little bunny

Two six year old's run up the hill to a grave marker.

"Slow down Cindy." The boy yells.

"Hurry up Henry, I need to talk to Mabel."

Henry stopped to catch his breath as he watched his twin sister keep on going.

"Wait for me... wait for me." A little 4 year old yells.

"Little bunny, why did you come?" Henry ask.

"I want to see the ghost too." She pouts.

"We can't see Mabel only Cindy can." He says.

"Why?" Little bunny asked.

"Because they are both Oracles."

As the two climb the hill Henry watches as his sister talks to someone she can only see.

"Mabel I miss you."

"I know and I miss you too. How are your lessons going." The old woman ask.

"Good I have a question."

"What is it child?"

"The child that will be born today I keep seeing a power in him that is strange."

"He will have the same power as your mother. You must help guide him. Also his older sister is his amplifier and she must be taught too. Tell your uncle Adam and Uncle Roger. They will know what to do."

"Ok Mabel. I also keep seeing the butchers daughter Lillian with my brother. I think they are true loves."

"You are correct but don't push them just yet. When the time is right you will know." Mabel says.

"Tell Telinanna to go to the small tree over there. The thing she finds if taken good care of will lead her to her future husband. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Mabel will I find my true love?" Cindy ask.

"One day yes you will meet, I promise"

Mabel faded as the other two kids got closer.

"Did you see the ghost?" Little bunny asked.

"No, but I talked to Mabel. Little bunny would you like to find your true love someday?" Cindy asked.

Her eyes went big and she shook her head yes.

"Then walk slowly to that little tree. There you will find a baby that if you take really good care of will help you find your husband."

Carefully she walked as the twins follow behind. There under the tree was a small black bunny with smooth chocolate eyes. It was caught in a trap of string. Henry help to get the rabbit out.

"Just like daddy, A cute baby to find my love. Henry can you help me get it home. I fall a lot and I don't want to hurt him" Little bunny says.

As the three head home they are met by Robert.

"Hello Uncle Robert do we have a new cousin yet?" Henry asked.

"No not yet he will be at the 8th hour." Cindy says.

Robert laughed "The Oracle knows many things. What do you have there Henry?"

"Daddy it's my magic bunny. If I care for it Cindy says I get a husband. I hope he is just like you."

"Telinanna you father will not be happy about this. He got his bunny when he was 17 and found me when he was 18. You are to young." Robert said picking up his daughter.

"Uncle, Are you calling me a liar? I've seen the vision. Also I need to talk to you and my Uncle about your son's power and how it relates to little bunny." Cindy says.

Robert takes the bunny and his daughter holds it gently as they walk. Most powers come after one turns 16 but this one had power after being just a seed in her mothers womb. She was already a powerful Oracle at a young age.

As they get back to the house they find Adam and Max pacing in the hall.

"Daddy and Uncle don't worry there is still time. He won't come until the 8th hour." Cindy says.

Max scoops up his two children and kissed them both. "Where have you two been?"

"I had business with Mabel and these two followed me." Cindy said. "Daddy we all need to talk, take us into the study."

The group walks in and they all sat.

"Good, Tenninax will be born soon and he will already have his powers. Uncle Robert and myself will be the only ones that are not effected by him. We must help him to understand and use the power wisely. Daddy, Mommy will be the most help because she has the same power. Telinanna will be his amplifier so she too must be careful."

"Are you sure?" Adam asked.

"Are you questioning me because I'm the Oracle or because I'm 6, Uncle" She pouted.

"No... no... I believe you sorry." He said patting her on the head.

"Good, bye the way I lied the healer will be here in just a second hehe."

As on cue a healer walks in with a cute little boy wrapped in a blanket. Adam and Robert feel in love.

"This is the last one. Do not put my wife through this again understand." Max says.

"No this is enough our family is now complete."

"The queen is asking for you sir." The healer says.

Max runs up to their room. He still can't believe this is his wife. It was 7 years ago he met her and she refused to marry him. Then she left to come back once more with his parents rings.

"I have chosen a new path to follow." she says.

Max's heart dropped, "What path is that?"

She took his left hand and slipped a ring on his finger and placed the other in his palm.

Max froze... she was giving him both rings again. He was not giving her up this time. With tears forming in his eyes he watched as she held out her hand.

"Will you do me the honor of putting my ring on." She smiled up at him.

His tears turned to joy as he took her hand and placed the matching ring on her hand.

"I guess we have a wedding to plan." she giggled.

That was the path her choices led it is always up to us to follow. Even destiny is not written in stone.

Then End or another beginning????