Falling in love [Beth]

As I sat there and listened I was traveling back to that place and time.

"What happened to the bunny then?" I asked.

"Our son died a year ago but your brother has three grand children and 5 great grandchildren." He laughed, "when you are feeling better you can meet them."

"I can't wait. Please go on with your story." I ask as I cover myself up in the quilt ready to listen.

"Ok were was I?" Robert asked.

"Magical bunny" I say

"Oh yah."

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇[flash back]

"A magical bunny. hmmm." Robert said.

"Yes, as long I take care of him then someday I will meet my future husband." Adam said with a smile across his face.

"Don't you mean wife?" Robert asked.

"No, The Oracle said husband. 'One hop two hop you will find. A husband that is true and kind. Three hop four hop just open your eyes for true love forms when told no lies.' So even though I never thought of loving a man my true love is one. So I will find him and become his wife. And my son here will help me." Adam explains.

Robert picked up the little thing. He was very soft and holding it closer he could see its pouting eyes and his heart moved.

Robert Once loved a boy back in the town her grew up in. They were the best of friends. Then he made the mistake of telling him about loving him and was run out of town. His father brought them to this hidden part of the forest and built this cottage.

A few years back his father got sick and passed away and because his mother loved her husband so much she only lasted a few months more. They were buried out by the lake where they loved to hold each other at sunset.

Robert looked at this young man a few years younger them himself and found his heart skipping a beat.

"Aren't you afraid of people finding out you married to a man?" Robert ask.

"That's a dumb question. No one can tell my heart whom to love. My best friend once told me I was too girlish and I thought he was teasing me. However he then said that is what I was meant to be so I should never change." Adam moved closer and started to pet the bunny on Roberts lap.

Robert sat there dumbfounded. Where did such a man come from. They talk awhile on many differnt thing and only paused for Robert to check on the fish stew.

When everything was done they sat and ate dinner.

"You can stay here tonight if you like." Robert said praying the man would stay. It was nice to talk to someone.

"I will Thank you." He gave the bunny some veggies and watched him eat.

Robert got up and started to clean up when he felt two strong arms wrap around him. Once again his heart skipped a beat.

He then turned in the embrace and wrapped his arms around this strange man. Then without a thought or mind they kissed and a fire inside them exploded with passion.

Robert picked Adam up princess style and carried him to the bed room where two became one.

Two hearts beating together fell in love that night.

The next morning Adam woke in Robert's arms. He found his other half just as the Oracle said.

The next day they stayed in bed most of the day. Talking, laughing, and having some naughty fun.

Adam told him about his life and Robert explained about his life.

After a week of being together Adam talked Robert into coming back with him and working at the Home of his best friend, the leader and king of the land.


"I have loved being with your brother ever since. He is kind and caring but will stand up for others. He runs this house like a family and anyone here would protect him." Robert said.

I really enjoyed hearing about my brother and Robert. I was glad he found happiness after all these years. It made her also a little envious too. She had gone through so much pain since her parents died. She just hoped one day she could find someone to trust and love as he did.

"You think the Oracle could find me a magical bunny?" I asked.

He laughed, "You could ask, I could take you there later if you like."

"I'll get ready." I jumped up and dressed to leave.

As we head downstairs Adam met us at the door.

"Where are you two off to?" He asked.

Robert gave him a quick kiss and said, "To visit the Oracle dear. She has a few questions for her."

"After that we are visiting your grandkids." I laugh.

"Oh you are? Let me know when you are back I miss my babies too I'll go with you." Adam said as We headed out the door.

"Ok love, we will. Love ya." Robert said.

We took a carriage to the edge of the city to the cottage of the Oracle. She walked out just as we pulled up.

"I've been expecting you two all morning." The old lady said. "Come in side."

"How did you know we were coming?" I ask.

She laughed, "I am an Oracle after all. What can I do for you?"

"If you knew we were coming then don't you know why we are here?" I ask.

She laughed again, "Robert could you make me your special tea please?"

"Yes anything for you Mabel." Robert said as he headed into her kitchen.

"Mable?" I say.

"Yes, that is the name my mother gave me, surely you did not think my name is Oracle. Come have a seat lets talk."

I walk over and we both take a seat on the couch.

"I do know why you came, but out of politeness I always ask. You want to know about your true love and the vision you had."

I can't speak so I shake my head yes.

"The dream guide is real and you were in between worlds. I am glad your choice was this one. As for the choice of love it's still an unclear paths you can take. Neither love or no love are clear, so it can not be said which on is the best."

"The person in red said I had to give up on the one I love to save this world." I tell her.

"Yes, that is a choice." She said.

I was even more confused now. Why can't I have love too. Why was I the one to suffer alone. As I sat there thinking to my self Robert came in with the tea.

"Oracle, is there no other way?" I ask.