The Don and Conspiracy of High Elves 5

The informant pointed her index at Hermes' face.

"Who the hell are you, Hermes Archnemesis?" she ordered. "Me? You just already answered your stupid question, though. I'm Hermes Archnemesis. No one else," he replied listlessly.

She stomped the air twice with an angry face.

"I knew it already. Just what the hell are you?" she demanded. "I, I'm just a human being, though. Wait, your question is a little broad. Next time, it is better to prepare yourself in interviewing an adult, okay," Hermes pointed out respectfully.

Her face turned red and she puffed.

"Oi, are you responsible for the disappearance of the sinners, little piece of paper? Oh, sorry. My bad. I mean, my little sister," the slime inquired. "Y, yes, sis. I'm the one who ate them all. Basically, I have to make a room to interrogate this man privately. I don't really care about their lives, I will eat if I have to. An ally or a foe, they are always the same. They are just ingredients for my powers," the letter explained briefly.

"Aah, so I was right. Crap, I hate people who stole my food. My younger sisters are really a food grabber," the slime sighed.

Hermes looked at the eyes of the letter. Then, the spark of grudge hit each other's side.

"Sister, I will end this short reunion pretty quick. Let me honestly tell you my inner side about this matter. That, that, this man is a fraud. He's not the reincarnation of the former Emperor," the informant declared. "Fraud? Pfff, naah. He's not even an ordinary man, though. By the way, fraud of what? Being a man or a mobster?" the slime returned her with a question. "He's a fake master, sister. You should distance yourself from that man. It is only making me furious to see you like this. You're originally a deaf creature like no other," the informant condemned.

The veins on the slime appeared and lips retracted.

Her face turned dark with a red neon sight, like an evil manifestation of an ogre during the night.

The informant genuflected on the air, begging for mercy.

Hermes gasped upon seeing her remorseful face. He wished his hands weren't occupied. Why? Because he wished to pinch her cheeks.

On the other hand, the slime laughed out loud because of her sadistic behavior to bully the weak.

Who was the informant anyway? Hermes questioned it inside his mind. There's no lucid evidence related to her profile when they developed the characters of the game. Not even his female junior mentioned these creatures before.

Both of these unknown species made him too wary. He's really afraid to say something otherwise.

'Why are they callin' me, master? That goddamn Goddess must be Stump G. Wait, Stump G's voice is male, though. This is giving me a headache,' he grimaced.

In his studies, Stump G considered himself as a God. But in this world, there's no God after all. Why? That's because God should be omnipotent and the powerful existence who won't force his people to transmigrate into a different world.

He ain't an East Asian man nor an oversimplified weeb who loved the Isekai series. He's an ordinary man who wished to become the boss of his own company.

If some ignorant weeb read his statement, he would receive a bad review and humiliated his character. Why? Because they loathed people who didn't like their hobbies.

Hermes worried the slime for being a monster. This kind of creature resembled Venom of the Spiderman series of Stan Lee. A liquified species stuck on his body like a living parasite.

For the letter, Hermes carefully analyzed her body for proper intel. He quietly observed her body language and how she acted in front of her sister.

'Wait, will the FBI arrested me for this after all they are little girls?' he asked inside his mind.

He imagined the authorities attack him for the misunderstanding. He felt terrible when they accused him of being a pedophile.

'Man, I shouldn't think too much. FBI, CIA, or NBI doesn't exist in this world yet. Right, think positive, Hermes. Wait, I mean Aljen. Yes, I'm Aljen Mura. You're fine. All you need to do is to follow in the flow. Play along with their jokes for now,' Hermes placed a hand on his chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Is there somethin' wrong, master?" the slime worried, clutching her hands between her heart. "I'm okay. By the way, what are you gonna do about your sister anyway? This is a surprising development in my eyes," Hermes jokingly commented.

The slime turned around and faced her little sister who was looking at her like an abandoned kitten.

"No idea," the slime shrugged off her arms and gave up immediately.

Hermes looked at her with a disdained gaze.

'Oi, that's not a great response. Now, she's crying again,' he muttered.

"Oh, I got an idea," the slime hit her palm. "Hey, you piece of little paper. Do you wanna form a contract with our master?" she extended her hand upon saying it. "E, e, eh? T, that's impossible. I'm so sorry, sister. I am not allowed to do so," she lowered her head before her.

"Why not? Explain yourself, my sister," the slime demanded with a terrifying voice. "Uh, eh, I already pledged my loyalty to the rightful mast― I'm already taken, so I'm so sorry!" she begged for mercy.

'Why she hesitated to finish it? There's no harm of revealing it, though,' Hermes rubbed his chin as he observed them quietly.

The young Don wasn't a fan of forming another contract with a stranger, but the slime's plan said otherwise.

The grieving souls inside of her body started to lurk around like a powerful manifestation of her anger, irritation, and disappointment. Her liquid hair floated like the hair of medusa in the horror games.

"My day is ruined. My disappointment is immeasurable. To think you choose the wrong master. You're a disgrace to our family!" the slime cast a spell and shot her little sister without hesitation. Thankfully, the letter reacted quickly and used her shadow barrier to deflect it.

"S, sister, what are you doing?" the letter moaned, begging for an explanation. "You're no longer my sister. You're a disposable familiar and a disgrace to our group. There's no need for us to continue our chit-chat like we used to be. It's fun to meet you again, but this is the end. Farewell," the slime explained, converting the souls of her victim into mana.

The cries of the souls disappeared and two small spherical shape lights appeared on her hands. Then, she locked her eyes at her little sister.

Hermes remained calm after he witnessed the unexpected turn of events.

'This is gettin' out of hand,' his lips trembled.

His body stood still from the outside perspective, but he's shaking inside his mind. The true personality of his companion gradually revealed itself.

'They are sisters, but she doesn't hesitate to kill her on the spot. Unbelievable, this is some sort of a mistake. I'm gonna make sure I won't do something stupid next time,' he gulped his saliva.

"Master is our true master. To think you let yourself be tainted by a fake individual. Why, why do you think I'm attackin' you right now? That's because I hate people who don't know their place in this world. As your big sister, it is my solemn duty to remove the disease within the family," the slime declared, smiling.

Her smile looked genuine outside, but deep inside, she's holding a grudge against her little sister.

The letter petrified upon seeing her terrifying figure. Then, she vanished from our sight.

The slime clicked her tongue and folded her arms across her chest.

"She escapes. What a stupid little sister. I'm so sorry. This is not what I expected. Next time, I will kill her for sure," the slime faced her master and lowered her head in apology.

Hermes scratched his chin and smiled.

"It's fine. You don't have to worry. By the way, your little sister is a wonderful person, huh. To think she decided to appear even though she held a grudge against me," said Hermes, recalling the letter's disdain gaze.

"Master, there's a lot of time we can do right now. How about I explained your former relationship with my other sisters?" the slime suggested. "Naah, I'm good. I'm certain, I can come up with a great idea once I meet them in person," Hermes adamantly refused.

The slime saddened upon his refusal.

'I, I don't understand everything. I'm not your former master's reincarnation, though. Hmm, wait for a second, I should come up with a good strategy to distant myself from this creature. I'm very sure this creature won't stay with me once she meets the owner of that letter. Yup, this strange development between us is certainly wrong,' Hermes simpered.

He closed his eyes and imagined the case.

'Once I'm done with this place, I will migrate to the Unified States. Then, I will hail to Southeast Asia to make sure my character's potential enemies won't find me. Yup, this is the best. I shouldn't aim to become the strongest being. This creature is enough to dismantle a magicless unit in one go. In this world, the mafia bosses are attracted to the overpowered individuals. The stronger the person is, the fear of being trampled prevailed over their hearts,' Hermes commented.

"Unbelievable. You're scheming something, aren't you, master?" the slime puffed her cheeks. She transformed immediately from her human figure to a mask. "Of course, I'm always like this, slime. I have a wonderful plan that no one but me can initiate," Hermes cheered.

"Master, master, can you share it with me?" the slime asked, eagerly. "I'm sorry, but it is a personal agenda, slime. Don't pry into my plan, okay," Hermes demanded.

The slime cried happily.

"Master, you're really a magnificent man. Just like the old times, you're always making a plan ahead of time. Then, everyone will tremble in fear once you commence the whole thing. Wonderful. This slime here will always follow you. No one shall ever lay a hand against your will, over to my dead sexy body," the slime declared.

"Man, my legs are starting to stiff. Let's head outside," Hermes suggested.

'Crap, I have to find the children and Venus after this. Man, let's just pray they are okay,' he huffed.