High elves shouldn't exist in this world. Only the human race prevails in this timeframe," Hermes argued. "Brilliant, master. As expected from you, you're still a xenophobic ruler of the past. Don't worry, master. It is no longer racist if there is only one race like you always told us. We will hunt them down as per your command," the slime proudly declared.

"T, that's not what I meant," Hermes complained.

Then, he checked the newspaper again.

Virus Objective:

[ Elven Pry Massacre Mission. Slaughter the remaining members of the high elves. Don't let them escape. The time limit is three days.]

"W, wait, Elven Pry Massacre? This is one of the main events of the game. But still, the content is different from the main story so far," Hermes analyzed it.

'What about the next paragraph?' He turned to the next page.

[Clan Mission: Add a new member of the family. The user will be punished if he fails to do so. The time limit is three days.]

[Harem Mission: Save the heroine within the Dark Scily Dungeon. Failure to save her will punish the user severely.]

[Clan Mission: Free the fifth district. The time limit is 30 days.]

"What the fuck is the clan mission and the harem mission? This doesn't make any sense?" Hermes complained. "Oooh, w, wonderful. A, as expected. You're forming a harem now, master," the slime congratulated.

"Shut the fuck up, slime," Hermes demanded. "My apologies. I'm just surprised that you're receiving the same objective again. No wonder the Goddess really put her faith at you," the slime said.

"Who the fuck is the Goddess?" Hermes tilted his head on the side. "C, classified information," the slime whistled like a dumb kid.

"Oi, who the fuck is this Goddess, huh? Answer me, goddamn it. Is that Stump G, huh?" Hermes inquired. "I, I'm sorry. But believe it or not, both of us will die if I answered it. Please believe me master!" the slime apologized.

'W, we will die? Damn it,' Hermes clicked his tongue.

"I really don't get it why, but I will hold this topic for now. When the time has come, please tell me who the fuck is this Goddess, okay. I will slide this issue today," Hermes instructed. "Y, yes, master. Thank you very much," the slime responded positively.

Hermes noticed the mountain of corpses melted down on the surface. His eyes turned sharp, like a lion looking at the dead of its prey.

"This is really a disgusting view," he commented.

"Master, it is a wonderful scene, though. These sinners have committed a lot of sins before they die. You don't have to feel sorry about them. In my opinion, we should celebrate their death. Why? Because they become our source of power and strength. Not only that, the hell itself won't even be bothered to collect them all. Why? Because they are already consumed by me," the slime proudly explained.

"Slime, you're a xenophobic monster, aren't you?" Hermes sighed. "Of course, I am," the slime gladly declared.

"By the way, is our little friend still nearby?" Hermes narrowed his eyes behind but he remained standby in his position. "Hmm? Yup, she is still there behind us," the slime answered.

"What do you mean, she? You meant, the creature is a girl?" Hermes, surprised, demanded an answer. "Hmm? Yup, the aura has a similar pressure as my sister. But I'm very curious why she is following us. You're here and I'm with you. I wonder why she's observing us. If she is my sister then she should already show up and introduced herself," the slime worried.

"Sister, huh. So, she is the same race as you?" Hermes inquired. "Aah, nope. She is a spirit who takes the form of the letter. Basically, she's the most prominent type of item that can be useful for your objective," the slime explained.

"What do you mean spirit? Are you telling me that you're a spirit too?" Hermes quizzed with a sullen face. "Hmm? Yup, but I'm a special one created for you. I'm the only child between the Goddess and .... oops. Classified," the slime shut its mouth before it could finish its last words.

"Umm, what? Hey, say something," Hermes demanded. "I, it's classified," the slime begged.

Hermes placed a hand on his forehead and heaved a sigh.

"Man, this game has a lot of loopholes!"

The young Don sulked like a salty child. High elves, spirits, and Goddess were the three words he couldn't comprehend.

'The plot is changing a lot. Damn it, Stump G!'