Child in the womb [Max]

After I hear her story I am so angry I can only walk away. I just hope the vision is true and she does carry my child. It also means she won't die.

I go straight to our best healer. "I want Miss Elizabeth to have a complete checkup. I think she may be pregnant."

"Yes Sir I'll find her right away." He says.

I then go and find the commander of my troops.

"I want this area secure. Everyone be on the look out for Saundra." I order. I will keep my woman safe.

How did this happen. Did sleeping with her change our fate. I pray that it did but I also know she has to use her powers to bring things to an end.

I walk around checking everything then head to the main hall to go over the plans one last time before I turn in.

"Sir?" The healer says.

"Yes, how is she?" I ask.

"She is healthy and strong." He says.

"And is she with child?"

"Yes the potion turned red she is with child."

"Thank you, you my leave." She has my child in her. I just pray this tiny life can save it's mother.

I finished up going over the plans and head to the room. Robert and Adam pushed two beds together and are fast asleep.

I see the other two beds together with my love sound asleep too. I take off my heavier cloths and slide under the cover. I reach out and pull her close.

"I love you." I say as I kiss the top of her head and I feel her snuggle close to.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ [Beth]

I wake up feeling refreshed as if this was the first night I had slept in a long time.

Laying next to me with his arms around me is the man I feel in love with. I still plan to give him up to save the world and I don't really believe I will live. I love him so much.

As I watch him sleep I soon see his eyes open. "Good morning sweetheart." he says.

"Good morning. I'm hungry." I say.

"Then lets get dressed and head to the mess hall." He says sitting up.

We hold hands all the way down to were meals are set up. As we pass he gets reports on the set up. Almost ready here.

After breakfast we take a walk to decide were we need to go and agree it must be done at the top of the highest tower.

"How do we do this?" Adam ask.

"We'll from my vision all you have to do is hold me tight and don't let go for any reason. I am not sure how long it will take or even how far away our Uncle is." I say.

"The Duke is not far. His whole army is only a few hours from here. We just got the report." Max says.

"There is a storm rolling in can you still do it?" Robert ask.

"It was storming in my vision too so I believe so." I say.

We get everything ready. All the men are at their stations and the staff are in there rooms.

Lighting flashes just like in my dream. Adam arms wrap around me from the back and I lean into him.

I try and clear my mind placing my hands over Adam, I push 'Come to me Uncle and his followers... Come to me Uncle and his followers... Come to me Uncle and his followers...'

I keep repeating this over and over. I can feel the blood coming from nose.

'Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...' blood is now running from my eyes as the first wave of men come into view. They are easily captured.

'Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...' I can feel my strength leaving my body and I know I can not stop yet till my Uncle is captured too.

'Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...' I feel my life fading as I push more and more.

"She needs to stop, there so much blood." Adam says as he hold me tight.

"No not yet, If you let go she will die in vain." Max says.

"Die... No she can't die I just found her and her child what about her child." Adam yells.

Robert walks behind him and wraps his arms around him to keep him holding on to me. "This is her path, do as she asked my love."

Tears are falling down both their faces for they know this must be done.

'Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...Come to me Uncle and his followers...' My mind is getting weak and it's getting harder to push and just as I start to fall into darkness I hear 'We got them all including the Duke' Then I float to the world of light.

'Child your back' the person in red says.

"Did I save them?" I ask.

"Yes, you saved everyone. Peace will be upon the land for the next thousand years."

I feel joy but also sorrow. I did what I was born to do. I choose the path best for all.

"So any question?" The red person asked.

"I had a dream I survived because of my child. Why did I dream that?" I asked.

"Silly child your children will be born. Your not dead yet."

"Children?" I am puzzled.

"You carry in your womb two. A strong son who will be a great leader and a daughter to be the next Oracle."

"Then why am I hear?"

"This is the place between life and death. Neither here or there. Your body was used up and needed a break plus I wanted to see you again."

"Who are you?"

"I'm your Older sister. I died before you were born. Your grandfather killed me before I even got to see my mother face. That is why they ran away so you would be safe."

"Your my sister?"

"Yes I am. I was to be born an Oracle but I passed my power to your daughter."

"Thank you. How long will I stay here?" I ask.

"Listen well when you wake up you will be in danger. You must keep a cool head. Your power will be weak but you can use it but you must wait for the right time."

"The vision of the woman in green?" I say.

"Yes, she is crazy and will harm you and your children. Remember you must use your power at the right time. The choice must be made by you. Choose wrong and you three will die."