Captured by force. [Eli]

I barely got away from the sleeping beauty in the hall. But he was easy to push. I headed north out of town. There is a forest near by that I can get lost in and I can just hope they were not good at tracking.

I have to take it slow there is only the moon to see by and in the forest it will be hard to see through the trees.

I walk for the rest of the night and as the early morning sun rays shine I take a break by the stream. I take out the dried meat start to eat.

After resting a while I start to head further north. It's was a hard long day and I'm tired. I build a fire to make coffee and to cook some fish.

I lay back and relax. When a shadow falls over me and I look up.

"Did I not say I needed to speak to you?" a booming voice startled me.

The dark hair man had found me, I give him a big smile.

"Well you see, I forgot I had to be somewhere and had no time to reschedule our appointment." I said.

The man gave me a puzzled look and I could see passion in his eyes. This man was dangerous to my well being and I needed to find away to get far away from him.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" I sat up and pointed to the ground for him to sit.

The man sat, "I think I have been looking for you. The Oracle told me to find the boy who will help bring peace to everyone."

"And you thinks it me, Sorry but you got the wrong person." I was not helping anyone rule this land.

The man sat there looking puzzled and it gave me a bad feeling. How was I going to run this time.

"You need to come with us to see the Oracle and if she says you are not the one then you may go." The man said.

"So are you going to force me if I say no?" I asked.

"I am afraid the answer is yes. I can not take no for an answer." He pinched his nose between his eyes and shook his head.

"What gives you the right to force me to go with you. Who do you think you are?" I was fuming and the man looked like he wanted to eat me alive.

The sleeping beauty walks over and holds out his hand, "My name is Adam and this is Maximum the current ruler of Pawā Nation."

I slap the hand away and says, "And that gives you the right to kidnap and force people to do your will?"

I always knew that this world is filled with users and I thought their readings made them good but I was wrong.

I know I can't run right now so I have to wait my time. "If I have no chose then I will follow you but know this, I help no one... but myself."

"You'll ride with me and Adam will take your things" Max said.

"No, I'll ride with the pretty one or I don't go." I was not getting close to that man.

Max agreed but he looked like he was in pain about it.

"So what's your name kid?" Adam asked.

"Eli, And I'm not a kid. Is he always mean?" I asked.

"Yah, but he is a good guy. You can trust him." Adam mounted his horse and pulled me up to sit behind him.

Max gathered my things and tied them onto his horse and we set off.

"So what do you do?" Adam said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Everyone does something. I take care of the servants and my husband Robert is Max's cook."

"You have a husband aren't you a guy?" I laugh.

"Yes, I am, but I also love a man and he loves me." Adam grins.

"Do you think you could love a man?" Max asked startling me.

"Me, I can't see me loving anyone. People only hurt others and use them. My father said there has to be goodness and trust to really have love." I could never trust anyone again.

"You can trust us, Maximum is one of the most trustworthy person I know. He would do anything to help his people." Adam said.

I looked over at Max and he had a big grin on his face. This made me kind of mad.

"Even kidnapping and forcing a stranger to sever you, against their will. Sounds like a good man to me." I said sarcastically.

The man frowned and that made me feel a little better.

I started planning my next move. This idiot I am riding with I know I can push to do my bidding but Max was a different story. I thought I had pushed him the first time we met but after the last time I am not sure. I will need to test myself.

'Stop for a meal' I push.

But nothing. So I try again.


I then feel the blood coming from my nose. It's not working.

"Here," Max hands me a handkerchief and I press it to my noise.

"Get those often?" He asked.

"Sometimes... thanks." I say.

"Your welcome. We will stop to eat soon. I want to go a little futher before we stop for the night."

I shrug my shoulder and say, "What ever."

I watch the jerk as we go along. He is in and out of deep thoughts.

'Go on the left' Adam then would direct the horse to the left of a tree.

'Speed up' Adam would quicken his horse.

'Go behind Max' Adam would slow down and follow Max.

I can control this man so how can I use him. My plans will need to be just right to get away. I can use the horses but then if the men can change that control easy.

"How about we stop here?" Max said.

Adam slowed down and slid off his horse then help me down. Then Max got off his horse.

That's it if I can get Max to get off first then when Adam gets off I can break free and ride hard while releasing the other horse to follow. But I need Max away from his horse first for it to work.