Chapter 11 Charlotte's Awakening

Charlotte looked blankly at Nightin,her gaze that of a person who has lost her soul. A person who has lost her mind and the sense of direction in life.

Nightin looked at her and said "I'm Nightin...Your name is Charlotte...We are training ourselves somewhere..."

Charlotte fell on the ground,her arms hugging her head. She cried out "Help! My head hurts! Just who am I!"

Nightin attempted to get closer to Charlotte and rushed towards her. Just then,a glow of light shine above Charlotte and a spirit appeared.

The spirit was shining golden in colour,it was a woman who looked to be in her twenties, yet she gave off a feeling of someone who had been alive since the distant past. The woman looked at Nightin and said "Do not disturb her,she is the chosen one to receive my inheritance."

The spirit faded away after saying so, Nightin could only choose to stand at the side and wait for Charlotte. Despite the anxiousness within his heart,he could not do anything about it. He felt helpless again,just like the few times in the past. Nightin told himself "Damn it! Why is this happening again! I am already trying my best,yet nothing is turning out right!"

Nightin's hair suddenly turned into a deep shade of blue. The calamity blades of his suddenly lost control and released themselves. Each giving off the feeling of absolute cold.

Nightin did not know what this mean,one thing he know for sure however,is that he had somehow infused the ice element into his calamity intent... Not only that,his intent comprehension actually soared to 40%!

Just then,a horde of goblins actually appeared in front of him. The goblins were staring at Nightin,as though as if he is their prey for the day.

Nightin looked at them and counted "Twenty seven goblins at the ninth star of spirit gathering. Two hobgoblins at the first star of spirit apprentice and a hobgoblin at the second star of spirit apprentice.

The pack of goblins are holding a variety of weapons. From daggers to swords to axes and many more.

Nightin summoned out all nine of his calamity blades and infused them into one. It was the technique which took him half a year to learn.

The nine blades merged into one gigantic blade made of ice. Nightin had confidence in this ability. His current spirit essence should be equivalent to that of a eighth star despite being at the fourth star.

Each blade having the attack force of a half star spirit apprentice,a spirit gathering half a step away from reaching the apprentice stage.

If all nine merged,the destruction cause can be compared to that of a third star spirit apprentice.



All the goblins were actually wiped out in this one attack or his. Furthermore,such an attack only took about thirty percent of his spirit essence.

Just then Charlotte opened her eyes,she looked at Nightin and walked up towards him.

Standing in front of Nightin,she hug Nightin immediately,as though as if she is scared of losing him. She said "I'm sorry for making you worry,but don't worry, I'm fine."

Nightin sat down on the floor beside them and told her "It is alright,all that matters is that you are safe and sound. By the way,what is your cultivation right now?"

Charlotte replied "I'm at the half star spirit apprentice realm. However,it is not possible for me to get to the spirit apprentice realm within a five years from now, that is the restriction. But don't worry,four years will be gone quickly in this trail. Time flows at the same time for us,including our age..."

Nightin was shocked,that means that they are both at the age of fourteen right now.

Nightin took a deep breathe and asked Charlotte "What is your family background? What was the awakening about?"

Charlotte shook her head and said "I can't let you know about my background yet. Not until you are at the spirit emperor realm. As for the awakening,it is the inheritance of the seraph. After the time limit of five years is up,my cultivation speed will be ten times faster than before and not only that,exceeding the bow spirit realm will be nothing but a breeze."

Nightin told her "That is good for you. Don't worry,I will still be able to catch up to you. Maybe even exceed you one day."

Just then,the spirit appeared in front of them again. "Little fellas,looks like you two are still alive. So you two only have that one jade orb?"

Nightin and Charlotte nod their head and said "Yes, it's the only orb we had obtained ever since the trail began."

The spirit said "Very well... I will treat that as a...Holy shit!"

The spirit stared at them and shouted "This a rebirthed jade orb! It is equivalent to a hundred hade orbs! This belongs to the sole emperor here! You two actually killed it! Damn,the spider last time was the emperor!"

The spirit calmed down quickly and told them "Take this, it's a meridian cleansing pill at the divine tier."

Nightin asked out of curiousity "Divine tier?"

However,he did not receive his answer as the spirit had already vanished before he could ask his question.

Nightin turn to look at Charlotte and ask her "Should we take the pill?"

Charlotte replied "I believe that the spirit won't try to harm us,the pill should be beneficial towards us"

Nightin without hesitation,swallowed the pill and started the absorbing the pill effects...