Daisy can you hear me? 56

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After leaving Lae I smile. He let me kiss him again. I walk out and I see Jillian and I shake my head.

"Tell me the truth, what did you say to Lae last night?" I say.

"I told you. I was just trying to be friendly like you asked and he was rude to me. Taking in kids you know nothing about is going to be a headache."

"Jillian, I won't tolerate liars. Even if you are my best friend. Lae told me what you said to him. Now why did you say it?" I was getting mad.

"I told you what we talked about. If you believe him over me then maybe we are not really friends. Have I ever lied to you before?" She said.

"No, but why would he tell me that?"

"Tell you what? Tell me what he said about me. I deserve that much." She demands.

"He said, you said, I like men and wanted him to warm my bed. He said, you said, because his mother was a whore he would be a good one too. Then you said that I would use his sister for other men."

"For one, I did not know his mother was a whore. I know nothing about them. Second that is a mean thing to say, I would never be that mean." She started to cry.

I felt bad. How did she know that his mother was a whore? Just then Daisy came back. Jillian wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Lets go shopping." She pulled me along and Daisy followed.

As we walked through the little town I find a dress maker. I order five new dresses for Daisy. I asked if she makes men's cloths too. She said no but pointed out the tailors shop down the street.

The man was very nice and said he would stop by the Castle tomorrow at 1 to take Lae's measurement and make him five shirts and trousers.

While at the general store Daisy found some ribbons of many differt colors and I seen her eye a pretty doll. She touched it gently then next to it was a teddy bear dressed as a knight.

When she left to pay for her ribbons I got the two dolls. I then found a note book and quills for Lae.

Jillian hung on me all over town and was really getting on my nerve how she was treating Daisy. I just could not figure out how she knew so much about them. I knew Lae was not lying.

Then it hit me, the driver of the wagon heard us talking. I would seek him out. I knew he worked for the shipping company the Castle used.

"Jillian can you watch Daisy. Take her over to the stables to pick out a kitten please. I have some business with the shipping company. I have things I have forgotten at home and want them to pick it up next time they go."

"Ok, are you sure, a cat is a lot of responsibility. She is just a child."

"Jillian just do as I ask."

As they walk off I can see a nervous look on Jillian face. I head over to the Shipping company and ask to speak to the driver.

"He is out on a run right now. He must be popular. Right before he left a cute girl came to see him too." The clerk said.

"Do you know what they talked about?" I asked.

"Sure, She wanted to know about two kids that was picked up on the last run for Grey Castle. She asked what they talked about and who they were."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said the new commander of Grey Castle told him to let them ride with him. The commander then rode his horse next talking to them. The girl is a mute and can use telepathy. Their mother was a whore and they did not know who their father was. The boy is some kind of thief and was caught trying to steal from the caravan."

"Thanks" I handed him some jewels. "If that girl comes back tell her I was checking on getting some things pick up from the Kings Castle."

He look at the jewels and smiled, "Yes sir."

I found the girls coming out of the stable. "Daisy what's wrong?" I said.

'I hate her, she would not let me pick the one I wanted.'

"Jillian what is wrong with you? I told you to let her get a kitten."

"I told her to get one. She refused. Why do these kids hate me so much. I bet she said I would not let her get the one she wanted. That I took the one she wanted right. Well I picked the the cat I wanted after she did." Jillian said.

I knew Jillian was lying again. "Honey, I seen on the way here that the butcher had puppies for sale. Would you rather have a puppy?"

Daisy became all smiles 'Yes, please.'

I took Daisy's hand and left Jillian standing there. Daisy picked out the runt of the litter. A grey and black pug with a gimpy leg.

"Are you sure you want that one."

'He needs me.'

As we head back to the carriage I see Jillian with the kitten coming out of the shipping office. I just hoped that man did as I asked.

'Daisy can you hear me?' I had to try.


'Good, I believe you about Jillian but I want her to think I didn't so play along.'

'Ok' She smiled at me.

"Jillian I am sorry Daisy gave you such a hard time. I had a long talk with her and she wanted to say sorry. Right Daisy?" I said winking at her.


"It's alright, you just didn't know better being raised like you were."

I shake my head. Jillian was really to much.

I had someone take Daisy and the packages to my quarters as I help Jillian with her stuff. She share quarters with the other female guards so I only drop her things off.

"Can we eat together tonight. I'll bring by dinner for two after the kids have eaten and gone to bed." She said placing her arms around my neck.

"Jillian I think it would be best not to be this close. People will talk. I also think it best to stay away from Lae and Daisy till I can find out why they are lying about you. I really want you to be friends with them too." I say pushing her away.