I no longer need you 68

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I woke up the next morning and found the bed empty. Lae must of gotten up earlier.

I put my uniform on and head out for breakfast. Both my Dad's and Daisy were at the table.

"Good morning." My father Robert said.

"Good morning. Have you seen Lae?" I asked.

"He said he would meet you in the office." Robert said.

'He also did not let me wake you earlier.' Daisy said.

"Thanks" I ate quickly and headed to the office.

Lae was sitting at his desk writing down notes about the file he was reading. When he looked up he smiled. "Good morning did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Thanks. What do I have going on for today?"

"In an hour you have your first interview. They are on your desk in order. I have also asked for the women to come again they will be worked into the schedule. Any question on my notes ask." He said.

He is a pretty good assistant.

"I made you a pot of tea. It was sent to you while you were away from a commander Ddddd." He says pouring me a cup.

"That is Jillian's father. He always gets the best teas."

We work in silence till the first man comes in. I have a hard time concentrating. I have Lae make another cup of tea for me as I go over the notes.

After a long day I find a guard who can not be pushed. He is assigned to the new prisoner with a raise in pay.

As I sit I pull out my journal. I read over the last few entries. My heart starts to ache when reading about how I miss Lae, but why.

As we get ready for bed I just do not feel comfortable having him near me.

"It is so good to have you back." He snuggled up to me.

My body was feeling very uncomfortable. I could do nothing but push him away.

"Please sleep on your own side." I said.

I could see the pain in his eyes but could not care at this time.

"Ok, Is everything alright?"

"I can't do this. Can you maybe sleep somewhere else right now." This feeling of being near him was killing me.


"I can't sleep beside you. Please leave." My head was screaming now.

After he walked out my body calmed down. I could breath again.

As I looked around I seen his things and had to get them out of the room to. I removed them all then wrote him a note.


Don't come to my office. I no longer need you as my assistant. If possible please find another place to go.


This calmed me even more. Getting away from him was the best thing.

I tossed and turned all night then left early for my office. I then had to have all his things removed from there too.

I was going over Castle employees when a knock sounded.

"Come in."

It was my father Robert.

"Tell me what is going on with you." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Lae has packed his things and is leaving. A few days ago you could not stop talking about how much you loved him and now are pushing him away."

"Love, how can I love a man. He just bewitched me some how and now I have woken up. To be honest I don't know how you can stand to be married to that man Adam."

"That man is also your father."

"No, humans have a father and mother. Two men can not have a child."

I see my dad with something I have never seen before. He was mad. He stood up and walked to the window. I tried to hand him a cup of tea to calm him down.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Tea, Commander Ddddd sent it to me. I assume it's to say sorry for what Jillian did. But come to think about it she tried to warn me about Lae."

"When did you start drinking this?" He asked.

"Yesterday. Lae made me a pot of it."

"Did he drink any?"

"I don't think so he said it tasted bad."

He walked over and poured out the pot and the two cups. Then he took the tin.

"You have been poisoned with tarnell root. It causes your heart to harden and drives love out of your mind." He then goes to the door and asked one of the guards to get a healer.

"I just hope there is some mulling berries here to counter act this before it is to late. If not you will need to come back home to be treated by Lillian."

There was no mulling berries here so they would need to ride home. Commander Charles got two horses ready to leave.

"Why would Commander Ddddd poison me?" I asked.

"I don't think he did. We will have to find out when we get there." Robert said.

I'll be right back I need to talk to Adam before we leave.

When my father came back he said that Adam was not there so he left a note and we started off for the Captial.

We rode all day and just as evening was coming we arrived.

Queen Lillian took me to the cottage to get the mulling berries but they were not there and her tarnell root was missing.

"I've got some at the cottage. I'll be back as soon as I can." Robert said.

I went back with Lillian to the Castle and to talk to Jillian's father with Henry.

"I did not send you any tea. I also understand why you sent my daughter back . I knew she would not make a good guard. I am sorry. I'll investigate this and find you an answer." He said.

I went into a guest room to rest. I just did not understand what was going on.

I fell fast asleep and dreamed of a white flower calling my name. Telling me he was coming for me and not give up. I woke in a damp dark cell.